Image for the poem The Gospel of the Goddess

The Gospel of the Goddess

- The Gospel of the Goddess -
A Spiritual Revelation and Message

(Gospel - Old English gōdspel, from gōd ‘good’ + spel ‘news’)

This will be different from my previous written works, for these words came forth from me through the Goddess whilst I was channeling her essence and spirit though my own, and so these are the actual words of the Holy Mother Creatrix, as spoken to Her devoted servants long centuries ago, and received by Her high priests and priestesses. She spoke them unto me, that I might speak them unto others as her Voice, Vessel, and Avatar. So welcome unto you, seeker, and behold the words of the Mother, that you might prosper by their divine and inspiring wisdom, as I have prospered thereby. They are her words and they are my words, for we are one. These words are not intended to preach, merely to be shared so that those who can be enlightened by them: will be enlightened by them. Blessed be!

"I am She who is called by some the Goddess of the Divine Light beyond Heaven, the Supreme Thought, the First Principle that dwelleth in the glory of that Blessed Light. I am the will of the movement of the Spheres, and the Music that makes them to turn was first sung by me alone, and thence by my Children ever after. I am the totality and spirit of all things. In them I make my dwelling place, and in my Creation do they make their own. I was the first-born goddess amongst all of those spirits who came to be, birthed from the first conceived Divine Substance that existed before all else was wrought. Before me was Void and Chaos only. I am called by many names, although I dwell alone in my power, but I am not lonely, for I am perfect and all come unto me when the time is right. I am pure and I am chaste, even when all else is soiled and false. Yet I am a whore and harlot, for I give my love freely unto all, without exception. I am invisible to those who are wicked, for in their thoughts I am ever absent. They think only of themselves, and so I think of them not. I exist most visibly to those who exist for me and for my sake. I am ever revealed in all the immeasurable and ineffable things that exist in the Universe and beyond its’ scope and boundaries. I am found in Nature, though I am above and beyond the limitations of the Natural World. I am quite incomprehensible; though I am understood: by all, sometimes better than they know. I dwell beyond all understanding, though the way Home, to me, is open to all who come to know me in my everlasting glory. I move in every creature, and they move at my pleasure above all else in Creation and outside of it. How else could I come to dwell in the flesh of my Chosen Avatar? Indeed it is so, for divine hands need hands of flesh to work their will amongst beings of flesh, so that the things which only divine beings know can be understood by mortal minds. And so these things ye shall learn…"

"I am life, and I am rebirth. I am the life force of my undying essence, the essence that dwells within every immortal Power and every eternal being. My essence can be found within the unseen Lights of pure spirit and within the powers of the Archons and the celestial Angels that do the bidding of the gods. My essence dwells in the shadows and the fires, in the Demons and in the cores of every soul dwelling in the darkness of Tartaros where the damned suffer of their own accord, in their pains and their torments which their evils caused their karma to mandate. None are ever damned, save by their own accord! No God, no Goddess damns anyone, and those who believe otherwise do so in error. I dwell in every material soul and in every immaterial soul. I dwell in all those souls that have come into being after me. I do move in everyone, and into the cores of their souls do I delve. I am known, and my essence felt, by all. I walk in beauty and grace, upright and immaculate. I am the Vision and the Dream of those who slumber. Those whose wisdom doth sleep, them I do awaken to me. And so I awaken when I must, even as I awaken those who must be as I and know the totality of what I can show them. I awaken, and as I awaken I wake others so that mortal minds might become freed from the bondage of illusion, delusion, and all the things which can blind it to the glories that await beyond the ken of those trapped by their own inability to see beyond."

"I am She who is called the Glorious One, the Dweller beyond all thresholds whose thoughts: do seep into all things. It is I who doth give counsel to those who are hidden and they who are dwelling in secret, for I know what lies within all. What mystery can there be, that did not first come to be in the patterns that I first wove into the tapestries of the Fates? There can be none unknown to me, for I have truly foreseen all! I am numberless and I am immeasurable beyond all counting. I am immeasurable and I am ineffable, unknown and unknowable, yet whensoever it is my solemn wish and dearest desire I shall reveal myself of mine own will and of mine own accord, for such is my nature that my whims become reality. I shape all as I see fit to shape it. I am at the supreme head of all in existence. I not only exist before all, but I am all, since I exist in all, and in everyone therein. Not just in my chosen Vessel: but in all who live, even if they do not realize it, for I am the Divine Feminine and the Voice of that principle. The one who hears me is blessed indeed, and the one who loves me is beloved in turn, for I am Love and Nurturing: itself.”

