Submissions by lepperochan (CraicDealer)
Poet Introduction
sometimes my head fights a civil war. I never know which side started it, or which side wins. but I know for sure it was hard faught other profiles which I write with: Muggle, and am part of team Poetcast Project
And it was
It was, if but for a sleeping moment
a vision of a dream
and it was, it would seem; enough to awaken me again
to open my eyes
and breathe with conviction
I am me, I am alive
It was something, and it was nothing at all
not anything that could be worded
or painted onto a canvas
like all the other somethings and nothings
that have come and gone
or grown strong enough to live on indefinitely
it was beauty, like northern skies, taken
by pinks and cyan of Aurora borealis ...
a vision of a dream
and it was, it would seem; enough to awaken me again
to open my eyes
and breathe with conviction
I am me, I am alive
It was something, and it was nothing at all
not anything that could be worded
or painted onto a canvas
like all the other somethings and nothings
that have come and gone
or grown strong enough to live on indefinitely
it was beauty, like northern skies, taken
by pinks and cyan of Aurora borealis ...
1125 reads
Fly me to the moon
Oh, if you could see me now
hear how I put the flies to shame
for their endless loitering around my leftovers.
yesterday, for fun; I hoovered them all
every last one of them
into a moving, black buzzing body of mass
then turned the power off
and watched them make their way back out
one by one I named them.
hear how I put the flies to shame
for their endless loitering around my leftovers.
yesterday, for fun; I hoovered them all
every last one of them
into a moving, black buzzing body of mass
then turned the power off
and watched them make their way back out
one by one I named them.
1183 reads
The Latest Tenant
This morning there was an empty bed on the ward
I'd woken up a couple of times during the night
with the sound of a terrible groaning
and rushing feet, followed by curtains closing
machines bleeping and nurses gasping
at nine o'clock the cleaner came
changed the bed clothes and pillow cases
wiped down the locker and the floor tiles
then at half past, the bed was taken again
and the nurses greeted the new man with a smile
I'd woken up a couple of times during the night
with the sound of a terrible groaning
and rushing feet, followed by curtains closing
machines bleeping and nurses gasping
at nine o'clock the cleaner came
changed the bed clothes and pillow cases
wiped down the locker and the floor tiles
then at half past, the bed was taken again
and the nurses greeted the new man with a smile
1484 reads
Being Mortal
Last time I spent more than a few hours in a hospital
was over thirty years ago
I'd drank a bottle of whiskey, along with generous tasters
of everything else in the drinks cabinet, I was around eight
they said I should have died
There's a chill outside tonight
the ominous shadows of the old church guarding the old asylum
compliment each other with varying degrees of creepy
it's just a matter of sucking the life outta this spliff
before I can get back to the atmospherics
of Surgical ward D
If it...
was over thirty years ago
I'd drank a bottle of whiskey, along with generous tasters
of everything else in the drinks cabinet, I was around eight
they said I should have died
There's a chill outside tonight
the ominous shadows of the old church guarding the old asylum
compliment each other with varying degrees of creepy
it's just a matter of sucking the life outta this spliff
before I can get back to the atmospherics
of Surgical ward D
If it...
1196 reads
Life's Bitches
You can always trust life
to dish out the good ol' times
make a person feel
that living is where it's at
then quick as a flash
it will have their soul
smashed into a thousand pieces
like that kitchen window
some child has thrown his ball through.
We, who smear white pages with words
can't help but see these things
then soak them right up into our brain
and when the time seems right, wring them out
drip by soul destroying drip
I often wonder, if we are a living...
to dish out the good ol' times
make a person feel
that living is where it's at
then quick as a flash
it will have their soul
smashed into a thousand pieces
like that kitchen window
some child has thrown his ball through.
We, who smear white pages with words
can't help but see these things
then soak them right up into our brain
and when the time seems right, wring them out
drip by soul destroying drip
I often wonder, if we are a living...
1139 reads
Don't write back
If you do, I'll have to tell you
that's been on my mind
and you might find it hard to swallow
There'll be the mush
and other such measured lines
of treasured times
and heartbeats jumping 'n thumping
there'll be lines of hope
tied by thin rope, to the leg of a grand piano
that's edging slow towards an open window
But there'll be no words of caution
of how I'll peruse you, then prize your heart
'til I tear it asunder,
that's been on my mind
and you might find it hard to swallow
There'll be the mush
and other such measured lines
of treasured times
and heartbeats jumping 'n thumping
there'll be lines of hope
tied by thin rope, to the leg of a grand piano
that's edging slow towards an open window
But there'll be no words of caution
of how I'll peruse you, then prize your heart
'til I tear it asunder,
1962 reads
Some kind of angel
Three times I called out to her.
each time,
she stepped out of the blackness
and stood over me.
I pursed my lips for her kiss
but she just stared,
her face laced with pity
so I cursed her.
(pic from American horror story)
each time,
she stepped out of the blackness
and stood over me.
I pursed my lips for her kiss
but she just stared,
her face laced with pity
so I cursed her.
(pic from American horror story)
1206 reads
Just what the doctor ordered
never been one to invest too much hope
when blowing out candles on my birthday cakes
not since the age of nine
when I was sure I'd done everything right
eyes shut tight and fists clenched
blew like a boy possessed
woke up the next day
still me, and not where I'd asked to be at all
don't mind saying
that a world without magic
can age a kid
up the park yesterday
walking 'round taking in the scene
kind of serene in it's own way
watching nature's course
when blowing out candles on my birthday cakes
not since the age of nine
when I was sure I'd done everything right
eyes shut tight and fists clenched
blew like a boy possessed
woke up the next day
still me, and not where I'd asked to be at all
don't mind saying
that a world without magic
can age a kid
up the park yesterday
walking 'round taking in the scene
kind of serene in it's own way
watching nature's course
1541 reads
You Can't Fake Country Music
watched Willie Nelson today
one song over and over
could read every ounce of joy and pain
in the lines etched onto his face
all the women he'd ever fucked and left crying
present in his eyes. the fights and the bad lies spat
from a drunk mouth rang out with the haunting melody
teased from the old guitar he played
this shattered my resolve
because I'd traded everything I'd loved
and wound up with nothing but an empty shell
no heart no soul no fuck...
one song over and over
could read every ounce of joy and pain
in the lines etched onto his face
all the women he'd ever fucked and left crying
present in his eyes. the fights and the bad lies spat
from a drunk mouth rang out with the haunting melody
teased from the old guitar he played
this shattered my resolve
because I'd traded everything I'd loved
and wound up with nothing but an empty shell
no heart no soul no fuck...
1640 reads
Once in a Blue Moon
Last night
I begged the sea to wash me clean.
not so loud as the company would hear.
never even used my voice.
just gazed at the tide lapping against the pier.
I begged the sea to wash me clean.
not so loud as the company would hear.
never even used my voice.
just gazed at the tide lapping against the pier.
2230 reads
Shroom town cats
Having been plucked from obscurity
then thrown accordingly
to the farthest points of the galaxy
I fell through nebulae in steady oscillation
and on occasion
surfed sound waves
around illuminations
which pulsed with colors
as yet unseen
by man or machine
First thoughts
formed a fleeting question
that was; on reflection
given the nature of conversation
secondary to the hysterics ...
then thrown accordingly
to the farthest points of the galaxy
I fell through nebulae in steady oscillation
and on occasion
surfed sound waves
around illuminations
which pulsed with colors
as yet unseen
by man or machine
First thoughts
formed a fleeting question
that was; on reflection
given the nature of conversation
secondary to the hysterics ...
1363 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by lepperochan (CraicDealer)