Submissions by troutmaskreplica
Poet Introduction
peter hall trout mask replica
Iam the crown of creation
and you are my half baked relation
we are currently splitting the atom
on this rainy morning
we have come alive
in our honey hive
and it aint been invented yet
because never met
gentleman in tuxedo
loves woman with silver ballet shoes
and it's all stale news
Huckleberry Finn
he not in
because he is the nuclear underdog
and i'm the starter with the gun
for race tht isn't run
wow my baby blue
one of us go through
and i heard it buzzing in the grape vine
for you were never mine
and you are my half baked relation
we are currently splitting the atom
on this rainy morning
we have come alive
in our honey hive
and it aint been invented yet
because never met
gentleman in tuxedo
loves woman with silver ballet shoes
and it's all stale news
Huckleberry Finn
he not in
because he is the nuclear underdog
and i'm the starter with the gun
for race tht isn't run
wow my baby blue
one of us go through
and i heard it buzzing in the grape vine
for you were never mine
728 reads
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Pleasantville for Cindy
every single day
for she is an automonom
and knows no other way
down town starlet
gym membership is required
and the older tat women
are all top heavy and wired
both are cool and pretty
but they are out of luck
because tonight Tom Jones
looks like Orville Duck
rhyme ends
statement begins
70 years old
all zig zags in the sun ray
rusty eye of play dough
and cucumber sandwiches
on rye bread
for fat Fred
and toad
is la mode
like liquorice stick
on metro line
crackle with toasted...
every single day
for she is an automonom
and knows no other way
down town starlet
gym membership is required
and the older tat women
are all top heavy and wired
both are cool and pretty
but they are out of luck
because tonight Tom Jones
looks like Orville Duck
rhyme ends
statement begins
70 years old
all zig zags in the sun ray
rusty eye of play dough
and cucumber sandwiches
on rye bread
for fat Fred
and toad
is la mode
like liquorice stick
on metro line
crackle with toasted...
715 reads
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Daddy loved the New York Dolls
the sceptic punks
and bloody trolls
the youths all in leather atire
who set Dublin girls heart on fire
and he was drunk most of the day
for bartenders job that did not pay
the streets were sprayed with sick
the lamp posts bathed in blood
that's why my bloody father did no bloody good
They crucified old Paddy Murphy on the cross today
put a bottle of Bushmills in his hand
sang hymns to our lord and thought it bloody grand
but i say to all you people,the world is full of bad
thats what makes the streets...
the sceptic punks
and bloody trolls
the youths all in leather atire
who set Dublin girls heart on fire
and he was drunk most of the day
for bartenders job that did not pay
the streets were sprayed with sick
the lamp posts bathed in blood
that's why my bloody father did no bloody good
They crucified old Paddy Murphy on the cross today
put a bottle of Bushmills in his hand
sang hymns to our lord and thought it bloody grand
but i say to all you people,the world is full of bad
thats what makes the streets...
979 reads
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your pop art is fantastic honey ,but???
