Submissions by daggerguns (.......................)
Iktomi’s Victory: a Sioux Trickster Tale Illustrates the Fragility of Culture
Josh Proctor
Honors American Literature I
Dr. Andy Rogers
October 10th, 2011
Iktomi’s Victory: a Sioux Trickster Tale Illustrates the Fragility of Culture
Ella Cara Deloria’s retelling of the trickster tale “Ikto conquers Iya, the Eater” is the type of tale that makes use of fantastical and supernatural elements to make strong statements about very real aspects of life. The trickster character, Ikto, succeeds in defeating the monster, Iya, which results in the freedom of the many tribes Iya had eaten. However, Iya’s character seems to be multi-faceted; the devoured...
Honors American Literature I
Dr. Andy Rogers
October 10th, 2011
Iktomi’s Victory: a Sioux Trickster Tale Illustrates the Fragility of Culture
Ella Cara Deloria’s retelling of the trickster tale “Ikto conquers Iya, the Eater” is the type of tale that makes use of fantastical and supernatural elements to make strong statements about very real aspects of life. The trickster character, Ikto, succeeds in defeating the monster, Iya, which results in the freedom of the many tribes Iya had eaten. However, Iya’s character seems to be multi-faceted; the devoured...
4750 reads
Last Waking Thoughts (Sonnet to be read in 12/8 time)
save for the scent of the sea-sons chang-ing
everything seems to appeal to his sight..
present and sacred are gui-ses rang-ing
from safety to truth, bearing light
safety and trust in the An-cient's liv-ing
deaf ears turned in-to functioning tools..
hundreds of years of their wisdom-giving
has crippled our nature as competent fools..
soft is the light of his glow-ing Dreams, that
soon will die out with the advent of Sleep..
he is the one who has seen it first, so
he prays the pages their souls, to keep
everything seems to appeal to his sight..
present and sacred are gui-ses rang-ing
from safety to truth, bearing light
safety and trust in the An-cient's liv-ing
deaf ears turned in-to functioning tools..
hundreds of years of their wisdom-giving
has crippled our nature as competent fools..
soft is the light of his glow-ing Dreams, that
soon will die out with the advent of Sleep..
he is the one who has seen it first, so
he prays the pages their souls, to keep
738 reads
an Occurrence at Mansell Road
Mansell Road must be the Sodom of the West
for Derek to be masturbating on the sidewalk
'How do you plan to repent after the Great City falls?'
I ask from across the street
'Carefully' he yells back
His flawless hands do look better in motion...
for Derek to be masturbating on the sidewalk
'How do you plan to repent after the Great City falls?'
I ask from across the street
'Carefully' he yells back
His flawless hands do look better in motion...
715 reads
An Introductory Piece
I offer this introduction to those who don't know me
I tend to be a purist and speak proficiently
If you require something more, or perhaps I confuse,
I would be happy to give more to you
I myself, prefer to be at the top of those around
And since I'm already there I shall halt my own sound
And pass this introduction on to the last of the three
His gentle knocking call reminding me
That he has been waiting so patiently
You see, he is quite a success and a moneyed one
Proven by the amount of women he will aquire
He is quite the success and...
I tend to be a purist and speak proficiently
If you require something more, or perhaps I confuse,
I would be happy to give more to you
I myself, prefer to be at the top of those around
And since I'm already there I shall halt my own sound
And pass this introduction on to the last of the three
His gentle knocking call reminding me
That he has been waiting so patiently
You see, he is quite a success and a moneyed one
Proven by the amount of women he will aquire
He is quite the success and...
989 reads
Of Worth that Matters Not
I believe in making sacrifices for personal gain
Like running out late at night for a fix
The price is a bit higher than it was last week
It's cool.
It's not like I can think clearly enough to do the math
As I'm handing over those crumpled bills
I cut someone off in my rush to get home
Good thing.
No police were there I forgot to bring my license
Back at my apartment, I waste no time
The sign on the door is a deep red colour now
It still reads 'rent overdue' just like always
I hustle to my room with the goods
Like running out late at night for a fix
The price is a bit higher than it was last week
It's cool.
It's not like I can think clearly enough to do the math
As I'm handing over those crumpled bills
I cut someone off in my rush to get home
Good thing.
No police were there I forgot to bring my license
Back at my apartment, I waste no time
The sign on the door is a deep red colour now
It still reads 'rent overdue' just like always
I hustle to my room with the goods
1029 reads
Original S1napse (Verse 2)
Elbows bent at obtuse angles
Hair that never twists or tangles
Eyes that breathe in light and sound
Skin that keeps movin' around
Hideous all that we beheld
Within these Dreams of all our selves
What happened? Yesterday was when?