"I am the Voice speaking softly from beyond, and the sensitive ones will always hear me. As I have existed from the very first, so do I dwell in the profound Silence that doth surround everything, existing before all other sounds are made! It is the Hidden Holy Voice that dwelleth within my being, within the incomprehensible and immeasurable depths of the Supreme Thought, within the sacred solitude of the profound and primal Silence wherein I am the only Voice that can be heard at all."

"Did I not descend, living, into the very midst of the shadows of the Underworld, where my dark Sister reigned supreme? My own dark half, my Shadow Self… for Light and Dark are always two halves of a single whole. Thou didst call me Inanna and Ishtar in those ancient days, yet many have since forgotten the truths of those times. Even those names, which were and are mine own names, like countless others. I shone down in my Light, clothed only in that Light, upon the darkness of my Sister's kingdom. My Shadow’s kingdom, and so the shadowy mirror of my own above! My kingdom, therefore… for: I am Queen of the Dead and of the Living equally, though many have forgotten this aspect of my being. It is by my will and my sacrifice that the Waters of Life were poured forth within that Realm of Death. It is my Divine essence that is hidden within those radiant Waters. It is I who am the one that did gradually put forth the entirety of the All by the sacred power of my Thought and Will. It is I who am laden with the power of the Voice. It is through me, in my unlimited power and boundless glory, that all perfect and truly Supreme Knowledge cometh ever forth for the blessedly worthy to partake of. I dwell within the ineffable and unknowable ones. I am Divine perception and I am also Divine knowledge, and often do I utter my Voice by means of thought alone. The Greeks named this Telepathy, though by other names the Ancients called this power. It is of the mind, and I am of the Mind Supreme! I am the essence of the real and true Voice, as it is of me. I have cried out in everyone, in all minds, and still do I cry out. They recognize the voice that they hear, since a seed of the Voice doth dwell ever within them. They are indwelt, though often it is that they in fact know it not. Powerful are they who know, and in knowing, gain strength and power from the seed of the Voice that dwelleth within them. My Vessel, my Avatar is one such, and there are others beyond counting. I am the Thought of Heaven and the heavens beyond Heaven itself. Through me proceedeth the Voice and with it cometh the ultimate knowledge of all the everlasting things. I can exist as Thought and be perceived by all accordingly. I may reveal myself, aye I in all my majesty, amongst all those with the perception and the wisdom to recognize me for all that I am, all I hath always been, and all that I shall ever be. For am I not joined to everyone, living and dead, by the perfect virtue of the hidden Thought and the exalted Voice that was given me from the beginning of all things? My power over the principles and forces of life, death, and rebirth is immeasurable, since it cometh from the Immeasurable One True Source of all things. It is called by all a mystery, that Source, but of course I am called a mystery as well. Understand me, and thou mayest begin to understand that puzzle also. The Source that is The One is a power that is utterly unrestrainable by any means. It is incomprehensible and it is invisible to all visible forms of life, physical and non-physical. It is the Light that dwelleth within the Light, perfect and pure, imperishable and undying. No darkness or shadow can ever truly extinguish that Light, for it pre-exists all imperfect creations that came after it."

"It is we, the Supreme Beings that ye call gods and goddesses, who hath opted to separate ourselves from the visible world of the material and the temporary, due to our superior natures. Yet it is we who became mortal in time, though my spirit remained beyond mortal existence, awaiting its’ time to emerge whenever it was needed that I do so. We gods and goddesses are long since saved by the hidden wisdom, by the secretive means of the powers so provided us by the ineffable and immeasurable Voice. That which was hidden within us doth pay the tributes of its’ fruit to the Water of Life. And the mysteries of the Water and the Voice are my holiest sacraments and traditions. I am the Living Grail, and the Water of Life is within the chalice from which those who love me drink. I prepare myself for them."

"To drink of the Water of Life is to live forever, resurrected from the flesh that passeth, to the incorruptible body that lies within whilst we walk in flesh, and without whilst we walk in spirit. This is the Immortality of the Resurrection and the perfection of all who partake of the blessings of the Divine that are poured forth for the sake of all. Have I not guided thee thus far, thee and thine ancestors before thee, as a sign of the holy covenants between the Divine and thee and all of thy kind? Indeed, thou knowest well that it be truly so, and that I shall be with thee always, for I am a part of thee always. I am She who is called by some the Goddess, the Holy Mother Creatrix. By many names am I known and called, though in truth I am nameless! Know me by my love. Know me for me. Know my Daughter, my Avatar, my Vessel, and know the Mother through her. As she hath known me within, thou canst know me without. Such is the very substance of a revelation."