You make yourself un likeable' i said'
'Why' she asked'
'Well it's like a barrier you put up
the barbed wire in your soul
your pop art and fashion is great honey
but your soul is rusted thru'
'May be because i am with you' she said
'You God damned bastard
Jesus Christ and Mary
to relieve my aching heart
and escape'
'Why' she asked'
'Well it's like a barrier you put up
the barbed wire in your soul
your pop art and fashion is great honey
but your soul is rusted thru'
'May be because i am with you' she said
'You God damned bastard
Jesus Christ and Mary
to relieve my aching heart
and escape'
592 reads
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Polaroid snapshot
cigarette and razor blade
nose to the grindstone
be nice to people on the way up
you may meet them
on the way
and the latest psychedelic victorian recluse and babe
Miss Haversham
sits stoned
on Pips
latest stash
cigarette and razor blade
nose to the grindstone
be nice to people on the way up
you may meet them
on the way
and the latest psychedelic victorian recluse and babe
Miss Haversham
sits stoned
on Pips
latest stash
794 reads
America awakes
America awakes
this thanksgiving morning
ZIPcodes humming in anticipation
Cisco girls on west coast
shiny locks of hair
Pacific ocean shiny and blue on their bodies
L.A hipsters riding skateboards
along oblivion boulevard
lost in the muzak traffic fumes
to cold east coast ports
fog on Hudson
packing ice
funnelling channels
iced water
this thanksgiving morning
ZIPcodes humming in anticipation
Cisco girls on west coast
shiny locks of hair
Pacific ocean shiny and blue on their bodies
L.A hipsters riding skateboards
along oblivion boulevard
lost in the muzak traffic fumes
to cold east coast ports
fog on Hudson
packing ice
funnelling channels
iced water
795 reads
picking up the pieces
You'll never know how much i love you'
she said
'What do you mean' i replied
'living with your shit everyday
you watch tv thru x ray glasses
seeing people
right down to their bones
you know their ways and soul
from deep underground
mouths should be zipped
so the poison will not spill
on to
have to shovel their shit up
she said
'What do you mean' i replied
'living with your shit everyday
you watch tv thru x ray glasses
seeing people
right down to their bones
you know their ways and soul
from deep underground
mouths should be zipped
so the poison will not spill
on to
have to shovel their shit up
726 reads
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Blue dragonfly
When the world is spinning fast
built not to last
out of control
think of a blue dragonfly
hovering over water
like a beautiful daughter
it's life short and beautiful
no opening times at office
or travel plans to mull over
other than the here and now
forever the hippie
in summer baked days
it is we who are peculiar in our ways
dragonfly has it taped
down to a tee
wih it was
you n me
built not to last
out of control
think of a blue dragonfly
hovering over water
like a beautiful daughter
it's life short and beautiful
no opening times at office
or travel plans to mull over
other than the here and now
forever the hippie
in summer baked days
it is we who are peculiar in our ways
dragonfly has it taped
down to a tee
wih it was
you n me
599 reads
My art day
Wilbur chops big trees
brings light to bedroom windows
and i sellotape them all back together again
at 3Am in the morning
and my cool model lady sleeps on the sofa
her crazy ways
not yet woken
to dreams of canvas
and poetry
Budweiser at 10 o,clock
all has yet to come
in a malestrom of divine activity
because God was nativity
'Now where's that sellotape?
brings light to bedroom windows
and i sellotape them all back together again
at 3Am in the morning
and my cool model lady sleeps on the sofa
her crazy ways
not yet woken
to dreams of canvas
and poetry
Budweiser at 10 o,clock
all has yet to come
in a malestrom of divine activity
because God was nativity
'Now where's that sellotape?
803 reads
Neutral zone
I wanna be
champion boxer from Viet Nam
who trains on Spam
and lives his life
in toil n strife
in a caravan home
in the neutral zone
without a phone
to the outside world
cut off
champion boxer from Viet Nam
who trains on Spam
and lives his life
in toil n strife
in a caravan home
in the neutral zone
without a phone
to the outside world
cut off
596 reads
whispers of love
Your scent is coconut
and exotic
your breasts are rounded and formed
as i squeeze your nipples tendely
and whisper
a thousand love words
into your clitoris ear
and exotic
your breasts are rounded and formed
as i squeeze your nipples tendely
and whisper
a thousand love words
into your clitoris ear
1417 reads
girl with the magpie eyes
When big Joan sets up
it will be a monster day out for bunny girl
with the chocolate bow in her hair
her magpie eyes caught in a stare
all silver
n glare
now remembering
rabbit claw
and luck
Ziggy Stardust book
and the spiders from Mars
moonbeams dancing of cars
n cadillacs in street
that hum to the beat
it will be a monster day out for bunny girl
with the chocolate bow in her hair
her magpie eyes caught in a stare
all silver
n glare
now remembering
rabbit claw
and luck
Ziggy Stardust book
and the spiders from Mars
moonbeams dancing of cars
n cadillacs in street
that hum to the beat
686 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by troutmaskreplica