Playboy 2

There's this playboy
And I made the mistake of saying "Hey Boy."
And so ensnared
I fell for him
Sinking into a ocean in which I couldn't swim

This playboy was not destined to be mine
Which I see now-Is perfectly fine
But back then
I cried my heart out for him again and again
I learn the painful meaning of 'crush'

What it was like my have my heart crushed
Betrayed and broken by a friend
I couldn't wait for it to end
My heart-bruised and aching
Had no one to blame for this hell of my own making

He was stolen from me-
Even though it was a relationship never meant to be
and he had never been mine
I felt like a very good friend had crossed a line
But this is not where the story ends

Though every day I cried
And to cover it up I told many lies
I soon began believing in my own story
And I felt for him no more
And now

That playboy
Who I once wanted to see
Is now nothing more than a bad memory
And once again,when I see those eyes
He's only the boy that I despise
Written by UnlovelyandAlone (LovelyDreamer)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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