Just a question : why nine points after 'title'? Three should be enough, but what is your intention by repeating three time the uses? Oh, sorry to be a little bit cynic, but I have difficulties to such a poesy, like painters who do a paint all white, for example. Some poets are minimalists, with a poesy very short, like an haiku... It is not your case, because you need to take place with white pages!!! Please help me to go inside your poetry, really, I am curious to understand more! (I am serious with this ask).
alright. that was a very good question you asked about the number of points. (sigh.) to tell you the truth about that, really i just pressed the period key for as long as i felt like it, and i guess nine was the number of periods that came out of it. all of the spacing in this piece was just off-hand as well. i just pressed the "enter" key until i felt it was time to stop, and then put in the next line.
as for my poetry in general, well, yes, i'm maybe a bit minimalistic. i like the idea of letting the reader come at least halfway to their own realization of whatever they get from my writing. i think, or i hope, that that makes it much more of a personal thing for each reader, as each of us is his or her self, and no one truly knows anyone else, and so i like to try to reach others on their own personal planes of existence if you will.
if you'd like to know more, anyone, just message me. i don't bite, of course, and i'll try to answer you as well as i can.
hah, oh, yes, thank you for putting so much consideration into some of my doings.
What's up with the huge spaces in between your lines?
"i lived my little dreams to death." "i keep wearing out their ghosts."
Maybe if you keep the lines together and not space it out so much, it might sound better. And if you use proper punctuations like capitalize the 'I' in both lines, and it's too short. I don't consider this a poem. Try adding more lines to it.
Another thing, technically, a dream is not alive...so how can it have a ghost?
i space them out because that in my opinion gives them more effect in themselves. the reader perhaps gets to ponder one line while spacing down to the next, not knowing exactly what it will be until he or she sees it.