
I want you to know
I wont forget that day
The day you broke my heart...
I felt happy, elated even
For no reason at all
by a sunshine filled day
You know how much I love the sun
You know how much I love to be outside
Just like you
in the yard under an old truck
Good old shade tree mechanic work tried and true
I came to visit you
See how you were doing, tell you how good I had been doing
I loved visiting you
You were my best friend
I could talk to you about cars or anything
and we'd laugh and joke together
Working hard you were
I came around the corner peering under that old truck
You said hello nonchalantly
No matter to me you were hard at work
I walked into the yard visiting old furry friends
How I missed them dearly
There was a lot I missed
A lot
You came out from under the truck
Without a smile walking over to me
I smiled at you
But could feel something was different
What wrong are you tired
I know you work long hours
And your old bones are tired
You never give up
so strong
Yes it must be work
Is there something wrong I ask
You look at me with eyes I have never seen
No anger
No sadness
Just an expression of unfamiliarity
And then you tell me
You know how I have been living my life
You know
I am surprised but don't let it show
I tell you oh well that's not true
Oh its not
Then you show me evidence
In the form of pictures
Lingerie clad, suggestive poses
Underneath a description of services
I cannot deny
It is me.
I am at a loss for words.
You are gazing at me as if you don't know me anymore
The one you raised
the one you took care of
The one you loved so dearly
I panic
I try to explain
You can't see all the success, and happiness I have in my life
I get sad then angry
A flurry of emotion
I am an adult I can do as I please I retort
The same stare
I am gazing into the eyes of a man I never knew
you speak for a moment
You reach out and take my keys from my hand
A single key you slide off
a key to your home
I am taking it back you say
The key does not matter
I am taking it back, my love and approval
I am at a loss for words
I feel myself start to spiral
The one man, the only man I ever loved that loved me back...
I let it out at this point I don't care if anyone over hears
Hot tears flooding down my face
I scream and shout
I have been abandoned.
The stranger before me stares as I vent
But I cannot take it
I have to escape
I run
Run to my car
Jump in and drive away...
We have not spoken for a while
You used to call all the time
Now its as we never knew one another
I have let you down.
YOU have let me

Written by noirvixen
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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