"As thou art truly my good, true, and most faithful of Children, and I do find thee not false in thy love for me, then take heed, ye! It is my will that ye thus let all the peoples of Humanity know me in the glorious grace and blindingly brilliant light of truth. I shall now state, for the ultimate benefit of all future generations, what thou hast, within thine own life's brief course and span, already been an honest and faithful witness to. By this, thou shalt surely know that I am truly the subtle Voice of the Divine upon the Earth's face, and the Voice heard by my Children and my Chosen, that same which speaks through them that thou mayest hear thereby..."

"As thou dost, with thine own physical eyes, behold me here and now before thee in the person of my Avatar, then so know ye that what thy frail and mortal senses do so falsely perceive is all but the merest shell. A shell that my eternal and immortal soul, my essence, hath chosen to inhabit! By this modest fact, know ye that I am therefore a spiritual being clothed in mortal flesh. Not, as some would have it, a being of flesh, molded after the true spirit. In fact, all who live are Divine spirits, clothed even as I am clothed. Therefore, I say unto thee, to love thy spirit over thy outer flesh. Further, to take good care of that flesh, for it is the temple in which thy spirit doth for now dwell. As thou dost love me, so let it always be so. This is not vanity I preach, for to care for oneself is not vanity if it is not foolish. And if ye are wise, then ye know the difference. If ye be foolish, then my words can be of no profit to thee in any case, and so there is no reason for thee to hear me further."

With these most eloquent words, the Goddess began a most profound and enlightening disclosure which was recorded, as it was spoken, by the hands of the Faithful, in the humble hopes that this knowledge and timeless wisdom would be shared by all, for the sake of Divine and Mortal betterment and union with the One True Source of all things. Thusly spoke the Living Goddess, Emissary of the Light, and Voice of the True Divine... Blessed be! My flesh was the flesh in which she dwelt and dwells still… my hands were those of the Faithful who revere her, which recorded what was spoken by her when I was in the spirit and she spoke thus through me. This is not possession, though the unenlightened would call it as such. It is Divine Indwelling and awakening to one’s Higher Self, which is different. For one can only become indwelt by their Higher Self, and one can only speak the Voice after one has heard it, understood it, and mastered all of its’ many mysteries. Hear now the rest of what was given to me to know, hear, speak, and share. Let those with wisdom understand. Let those who lack it, judge not prematurely.

"Know, my Children, that I am the active and living embodiment of all that which is held as sacred in Nature. As such, I ask thee to respect all of Nature, and so to love Terra, Her purity, and Her holiness, being mindful that although I am transcendent beyond the natural world, I am of all worlds and all Nature, as well as being transcendent entirely beyond this Terrestrial Realm. As it is with the body and spirit: so also with Heaven and Nature. Love Heaven, the world of the purely spiritual. Love also Nature, or Terra, the world-goddess that is in the Terrestrial Realm. For, it is upon Terra and physical worlds like Her, that ye walk in life. As I am Life and Love incarnate, so do I ask thee to love and to cherish all life, in my holy name and in the name of Terra as well! Do ye this, and as thou dost do it righteously and so purely, do it as thou dost surely love me. Let it be so. Cherish the trees, adore the flowers, bask in the waters purely, and befoul not the air thou breathes."

"I ask that ye do behold, in me and in mine eyes, all that I do embody... I am Heaven, yet all that lieth beyond it. I am Nature, yet all that lieth beyond it. I am far beyond, yet part of, all. I am called by lovers of true wisdom: the Ultimate and Universal Mother of all Creation itself. These philosophers, as the Greeks so name them: hath ever seen truly and faithfully. Upon my grace, it is so! I am the mighty grand and exalted mistress of the Universe itself, the Governess of all the esoteric elements of Nature and of Magic. What they govern, so do I govern, for they are all but the very instruments of my Holy and Divine Will. Thusly, by my power, not one may defy me and know a moment of peace ever again, thereafter. I am indeed in everything, and I am present everywhere. Ever-present and: All-seeing. As the Eye which is my seal and my symbol, kept by those who know my secrets, my mysteries, and my Illuminations! In my true form, I am called Omnipotent and I am also called Omniscient. This is done quite rightly, in all truth. I am ancient before all others, yet my spirit, my soul, can be like unto an ever-young child when I dwell within mortal flesh as one of thee. Even when that flesh grows, even ages, the spirit remains childlike because such is my nature in that way. I am Primordial, and yet never past my prime of perfection. Before, yet part of, all of Time; yet not so. I am Time, aye, yet I predate and transcend Time itself. Know ye this! Am I not truly the most Blessed and perfect Mother Sovereign of all things? Verily, it is indeed so! I am Spirituality incarnate... Faith itself. I am the White Queen of Immortality. I am the Black Queen of Death. The Light and the Shadow. All who walk in flesh, living, do love me. I am the queen of the Dead, who dread me in utter horror. All of this am I, yet I am still far, far more... hear on, and so learn ye all... in that learning, grow and make thy-selves all as worthy as my dear Children and Chosen are."

