Honey x your a tool !

here's the thing

I'm entertaining as fuck
But not to you
and not today
And I'm telling you now
Don't even try to push your luck

I don't even no you
How dare you
How rude
I say this as a loyal wife
And a woman who isn't a fool

I don't mind some attitude
I don't mind some fun
But if you try to fuck with me
I'll shoot you
with your own fucking gun

Listen up honey
As I speak loud and clear
I might be light humoured
But there's not a laugh to be had here

Listen close
As I speak precisely and clear
Listen up real good
Because you need to fucking hear

I am a woman
I am not meat
And if you make one more comment like that
You'd wanna have fast fucking feet

Wanna hope your laces are tied
real tight
Hope you don't trip
Because I will make you cry for your life

Up off your knees bitch
Put your eyes on mine
Because I am here as a woman
Who deserves respect
And all that shines

Don't darken my day
By being a pig
I was built this way
Now learn from it

Woman aren't objects
This body bared my children
If you wanna gawk
Then go to the zoo
This body's belongs to someone
And that person ain't you

I came for a coffee
It's fucking not even 9
And you think that it's funny
On This what was a blissful morning
To try your corny pick up line

As I look you over
To see what's there
I just want to see the confidence
And from where

I notice like mine
Your finger has a ring
for better or worse
Have you heard that verse ?

And now I couldn't give
a fuck about you
But I feel sorry for your wife
And you should to

I'm gonna grab my coffee
and go about my day
And The only time
I'll think of you again
Is when I write with your blood
This letter in pen

I wish this ink was red

And I could write your foolishness out of my head
Drop deep buried and dead
I couldn't care less

Hope I never see you again
And I hope your wife
Gets better than you
Because she is probably somewhere
Unaware your a tool

........... I ain't here for your entertainment fool

P.s  honey ,
Your standing in a puddle of pathetic and drool x
Written by Spunkrat
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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