Submissions by darkangel17
as u lay me on top of u, i giv u a seductive smile. u kiz my shoulda nd make ur way to my nek. i get a seductive shiver thru out my body. u smile at da fact dat u had juz turnd me on. as i stradle u i kiz ur lipz. u let out a soft sigh az i lightly bite ur lowa lip. i make my way dwn to ur zipper, nd im welcumd by a hard bump. i pull dwn ur jeanz nd boxerz. ur big boi shwz he'z ready to play. i start out lightly nibblin him frum da top. i let him enter my mouth very slwly. u let out a moan. u try to move my head up nd dwn fasta, but i want to make u shiver. so i take ur handz in mine. i go...
1494 reads
My Nightmare
as you invade my dreams, i start to back down. seeing you brings an unknown pain. as you come closer to embrace me, i scream. your touch feels like fire. you let go with tears in your eyes. i fall to the ground with new scars on my body. you drop to your knees to look at me. you say you love me. i laugh but know its true. you lean in and kiss me. your lips are warm against my cold lips. you look me in the eyes and kiss me one last time. i try to hold on as you start to fade. you say you are sorry. i wake with a cold sweat. you are my nightmare and will never leave.
916 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by darkangel17