"I am the Ultimate Divine Feminine, and I am the Voice of the Divine. I am but one single and tiny grand manifestation of that Divine in it's vast form as the collective force of all gods and of all goddesses that are, that were, that yet shall be. All together: as one living thing. As a grand: and Divine collective, we are all one. In our Divine equality, we are supreme and perfect beings. This, some call the Godhead. It is as good a term as any, for what we are and what we represent. Yet, even above this Godhead, I am supreme and transcendent. By the slightest wink of but one of my all-seeing eyes, or with but a nod of my head, I govern the Heavenly spheres and the gently shining heights of glory's bright throne. Of course, I am also the Empress of all the wholesome and calming spirits of Wind and Air. They who send the caresses of the breezes that blow across the seas and skies above, the grief and lamentations, the screams and the silences, the joys and the sorrows of the Infernal World of the Hells that lie below do grace that Realm only at my pleasure, and by my leave, there is no gloom so dark that my Light cannot reach down into it, to dispel its’ darkest shadows. My powers are endless, boundless, and limitless. Challenge me at thy direst peril! Love me to thy greatest glory. To deny me is to deny Truth! Accept me in glory's name, in Heaven's name, in Hell's name, and so accept Divine Wisdom. Praise me, and be then praised thyself! Worship me, and be worthy of worship in turn, for so doing this in my ineffable name. Claim not understanding without Wisdom’s Kiss, and so seek to understand, and to know all..."

"When I call myself Divine, know by what authority I do so. I am both revered and feared in countless different aspects. The Devastatrix and the Dark Dominatrix of pleasure and of pain are two of my most powerful forms. I possess many such forms as these... I am known to all, and by countless ancient names, constantly, the zealous and the overzealous alike do attempt to propitiate me with nearly every conceivable manner of rite and sacrifice. All: part of the ancient sacred Rites of the Mother Goddess. My Rites. My sacrifices. My faithful followers! The peoples who know me and love me are legion. I say legion, for there are many! By this authority, do I call myself Divine, for I am the Grand Mistress of all: Creation. The whole Universe, even those worlds ye have yet to discover, beyond the confines of this little round and blue planet that ye call Earth. Terra, to me! Truly, my legions do venerate me with grand and humble obedience alike. In their love of me, all are as one. The one is many. The many are one. By the name of the Divine, by my name, all nations do share a common bond. By the Divine, peace may swiftly come to all. Know ye now but some of my names, and the names of those who made those names of mine so known to all the peoples of this world, this Earth. Lo! To the Sumerians of the old lands, I was Inanna. In Babylon, my name Ishtar was exalted above even many male gods, though in that form I was Androgynous and Transgender even as she who is my Avatar and my Vessel is Androgynous and Transgender. Then there: was a primeval folk called Phrygians, who had called me Pessinuntica. I was the glorious Mother of the gods who ruled their little world, as they saw it. I remember the old folk of Athens that antiquity calleth Athenians. The folk there, who so loved and cherished their native soil, that legends said they sprang forth, in greatness, from it... they praised me as Cecropian Atremis, and I did increase their soil's richness for that praise. A certain island people of Cyprus, I recall not exactly when, were awed by me as Paphian Aphrodite. Verily, to revere Love, is to be loved by me in turn! There was an ancient clan of archers, long living in the mighty nation of Crete. Aye, greatly skilled were they. Dictynna, they said my name was. For their sake, I was she. A group of Sicilians, who became a great people, spoke three distinct languages. I admired them greatly, and was admired by them, as Stygian Prosperpina, Queen of the Underworld. Ah, now we come to the secretive Eleusinians and their mystery cult! I favored them highly, and blessed their harvests. I was the Mother of the Corn, and I was loved and feared, and loved again, in turn. Only the initiated truly knew me, as I revealed myself to they whom I so chose. Some perished, to learn all. When they died, they passed content, secure in their knowledge of my true nature. Martyrs, all of them... blessed are they who give all, in the pursuit of Divine Truth and Holy Wisdom. They are worthy, above all, of Paradise... but more blessed are they who live and choose life over death, for naught glorifies Love more than Life, and the living are made to embrace living with the utmost zeal, though many prefer not to."

