I'm not your concern

You said I could come to you
when I needed a friend,
Someone to listen, maybe give a damn
But when I asked you to care
You slammed the door in my face
Told me to go, you didn't have the time
To listen
You couldn't spare the emotion

How does it feel to watch
Me drown?
Do you feel superior to my
Place the blade in my hand
And walk away
Don't bother to look and see
my blood hit the ground

All I needed was a moment
Of your time
To quiet the voices
To drown out the noise
To stop the descent
Into the depths of my despair
I needed you to care
But you made it clear
I'm on my own
So fuck you too
I won't be the one to
Break your fall
When it comes
Damn you and your lies
On your way to hell
I hope you enjoy the ride

Written by spikedemt (leah)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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