
I heard an unfamiliar voices
I paused allowing it to echo
Thinking it would Ricochet off the walls
like a superhero  with those powerful vocals in a movie
Hesitated to look I continued to walk
the voice continued to stalk
With each step that I took
My foot got heavier to lift
Starting to match the weight I felt in my heart
I continued to try and listen but with out opening my ears
Because when I really took the time to listen the voice I'd heard was mine
Scared to turn around I did
And There I stood
this duplication's physical features were as mine. But something was different it had this look in its eyes or should I say mines
A sense of weakness Could it be this
My deepest darkest fears, secrets. My inner being has gotten sick of playing and pretending
Tired of trying to move forward and faking new beginnings
I tried to turn around , I tried to turn around I TRIED TO TURN AROUND  
but I couldn't like a engine when you put your foot on the gas but it just doesn't give in
I knew that this time there was no winning
I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU were the words I heard as I turned my head east trying not to face the tension in the air
I couldn't believe the words that had came out of my mouth
But it was true cause I could never accept that I wasn't perfect
so I always hid behind the curtain trying to fake it until  I make it cause my sea of insecurities told me it was worth it ,it was  worth it , IT WAS WORTH IT.
Is this the end of me?
I have become my own enemy ,
Befriending myself only to trap me in so deep. Brutalizing my mental peace.
never knew it would be so hard to acknowledge that the strong does get weak
Written by thenamesni_
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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