Microcosm of infinity

The ones, the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,  
Are the basis for the rest of the number line.  
Everything that comes afterward  
Follows the pattern of those first few numbers.  
They are the paradigm upon which  
The whole number line is based.  
The tens,hundreds, thousands, millions, etc  
Are nothing more than the ones "writ large."  
Since the number line runs on without end,  
It is fairly synonymous with infinity.  
So if the ones,the numbers one thru ten,  
Are the microcosm of the whole number line,  
They come close to being  
A microcosm for infinity, itself.  
In "Auguries of Innocence,"  
poet William Blake spoke of the desire  
"To hold infinity in the palm of your hand,  
(And eternity in a single hour)".  
Well, by knowing the numbers 1 to 10,  
We, surprisingly, attain that goal.  
While I'm on the subject of  
the microcosm/macrocosm relationship,  
What would be the grandest macrocosm,  
the ultimate "Big Picture"?  
And what would be the perfect human microcosm  
That captures its essence?  
Well, infinity is the biggest thing conceivable,  
But i want something more graspable,  
More specific, more familiar.  
The universe itself is the nearest thing to infinity.  
If you add God to the universe,  
You definitely have the ultimate Macrocosm,  
God-and-the-Universe is
The macrocosm of all macrocosms.  
But what then would be the perfect microcosm  
That captures the essence of  
that supreme, majestic Macrocosm?  
Well, God and the universe are  
Living Creator and Creation.  
So the question becomes,  
What lifeform and its offspring  
Best resemble God and the universe?  
We're told that:  
Man bears "the image and likeness of God  
[the Creator]"(Genesis 1.26-27).  
And "Woman is the glory of [mankind]"(1 Corinthians 11.7),  
Probably because she imitates the Creator  
By giving birth to sons, daughters  
In the same way that God created mankind,His collective "son."  
I mean, God created mankind  
By first creating 4-footed beasts  
That then developed into mankind,His collective Son.  
Likewise, Woman creates the toddler  
That crawls around on "all fours,"  
Then grows into the upright son (or daughter).  
So Woman as mother (maker)of both baby and adult,  
Imitates God, the Maker of animal and man.  
Woman is the mother not only of humans
But of animals also.  
For the embryo and fetus pass thru  
The sponge-like stage,  
Called the "Blastocyst,"  
(No cell differentiation yet),  
Then the fish-like stage,  
(The beginning of gills  
and a two-chambered heart),  
Then the reptile-like stage,  
(a three-chambered heart)  
Then the mammal stage,
(a four-chambered heart)
And finally the conspicuously human stage.  
So, it's as if she is the mother  
Of the lifeforms in the Porifera Phylum(sponges),  
And Chordata Phylum(vertabrates),  
Just like God is the Creator of all the Phylums.  
But the Bible says that the universe is "within" God,  
"In Him we live and move and have our being"(Acts 17.28).  
So its NOT the mother and the baby  
AFTER its been born that counts.  
Rather, it's a woman "with child" in the womb  
That is the perfect microcosm of God and the universe!  
It is as if God and the Universe  
 - Infinity's figures -  
Both shrunk down and came to planet Earth,  
But in the form of something unremarkable,  
Something so common that you see it every day,  
Namely, an unassuming, visibly pregnant woman.  
Yes, a pregnant woman may seem ordinary,  
But she and the baby are anything but!  
Together, they make up the perfect microcosm  
Of the relationship between God and the Universe!  
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 20th May 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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