Daddies little girl

My past is done it's dead and gone. But why do I keep replaying it like  its a song. 

The lyrics are deep you'd  never understand . You might  
think you know but no one can , unless you were there to have seen what I  seen. if you did you'd sing beside me feeling sad you'd   want to brake the cd or  throw it at my dad.

fuck it it's done, "don't pity me" you'll  piss me off you'll 
make me scream. I  have to move on, if only I just stop replaying that  fucking song. 

one day I will I know I can I'm a strong ass women for  that I thank you dad, that's not  for u to take as a complement " hell no naw"  it's to make you see, That I  made it without you and  yes I'm glad .  glad you see you couldn't brake me. You made me better then you could ever be.  
it is what it is I still love you though.  just hate what you did to my  mom n my bro .
Written by Gg78
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