Submissions by lonely_litle_girl
Poet Introduction
I just like to write, so i do. Nothing special to be honest, im just me. Love it or hate it. Im not looking for attention or love. I dont want pity or hate, i just want to be me.. Whoever that may be.
They think they know you, let them. Another pawn in their little game you move as they move. A puppet almost. Keep quiet and they won't know. They find out, and your gone. Banished out of their perfect world where nobody cries acid tears. Nobody ever takes their own life, why would they? Silly people with their silly imaginations, as if anything is ever perfect. Why do they smile? What is there to be happy about? Nothing. But maybe its just you, mum always did say you were odd. You always were the outcast, the strange girl in the crowd. Maybe one day you will find your way darling, maybe.
905 reads
These days are getting longer and harder to handle. The piercing screams in my mind get louder and scarier by the day. My bones more brittle, my smile more faded. I try not to eat, I get so hungry. I try to stay away, I get so lonely. I try not to lie, but stories have happier endings. The scars are fading, I wish to reopen them. But I can't. I promised everyone I wouldn't. I try to sleep off the bad thoughts, but all I get are nightmares. There is no release, the stress continues building inside. Maybe someday someone will care, they say they already do. Why don't I believe them? Why can't...
943 reads
Don't forget me
You hear screaming so u run down the hall into my bedroom. You see me lying in a pool of blood,life slowly being sucked from me. My eyes becoming still...dead.
You scream and shake me but its too late. Your hold my hand and whisper into my ear "please wake up" as tears slide down your face and fall onto the floor.
You pull the knife from my hand and throw it against the wall. You are covered in my blood as you lay next to me and pull me close to you,wishing you hadnt let this happen. You beg god to bring me back because you know you will miss me.
You will...
You scream and shake me but its too late. Your hold my hand and whisper into my ear "please wake up" as tears slide down your face and fall onto the floor.
You pull the knife from my hand and throw it against the wall. You are covered in my blood as you lay next to me and pull me close to you,wishing you hadnt let this happen. You beg god to bring me back because you know you will miss me.
You will...
1027 reads
My fantasy
He walks over to me and i wrap my arms around his neck. He slides his tasty tongue around mine. He grabs my ass and lifts me up and carries me over to the table. I lie down as he takes off my shirt and undoes my bra. I run my hands down his chest, unbutton his jeans and pull down his underwear. He does the same to me then he slips his hand up my leg and teases me with his magic fingers.he licks around my thigh and makes me giggle and moan as he goes in. I am sent into a frenzy as his tongue tickles me. Oh how good this feels. I pull him close to me and kiss him. Then i kiss his neck and work...
1600 reads
My Darling
Something is wrong with me
I dream of black skies, acid rain trickling down my skin.
I crave the feeling of the grim reaper gripping my neck with his ice cold hands.
The smell of fresh blood is a sweet lullaby reassuring me its okay.
I look at my reflection in the angelic blade.
I grip her tightly, pull her close, and whisper "i love you my darling"
Her sharp edges dive deep into my skin and she swims around in my blood.
She skates up and down my arm, leaving weeping wounds to mark her territory.
I become wary as she heads straight for the pale...
I dream of black skies, acid rain trickling down my skin.
I crave the feeling of the grim reaper gripping my neck with his ice cold hands.
The smell of fresh blood is a sweet lullaby reassuring me its okay.
I look at my reflection in the angelic blade.
I grip her tightly, pull her close, and whisper "i love you my darling"
Her sharp edges dive deep into my skin and she swims around in my blood.
She skates up and down my arm, leaving weeping wounds to mark her territory.
I become wary as she heads straight for the pale...
857 reads
In love with love
Love is the clouds of pink and purple smoke clouding my naive mind. They swirl around and around, leaving me dazed and confused. I cant help but love him. He leaves me craving, longing for his touch. He makes me feel like a drug addict, constantly worrying when i'll get my next hit. Brushing of lips, holding of hands, binding of souls. His sweet song has submerged me forever more.
871 reads
f**k you, love
Love is the sole source of my never ending sorrow. It is the tumour that has embedded itself into the fibres of my unexpecting body. It is the black poison that seeps in through the aching cracks in mind in my untamed heart. It dives into my blood and swims around and swims around my body. My body shakes with fear as the acidic poison burns me from the inside.
876 reads
Don't believe him. Never believe him.
