Gorbachev turns 84 This month, March 2015

In George Orwell's book, "1984"  
The whole world is under Communism,  
That is, totalitarian tyranny.  
So the number 84 is somewhat synonymous  
With that infamous theme:  
The conquest of the world by Russia.  
(It's a lie that the Kremlin crazies  
Have given up on world conquest.)  
Now that Gorbachev has now turned 84,  
It may well be that this is the year  
Of the Russian Attack on America,  
(And the conquest of Western Europe  
That is described in Daniel 7.8),  
Which sort of fulfills "1984."  
There is actually a Biblical precedent  
For the age of a conqueror being given in prophecy.  
In Daniel 5.5 "the hand writing on the wall"  
Spells out,"Mene Mene, Tekel, Pharsin"(Dan 5.25).  
When those words are taken as nouns
The numerical value of them is 62.  
Then it adds that Darius was 62(Dan 5.31)  
At the time he conquers Babylon.  
There are some problems with that.  
For history books tell us
It was Gobryas, under Cyrus,  
Who conquered Babylon.   
The solution to that problem is to
Take Darius as Gobryas.

If we drop the last 2 letters, "Gobry" is left.
Gobry can serve as an anagram
For "Gorby", short for Gorbachev!
But 2015 is pointed to in other ways.  
So I dare to write on something as trivial  
As an old man turning 84.  
Why do I claim Gorby is the very ANTICHRIST  
Who will take over the world("every nation")  
Via "making war"(Book of Revelation, chap. 13,verse 7)?  
Because he is the one who made the false "peace"  
That tricked us into recklessly disarming!  
We gave up 2/3 of our priceless "boomer" submarines!  
(We had 39 in Reagan's time.  
We're down to just 12 at present!)  
Now that we can no longer deliver    
on our threat to retaliate effectively,  
Russia can (is about to) bomb us with impunity!  
The Gorb is about to fulfill the prophecy of Dan 8.25:  
"By peace he will DESTROY MANY!"(King James Version).    
PS:The Good News is that Russia's victory  
will last only "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10).  
For the Second Coming of Christ will reverse that conquest!  
I expect the Russian Attack in August(or September).  
So the end of Gorbachev's rule will  
Be in December (or January).  
Sure, the Bible says,"42 months" or "3 1/2 years"  
For the length of the Tribulation Period  
(Daniel 7.25; Revelation 13.5).  
But Christ said He would "shorten" it(Matthew 24.22).  
So I looked for a shorter period of time.  
And I finally found it in Rev 9.5,10!  
Joy of all joys!  
No wonder Revelation 1.3 says,  
"Blessed is he who reads .. this prophecy"!  
"5 months" of pain is a lot better    
Than "3 1/2 years" of it, OK?  
One more thing:  
Russia will NOT occupy this country.  
Western and Eastern Europe will be occupied.  
Before they get ready to come over here,  
The Second Coming will occur.  
China will be very mad  
When Russia deprives it    
of its two top trading partners:  
America and Western Europe.  
Before the Russian-Chinese War can begin,  
The Second Coming will occur.  
THAT super-war would be the massive slaughter  
That Christ alludes to in Matthew 24.22.  
("For unless those days were shortened,  
No flesh would be saved.  
But for the [Christians] sake,  
Those days will be shortened.")

PPS:The future conquest of Western Europe
Is put in terms of the conquest of "Babylon,"
For Rome is called "Babylon"(Rev 16.19; chapters 17-18).
So the "10 horns" with Rome become Babylonia.
So the conquest of Europe will be like
That of Babylon.
On that basis the same rule applies:
The prophecy of the conquest
Should contain the age of the conqueror!
This gives us, like i say,
The very year of that conquest:
2 0 1 5 !!!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 16th Mar 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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