
"Miss Allie dear how are you?" I ask my old companion
She looks at me with those cold sky grey eyes
Blonde hair styled short and spikey, a nose piercing shimmering compared to her Snow White complexion.
"Why mighty swell Vixie darlin how sweet of you to ask, how about yourself?" She asks in the southern drawl that is her voice. She bats her eyes and I watch as the black flakes of makeup flutter away like a frightened butterfly.
"I'm good, nothing much to say.." I say while avoiding her gaze, I kept my green eyes hidden by a curtain of chocolate brown hair.
"Now now mis Vixian you can't fool me," she says while taking ahold of my hands "Now what's been eating away at you there."
I sigh, part of me always wished I was a better actress, but then I'd always be left alone with my demons. "Vixie?" Startled I look up, her cool gaze was concerned and affectionate considering I was her best friend.
"Sorry," I mumble "It's just.." How can she not know?
She's cool and calculating, whenever I screw up she's there like Wonder Woman ready to save the day
She's smart, taking honors classes while I'm just average. Just like I've always been.
She's everything I'm not, and that's what I adore about this stupid girl.
"Hey you know you can tell me anything right?" She says while placing her hand on my shoulder. I do know that, I love knowing that, I love saying she's my best friend.
But there's something missing. Some horrible void in my chest that keeps my heart from beating.
"I love you!" I shout, I didn't mean to shout it,
Oh no oh god what did I just do? She's going to think I'm gross or weird.
She's never going to want to be around me now, she probably feels so uncomfortable what was I thinking.
I jump up and start to walk away my face burning red, I feel so small and stupid why did I just open my mouth?
I feel someone's arms grab me and spin me around
Allie's staring at me with a small smile that showed her dimples I love so much
"Why didn't you just tell me how you feel?" She asks, I try to explain how I was scared and afraid I would ruin out friendship, but before I can start she places her soft lips on mine.
I try not to but I melt at the slightest touch, I lean in closer to deepen the kiss just a little bit. Her lips are soft and silky like a feather, her porcelain arms gently wrap around my neck, her tiny pixie like frame is so perfect and so fragile. She's like a doll, I just want to keep her away from anyone that would want to harm my little angel.
We break away for air and I stare at her wide eyed, face red like a tomato.
"Well you see, I kind of love you too."
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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