Nobody noticed...

Nobody noticed,
The girl in the corner,
The girl hiding behind a mask,
Her pale face looking ordenary to the naked eye,
But if you look closely,
You'll see scars from her past.

Her dull green eyes normal to the naked eye,
But if you look closely,
You will see no soul in them.

She may say shes okay,
She wants to be alone,
But what she really wants,
Is a hug.

When teased,
She stays quiet,
Burning her anger,
On her wrists,
Telling herself that what they say is true,
When it really isnt.

Nobody noticed her thin arms,
Covered in black long sleeves,
Hiding forever her scars.

Nobody noticed,
Her eyes about to cry,
Yet she never did,
Why, how could she?,
If she didnt have a soul,
It died with her old self,
Locked away in the pages of her diary,
Her nights of sorrow,
Writen on the pages,
Teardrops marking them.

But now,
The only thing she cares about,
Is the nothing,
Wondering if the torture will ever end.
Written by just_lonely (Megan. Just Megan)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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