
Blurry vision haunts my nights
Nobody listens to my plights
no one's sins worse than mine
not even shadows at my side
judging eyes pierce my heart
words of daggers play their part
I am drowning in my tears
I can only hear their cheers
demons consuming my hopeless soul
demolishing all my life goals
another pointless sacrifice
Hell will be my paradise
take my hand come with me
This world is cruel you will see
death is knocking at my door
I cannot escape my fate

Now I lay my head to rest
shove a dagger through my chest
if I see mornings light
kill me in the next night
All hope is failed
God's love has bailed
Now my time is come for m
no more time to run or flee
a trail of bodies at my feet
time to go to sleep
hang your head and accept
Tell the secrets you have kept
now I lay my head to rest
shove a dagger through my chest

Long nights and a eternal days
life's a meaningless phrase
my soul's been corrupted
my deaths been interrupted
I'm treated like a criminal
like I have no self control
soon I'll only be a memory
I'll be gone and you'll be free
tidal waves of emotion
another pile of countless sins
close my eyes never wake
my life for death to take
Death is longing death is near
no more time to have fear
hope has been forgotten
Left alone and now it's rotten
I don't want to continue this pointless life
get rid of these failures get rid of these lies

Bang-bang now I'm dead
Blood is pooling from my head
bang-bang now I'm dead
Not a single tear was shed
Written by JeffyDaKillah
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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