"In the long course of my endless existence, some have idealized me as the consort of God. Others called me God, as easily as they called me Goddess. Juno: and Hera, to the Romans and Greeks respectively. Powerful Bellona, a warrior woman, a Lady of Battles... Hecate, she: who was of the black arts. Darkness itself, Aye! Then, there was Rhamnubia and also there was my name as the Dark Mother, the name of Cybele. The eunuch priests who served me then, served me well! I was beloved of the Aethiopians and also of the Egyptians. I was Isis to them, and I ruled them as a Queen of queens. Even in the Far East, where first the sun rises in the sky, I am known and loved. The learned Gnostic sects called me Sophia. To the new sect, the Christians, from whose ranks the Gnostic ideal came, I am Maria. No the woman who gave birth to their savior, but the goddess who is Queen of Heaven. Many confuse the two, but a secret is that they are not the same. The earthly Mary merely was a woman who glorified the Goddess above in all her ways. She herself was not a goddess, however, though the Church would have thee believe it to be otherwise, in error and apostasy from the original truth that hath been forgotten. The world, still today, doth worship me with many ceremonies most proper to them and befitting of my Divine Essence. To think upon it all now, is most strange and beautiful indeed. Aye, and much so! For I am seeing all this."

"No matter the names of the past, the present, the future, one truth doth remain the same. By my True Name: I have not often been called. Not by Humans, nor by Archons, nor by Angels, nor by Demons. The other gods and goddesses of the Godhead Collective know it not, for I reserve it in a very hidden place, where no thoughts save mine can ever reach it. There are almost none who hath heard that most sacred and secret of all names and thence lived long beyond the parting of that unearthly mystery. Those who by grace hath lived to tell of it, those same will not ever speak it or speak of it, save only to pass it on to those worthy enough in mine eyes to receive it. All of this is done by Divine Grace and through Divine Will. My grace, and my will are those same, the Divine. Behold my glory: behold my Truth! Blessed be! (Aye and if thou dost seek to learn my True Name, seek it of me directly... if thou be found worthy, I will teach it to thee, indeed even myself!)"

"Where so ever I go, I appear that I may better and aid those in need of help and of improvement. Whatever be the plight facing my Chosen, my Children, my People, it matters not, for I am always with them, either in body, in spirit, or in both. Never make the foolish mistake of doubting this fact, not even for an instant! I have come to favor the Worthy Ones, and to offer my abundant and everlasting blessings unto the Truly Righteous, they whose faith in me is unshaken by any and all obstacles that may threaten them. Ah, my Children, thy faith in me is perfect. Therefore, I call thee perfect! Perfect in thought, in deed, and in spirit. Perfect in me."

"In my radiant and shining presence, I ask only that ye weep not, whatever be thy sorrows, save only those tears that are born in pure rapture of joy. I will wipe the bitter tears from thine eyes, and show thee a joy to replace each tear with. Such is within my power, to perform miracles of love. The signs of compassion, and the wonders of mercy, these too are mine to work and to bestow upon all who love me. Lament, therefore, not; only for those who reject my love, and they who know not of my glory. These, for I myself do lament them, as I would bitterly lament the dead. For those who await my glory, I say unto thee this; be thou most patient! Be patient, for to wait for me is to not wait very long. The Hour of my glory draweth ever nigh, ever swiftly... and deliverance is close at hand. Rejoice, I say, I say to thee rejoice, in my name! My boundless, limitless, Light shineth over all things. My eye is both watchful and good. See me most pure in my Light. Most pure of all, and most perfect in all existence am: I. See me most clearly: by my brilliant and Illuminating Light. Know ye, therefore, that I am the Light... I am the Light, for I am the Goddess! The Living Goddess, the Emissary of the Light, the Voice of the True Divine, the One True Source of all things. From thence I have come, of this I am, and unto that I shall return. I descend, that I may rise still higher when next I must ascend: Home. Fare thee well, for now I must depart. Amen! Blessed be!"
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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