Submissions by deathheadforlife (demon of mercy)
Poet Introduction
once a man of hatred now a seeker of peace. may mercy reach those who deserve it
lost in the past
all I've ever wanted to know is one thing
what is my purpose for being in this world
yet i feel like i have a fate that i cant change
and i have a life that i am forced to live
how can i have a purpose when i'm just one person
how can my purpose exist when all i do is follow orders
how can i be my own person when i don't know who i am
it feel like i was born in the wrong time and place
like history was my real home and the present is gone
so many like me exist inj this world
those who want to remember how it used to be
we refuse to be...
what is my purpose for being in this world
yet i feel like i have a fate that i cant change
and i have a life that i am forced to live
how can i have a purpose when i'm just one person
how can my purpose exist when all i do is follow orders
how can i be my own person when i don't know who i am
it feel like i was born in the wrong time and place
like history was my real home and the present is gone
so many like me exist inj this world
those who want to remember how it used to be
we refuse to be...
536 reads
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Love hurts
There are two things i can't stand, liars and thieves
I'm no thief but i tell the biggest lie every day
Put on a fake smile and talk in a calm voice
But on the inside im cracking and falling apart
Close to putting an end to myself
Going home and hiding so nobody knows
I can't hide it very well, my eyes show all my pain
Now the day of “love” draws near
I see all the couples together
Laughing, hugging, and kissing
Meanwhile i feel my heart fall to pieces
Remembering all the loss i've had
I was a good person to them all ...
I'm no thief but i tell the biggest lie every day
Put on a fake smile and talk in a calm voice
But on the inside im cracking and falling apart
Close to putting an end to myself
Going home and hiding so nobody knows
I can't hide it very well, my eyes show all my pain
Now the day of “love” draws near
I see all the couples together
Laughing, hugging, and kissing
Meanwhile i feel my heart fall to pieces
Remembering all the loss i've had
I was a good person to them all ...
755 reads
The taste
I grew up as an innocent girl
Never made any trouble
The perfect little angel
Atleast to the public eye…
I have an unusual craving
I crave the blood of others
I keep it a secret
Try to control it
But everywhere i go
The smell of it is so strong
I can't resist wanting a taste
To feel that flavor i love
My teeth ache at the thought
My hands twitch as i wait
But i can never go through with it
I just sit there keeping quiet
But one day i snapped
I caught this innocent boy
My mind went hazy
And when i came too
It had...
Never made any trouble
The perfect little angel
Atleast to the public eye…
I have an unusual craving
I crave the blood of others
I keep it a secret
Try to control it
But everywhere i go
The smell of it is so strong
I can't resist wanting a taste
To feel that flavor i love
My teeth ache at the thought
My hands twitch as i wait
But i can never go through with it
I just sit there keeping quiet
But one day i snapped
I caught this innocent boy
My mind went hazy
And when i came too
It had...
691 reads
Spirit of pain
When i was alive i was a good man
I saw the good in people
And i refused to harm anyone
But they all resented me
They hated how happy i was
And let me know every day
They said their words
Threw their stones
And turned a blind eye to my pain
I refused to believe i was hated
I was always kind to them
Through blood and bones
They showed their hatred
I let it happen
But one day it got worse
They finally did what they wanted
They all took my life
Showed how little they cared
Nobody even buried me
Just left my body to rot...
I saw the good in people
And i refused to harm anyone
But they all resented me
They hated how happy i was
And let me know every day
They said their words
Threw their stones
And turned a blind eye to my pain
I refused to believe i was hated
I was always kind to them
Through blood and bones
They showed their hatred
I let it happen
But one day it got worse
They finally did what they wanted
They all took my life
Showed how little they cared
Nobody even buried me
Just left my body to rot...
557 reads
Judgement day
We all pass eventually
After it all we face it
The gates that choose our fate
Either we get to be happy
Or burn in our shame
I've been waiting for days
But i know how it will end
I will burn just like i'm meant to
I watched so many people fall
Seeing the smoke of the flames
Hardly anybody got to rise
But every time i saw it
They smiled
Just like i always wanted to
Watching so many people fall
It makes me scared to wait
But as i walk to the gate
Begging for forgiveness
I saw those i hurt when alive
It's all i could see...
After it all we face it
The gates that choose our fate
Either we get to be happy
Or burn in our shame
I've been waiting for days
But i know how it will end
I will burn just like i'm meant to
I watched so many people fall
Seeing the smoke of the flames
Hardly anybody got to rise
But every time i saw it
They smiled
Just like i always wanted to
Watching so many people fall
It makes me scared to wait
But as i walk to the gate
Begging for forgiveness
I saw those i hurt when alive
It's all i could see...
681 reads
war inside
every day i face him
this anger inside
i want to keep peace
but all he wants is war
i see through my eyes
as well as his eyes
mine show the good
and his reveal the evil
his voice repeats all day
almost like glass in my ears
he always hits where it hurts
my family, friends
even someone i love
he fights for control
every chance he gets
he made me lose everyone
he made me hurt all my friends
he made me leave my family
but what hurts the most
he made me kill…
… someone i loved
and all i could do is watch...
this anger inside
i want to keep peace
but all he wants is war
i see through my eyes
as well as his eyes
mine show the good
and his reveal the evil
his voice repeats all day
almost like glass in my ears
he always hits where it hurts
my family, friends
even someone i love
he fights for control
every chance he gets
he made me lose everyone
he made me hurt all my friends
he made me leave my family
but what hurts the most
he made me kill…
… someone i loved
and all i could do is watch...