I wish you could see the salty tears escape my eyes.
See how the small drops of pain slide down my face onto the blood stained floor.
You lean right into my face and scream how you don't love me and you never did.
I was stupid to believe your toxic lies that filled my naive mind. I let your words enter my thoughts and cloud my judgement. My eyes fell in love with the way they met yours.
You made me feel safe.
I never thought you would turn around and tell me you hate me.
"Stupid bitch, I don't love you"
No. I wont believe you. You do love me like I...
See how the small drops of pain slide down my face onto the blood stained floor.
You lean right into my face and scream how you don't love me and you never did.
I was stupid to believe your toxic lies that filled my naive mind. I let your words enter my thoughts and cloud my judgement. My eyes fell in love with the way they met yours.
You made me feel safe.
I never thought you would turn around and tell me you hate me.
"Stupid bitch, I don't love you"
No. I wont believe you. You do love me like I...
834 reads
Am i normal...?
Her smile, they will never see.
Her laugh, they will never hear.
She hides behind the tears of a clown, in a deep black hole..lost in the middle of nowhere. Would you trade shoes with her? Would you want her life? Her empty,unfulfilled life. Like a clock without numbers, a mirror without glass. A knife without a blade. Yes. Her blade. Her beautiful, magnificent blade. Thats what she thinks about all day at school when she sits alone in class. Alone again at lunch time. That small, shiny piece of metal gets her through tough days. Just the thought getting home and knowing it will...
Her laugh, they will never hear.
She hides behind the tears of a clown, in a deep black hole..lost in the middle of nowhere. Would you trade shoes with her? Would you want her life? Her empty,unfulfilled life. Like a clock without numbers, a mirror without glass. A knife without a blade. Yes. Her blade. Her beautiful, magnificent blade. Thats what she thinks about all day at school when she sits alone in class. Alone again at lunch time. That small, shiny piece of metal gets her through tough days. Just the thought getting home and knowing it will...
910 reads
Dear best friend
I say im sorry as i look in your hazel eyes.
I say im sorry, i didnt mean to make you cry.
I wish i was there to wipe away your tears.
Do you know how much your scars fill me with fear..?
Those deep cuts in your skin keep me up at night.
Ill run a thousand miles just to hold you tight.
I'll let you know we can make it through together
I'll chase away the clouds and the rainy weather
I want to be there always, by your side
I want to see your smile that you always try to hide.
That smile is what gets me through the day
When you smile i've done my...
I say im sorry, i didnt mean to make you cry.
I wish i was there to wipe away your tears.
Do you know how much your scars fill me with fear..?
Those deep cuts in your skin keep me up at night.
Ill run a thousand miles just to hold you tight.
I'll let you know we can make it through together
I'll chase away the clouds and the rainy weather
I want to be there always, by your side
I want to see your smile that you always try to hide.
That smile is what gets me through the day
When you smile i've done my...
818 reads
The light
I see his face and its all perfect.
Hazel eyes set deep in his face, caramel skin.
He stares with a strong passion into my soul.
The light of his love brightens up my charcoal heart.
He is the sunshine that chases away the shadows in my mind.
It is so dark, cold without him.
He is bright.
He is warm.
He is a flashlight that guides me home...
a candle that burns away the cobwebs draping over my broken heart. I sit alone in the rain then i feel him grab my hand and pull me up.
So soft.
His touch is like a ray of sunshine being sent from heaven...
Hazel eyes set deep in his face, caramel skin.
He stares with a strong passion into my soul.
The light of his love brightens up my charcoal heart.
He is the sunshine that chases away the shadows in my mind.
It is so dark, cold without him.
He is bright.
He is warm.
He is a flashlight that guides me home...
a candle that burns away the cobwebs draping over my broken heart. I sit alone in the rain then i feel him grab my hand and pull me up.
So soft.
His touch is like a ray of sunshine being sent from heaven...
821 reads
sad face
Endless tears upon my cheek. Deep scars in my arms. Sour taste in my mouth as he says i hurt him. How i fall to the floor because he doesnt love me anymore. Shattered on the cold ground i scream his name and tell him i need him to stay. I need his voice in my ear at midnight, always known he'll answer if i call. I need his arms around me squeezing me and promising to never let go. I need his heartbeat against mine and his breath on my neck.
1069 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lonely_litle_girl