In a Glance

In a glance I saw you
In a glance I drank you in
In a glance I knew of you

Just a fleeting moment to meet
Just a fleeting moment to will ourselves to each other
Just a fleeting moment to find ourselves as soul mates

It took mere minutes to know each other
It took mere minutes to committed ourselves to be as one
In took mere minute to create a new life

Over a few passing hours we live life together
Over a few passing hours we Watch each other come into full bloom
Over a few passing hours we embraced the lives of our progeny and watched them grow

It all happened so fast, why do the seconds we are apart seem to last a lifetime each?
It all happened so fast, why must my heart ache so badly when I cannot touch you?
It all happened so fast, why am I so very empty when your not here?

All is forgotten as I glimpse you. In just a flash my pain is gone again. The wisp of your smile, melody of your voice and the touch of your lips instantaneous heal and make me whole again.
Written by frankleewriggle
Published | Edited 8th Nov 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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