Eh, why not?

I'm surprised at how things turned out,  but it's a pleasant surprise
Like opening a present on Christmas morning, and even though it wasn't what you asked for you still like it anyways.
I finally did it, I'm fine with saying I won't miss many. It's like a weight being lifted off of your crumpled frame. It feels amazing.
Work. Work work work
I believe it's time for a new job, it's stressful finding rides to a job that's far away.
My boyfriend
We've have plenty of up's and down's like the ocean, but he completes me. I wouldn't be who I am today without him. I can see a future with him, and that makes me smile.
Well, I'm more comfortable being by myself alone with my thoughts and scetchpad, but I'm trying to mend lost friendships with some who are worth it. It's not without struggle, the distance could really kill if we allow it to.
I've realized who's worth my time and who isn't anymore. Now that that if figured out its so much easier to breath in that fresh summer air. They are there for me when needed.
  So yes, I really am fine. Everyone has their bad days that's understandable. I even stopped starving and cutting in the first few months of last year. I am a Pescetarian now, and my hairs back to being a chocolate brown, there's things I wish I could go back and change. Losing my best friend and being petty, luckily I never read your poems. Well,all except for one. My ridiculous jealousy, the insecurities and fears that I now see weren't even that important.
Okay, long story short, I'm fine. So stop worrying silly.
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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