Numbers and life

Numbers and life:
And this life we live
born and  visualizing for a thousand
that only starts with one, step I mean
One number evolves and grows to another
One life leads to another
This life now and an eternal tomorrow
and tomorrow's numbers are only but
the answers from today's calculation
and we grow and live
one,two and three persons in one
heart , body and soul
The life we are...

We do know that each second counts
each minute counts
so does each day
we live thinking we are adding numbers and days
counting towards our deaths
but we are actually subtracting
We live taking away from an already calculated sum
The tomorrows we live
a fixed number
and each day we subtract
no room for us to add.
These are the numbers and life....
Written by Dimedrone
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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