Late in fall 2010
Our Dreaming stopped a mile ago
Now all our human race can show
Perfection of deed, desire, and thought
Salvation from all the destruction we wrought
We loved those wars and all they brought
A compound of misery's what we sought
During peace we got this from prejudice
Our petty differences...
Hair that never twists or tangles
Eyes that breathe in light and sound
Skin that keeps movin' around
Hideous all that we beheld
Within these Dreams of all our selves
What happened? Yesterday was when?
Late in fall 2010
Our Dreaming stopped a mile ago
Now all our human race can show
Perfection of deed, desire, and thought
Salvation from all the destruction we wrought
We loved those wars and all they brought
A compound of misery's what we sought
During peace we got this from prejudice
Our petty differences...
932 reads
Original S1napse (Verse 1)
Noxious television stars
Confusing real emotion scars
We try to leap into our Sleep
But no one sees us who we are
And no one sees them who they are
We think they Dream but no one Sleeps
We think the World be ours to keep
But concious Dreaming's what we got
It's safety assumin' the gun's in the room now
But no way to get out with brains on the wall
They tried to just get in but nobody mentioned
The Dreamers they dream and the Sleepers they listen
We glistenin' now, with no one around
'cept everyone everywhere all of the sounds
Confusing real emotion scars
We try to leap into our Sleep
But no one sees us who we are
And no one sees them who they are
We think they Dream but no one Sleeps
We think the World be ours to keep
But concious Dreaming's what we got
It's safety assumin' the gun's in the room now
But no way to get out with brains on the wall
They tried to just get in but nobody mentioned
The Dreamers they dream and the Sleepers they listen
We glistenin' now, with no one around
'cept everyone everywhere all of the sounds
717 reads
Yes or No
I hate
when there are only two answers to
a question becuase
you're either a sheep following the herd
or a hipster with just as little free will
when there are only two answers to
a question becuase
you're either a sheep following the herd
or a hipster with just as little free will
914 reads
An Ode to Bisplaced Meginnings (Antistrophe)
O, Bisplaced Meginning I encounter thou
O, Bisplaced Meginning I encounter thou
Whilst Beading Rooks about Purgatory and how
Whilst Beading Rooks about Purgatory and how
Boovies like Pot Skilgram make us laugh and
Mooks by Marl Karx will make us crink and then
O, Bisplaced Meginning I encounter thou
Whilst Beading Rooks about Purgatory and how
Whilst Beading Rooks about Purgatory and how
Boovies like Pot Skilgram make us laugh and
Mooks by Marl Karx will make us crink and then
817 reads
a few thoughts
I don't know much about love
All I know is it's not Lindsi
or Jessie
or Karlie
or Ashley
or Megan
or AJ
My mom asked if I need a counselor to talk to
Fuck no he'll "try to steal the genius in me now"
I need an exact-o knife
All I know is it's not Lindsi
or Jessie
or Karlie
or Ashley
or Megan
or AJ
My mom asked if I need a counselor to talk to
Fuck no he'll "try to steal the genius in me now"
I need an exact-o knife
730 reads
An Ode to Bisplaced Meginnings (Strophe)
O, the Bisplaced Meginning
Crafting humour in all
Crafting humour in all
Now Sharlie Cheen is winning
And the writings of Roald Dahl
Are writings of Doald Rahl
It gently caresses (so kently garessing)
And fittingly dresses (it drittingly fesses)
Like a Belour Vodyglove
Crafting humour in all
Crafting humour in all
Now Sharlie Cheen is winning
And the writings of Roald Dahl
Are writings of Doald Rahl
It gently caresses (so kently garessing)
And fittingly dresses (it drittingly fesses)
Like a Belour Vodyglove
790 reads
Cutting Ties
anxiety wracks this mind I inhabit
I never know where anything goes
everything he demands = everything I can never do
all that is demanded of me > what I can accomplish
in the beginning he claimed I was perfect
that first meeting was so long ago
now i can't even clean up my own mistakes,
I think the boiling point was months ago
I woke up a cold sweat
violent thoughts
as always
in my head
I can never do the things I want to do to end it
extra line that fills in space before the twist
I se/ver my tie ...
I never know where anything goes
everything he demands = everything I can never do
all that is demanded of me > what I can accomplish
in the beginning he claimed I was perfect
that first meeting was so long ago
now i can't even clean up my own mistakes,
I think the boiling point was months ago
I woke up a cold sweat
violent thoughts
as always
in my head
I can never do the things I want to do to end it
extra line that fills in space before the twist
I se/ver my tie ...
1607 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by daggerguns (.......................)