660 reads
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on my own
through every bloody moment
every cut and every scar
i face it alone
like i always have
i never needed help
i only needed hope
hope that i can fix myself
hope that my wounds close
yet with each day more open
and i add another scar to myself
i don't need anyone….
i don't need their help…
nobody knows what i need
they don't even understand
why i fight until my bones break
then fight all over again
nobody knows my real pain
they only see the scars
but the real pain is inside
the pain that i am alone
and always will...
every cut and every scar
i face it alone
like i always have
i never needed help
i only needed hope
hope that i can fix myself
hope that my wounds close
yet with each day more open
and i add another scar to myself
i don't need anyone….
i don't need their help…
nobody knows what i need
they don't even understand
why i fight until my bones break
then fight all over again
nobody knows my real pain
they only see the scars
but the real pain is inside
the pain that i am alone
and always will...
657 reads
over the years i had a reason
thought i had a purpose in life
but in life i was always alone
my only company was darkness
but even then i was alone
i had nobody who loved me
i only had a memory
yet slowly it slips away
that memory had a name
what was it?
why can't i remember…
it used to clear as day
but now i claw at my face
trying everything to remember
but all i do is forget
i ask the shadows for help
they dont answer
they never do
i was always alone
and i always will be
thought i had a purpose in life
but in life i was always alone
my only company was darkness
but even then i was alone
i had nobody who loved me
i only had a memory
yet slowly it slips away
that memory had a name
what was it?
why can't i remember…
it used to clear as day
but now i claw at my face
trying everything to remember
but all i do is forget
i ask the shadows for help
they dont answer
they never do
i was always alone
and i always will be
867 reads
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the target
i kept it all to myself
i have no choice
who can i even trust
all i am is a shadow
i cant be anything else
no matter who i tell
they only use it against me
mock me for who i am
and send me back to darkness
all anyone does is get angry at me
say i should never have existed
and put another blade to my throat
all i can do is keep my mouth shut
and listen to it over and over
nobody tries to know who i am
just follow the public eyes
and deny any of my words
to say that i cant resist
they're not wrong about it
even i...
i have no choice
who can i even trust
all i am is a shadow
i cant be anything else
no matter who i tell
they only use it against me
mock me for who i am
and send me back to darkness
all anyone does is get angry at me
say i should never have existed
and put another blade to my throat
all i can do is keep my mouth shut
and listen to it over and over
nobody tries to know who i am
just follow the public eyes
and deny any of my words
to say that i cant resist
they're not wrong about it
even i...
670 reads
i've been nothing but kind
but i'm nothing but hated
yet i never know why
i choose to be there for others
but in the end they only hit me
i come with welcoming arms
and only get stabbed
i care for others when needed
only to have them wish me dead
i want to keep my smile
but more and more it hurts
soon i'll be just like them
empty and hollow
my happiness is cursed
always being taken from me
even when searching for a new one
i never find it, only a new hatred
but i'm nothing but hated
yet i never know why
i choose to be there for others
but in the end they only hit me
i come with welcoming arms
and only get stabbed
i care for others when needed
only to have them wish me dead
i want to keep my smile
but more and more it hurts
soon i'll be just like them
empty and hollow
my happiness is cursed
always being taken from me
even when searching for a new one
i never find it, only a new hatred
762 reads
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the killers sorrow
even through his kills
his ruthless murders
his heart still hurts
his thoughts still haunt him
and all his memories
he wants to forget them
yet no matter how much blood he spills
and how many kills he manages
he's always in tears
he's always in pain
and he always will be
nobody knows his story
nobody can understand
he's not angry at anyone
he never was
he was sad
nobody asks who he is
never ask why he does this
never notice the tears in his eyes
only see the knife in his hand
only ask what he is
and beg for...
his ruthless murders
his heart still hurts
his thoughts still haunt him
and all his memories
he wants to forget them
yet no matter how much blood he spills
and how many kills he manages
he's always in tears
he's always in pain
and he always will be
nobody knows his story
nobody can understand
he's not angry at anyone
he never was
he was sad
nobody asks who he is
never ask why he does this
never notice the tears in his eyes
only see the knife in his hand
only ask what he is
and beg for...
775 reads
i have a curse
a silver tongue
i used to enjoy it
i knew exactly what to say
people enjoyed me
talking and laughing
but over the years
it rusted black
once kind words
now words like blades
i used to talk a lot
but now i refuse to
all it does is hurt
not just me
but those around me
i may bleed from the mouth
but their tears hurt me even more
to watch them crying
the pain it brings to me
i couldn't take it anymore
i cut my own tongue out
made sure i couldn't talk again
now all i have is silence
i am a...
a silver tongue
i used to enjoy it
i knew exactly what to say
people enjoyed me
talking and laughing
but over the years
it rusted black
once kind words
now words like blades
i used to talk a lot
but now i refuse to
all it does is hurt
not just me
but those around me
i may bleed from the mouth
but their tears hurt me even more
to watch them crying
the pain it brings to me
i couldn't take it anymore
i cut my own tongue out
made sure i couldn't talk again
now all i have is silence
i am a...
726 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by deathheadforlife (demon of mercy)