Submissions by crowfly
Poet Introduction
I've been a journalist and (unpublished) novelist, but writing poetry is a relatively new experience . I'd like to make some friends and get advice and feedback.
I still struggle to believe
Take the needed "leap of faith"
I fall short, land without grace
Slim hope left that I am redeemed
I recall my perverse days
Transgressions from the distant past
They still weigh upon my soul
And may well never dissipate
Yes, I on occasion do indulge
Savor vices that I now relive
The impulses that persuade me
So much to pardon, and forgive.
Take the needed "leap of faith"
I fall short, land without grace
Slim hope left that I am redeemed
I recall my perverse days
Transgressions from the distant past
They still weigh upon my soul
And may well never dissipate
Yes, I on occasion do indulge
Savor vices that I now relive
The impulses that persuade me
So much to pardon, and forgive.
562 reads

903 reads
I try to keep her placated
Money, jewels and foreign lands
She concedes that I am quite enough
To feed her growing appetite
She prefers to eat me fried
Dine on my breaded, steaming flesh
Claims that I am a man of taste
But still adds another dash of salt
She enjoys my remarks as she samples
Hears my assertions from the plate
Then swallows me, every scrap
And adores the succulent flavor
My nutrients course through her blood
And nourish her, my sweet treasure
She is convinced that she will thrive
And so...
Money, jewels and foreign lands
She concedes that I am quite enough
To feed her growing appetite
She prefers to eat me fried
Dine on my breaded, steaming flesh
Claims that I am a man of taste
But still adds another dash of salt
She enjoys my remarks as she samples
Hears my assertions from the plate
Then swallows me, every scrap
And adores the succulent flavor
My nutrients course through her blood
And nourish her, my sweet treasure
She is convinced that she will thrive
And so...
565 reads
Merry Pranksters on the long highway
Their bus, named "Further," shining bright
Loudspeakers planted on the roof
With the sound of Hendrix and The Doors
Hell's Angels followed close behind
Their motorcycles an uproar
Crowds listened to their bikes rumble
With gravel spurting in their wake
Pranksters and Angels found our park
Poured "Electric Kool-Aid" in a bowl
The hippies drank and had their fill
A taste of LSD that turned them on
Pranksters danced until twilight
Then took "Further" on the road
Their bus, named "Further," shining bright
Loudspeakers planted on the roof
With the sound of Hendrix and The Doors
Hell's Angels followed close behind
Their motorcycles an uproar
Crowds listened to their bikes rumble
With gravel spurting in their wake
Pranksters and Angels found our park
Poured "Electric Kool-Aid" in a bowl
The hippies drank and had their fill
A taste of LSD that turned them on
Pranksters danced until twilight
Then took "Further" on the road
541 reads
The vagabond outside the store
Requesting any ready cash
I give him what change I have
And his gratitude is unsurpassed
I then watch him drift away
His back pack heavy in the sun
But I marvel at his dignity
Even with an open hand
Some give him a buck or two
Others simply turn away
But he maintains a seeming pride
A confidence one hopes will stay.
Requesting any ready cash
I give him what change I have
And his gratitude is unsurpassed
I then watch him drift away
His back pack heavy in the sun
But I marvel at his dignity
Even with an open hand
Some give him a buck or two
Others simply turn away
But he maintains a seeming pride
A confidence one hopes will stay.
497 reads
Here resides a man apart
Impulses gathering storm
They grasp unpredictably
And he surrenders to their call
They indicate he is a fiend
Gutter instincts and desire
Drugs, whores and treachery
And his iniquity assured
But he seeks solace in quiet
The silence brings some peace
The shrill demands of his desires
Are muffled through their spite
But there's still conflict in his soul
A struggle, woe and blight
The slippage and the lost battles
The rust of a tarnished knight.
Impulses gathering storm
They grasp unpredictably
And he surrenders to their call
They indicate he is a fiend
Gutter instincts and desire
Drugs, whores and treachery
And his iniquity assured
But he seeks solace in quiet
The silence brings some peace
The shrill demands of his desires
Are muffled through their spite
But there's still conflict in his soul
A struggle, woe and blight
The slippage and the lost battles
The rust of a tarnished knight.
477 reads
In Good Company
Within the corner of his mind
Resides an archfiend well prepared
And licentious thoughts may well prevail
As desires gloat and play their hand
But she takes his sins so well in stride
Disdains his woe, the sense of guilt
Her wings conduct them to the sky
As he recalls corruption, long ago
All his transgressions to forgive
She consoles him with their flight
He releases thoughts of hellish depths
Anticipating new delight.
Resides an archfiend well prepared
And licentious thoughts may well prevail
As desires gloat and play their hand
But she takes his sins so well in stride
Disdains his woe, the sense of guilt
Her wings conduct them to the sky
As he recalls corruption, long ago
All his transgressions to forgive
She consoles him with their flight
He releases thoughts of hellish depths
Anticipating new delight.
483 reads
A Matter of Trust

755 reads
He departs his life for the cosmos
But observes hellish black holes
The look inclined to swallow him
And he can hear the weeping souls
But he travels with the speed of light
And prays to attain one star
It seems a long shot, shining bright
And his last journey will be far
But there's an angel by his side
Who takes him by the arm
Guides him to the stellar route
And shields him from flaring harm.
But observes hellish black holes
The look inclined to swallow him
And he can hear the weeping souls
But he travels with the speed of light
And prays to attain one star
It seems a long shot, shining bright
And his last journey will be far
But there's an angel by his side
Who takes him by the arm
Guides him to the stellar route
And shields him from flaring harm.
454 reads
Cheap Shot 2
The movie crew worked on the cheap
The budget being very low
The schedule was extremely tight
For this horror film maximizing gore
The director was incompetent
And almost every actor second rate
Special effects would steal the film
With pretty "corpses" in clamped jaws
The director did still call the shots
And the performers tried their best
But it was the killer "crocodile"
That chewed through a dismal storyline
Released finally to DVD
Anything to make a buck
Most critics just ignored this bore
The budget being very low
The schedule was extremely tight
For this horror film maximizing gore
The director was incompetent
And almost every actor second rate
Special effects would steal the film
With pretty "corpses" in clamped jaws
The director did still call the shots
And the performers tried their best
But it was the killer "crocodile"
That chewed through a dismal storyline
Released finally to DVD
Anything to make a buck
Most critics just ignored this bore
439 reads
This joker was once wild
Taking a multitude of risks
Some of them ill advised
And subject to my arrest
As for women, they were scarce
Most of them had common sense
A few quick fucks and they were gone
And only one of them stayed on
I have a daughter, far away
Her silence a mystery
She doubtless knows I'm but a clown
Yet not fit for my grandkids
But that cliché, "clean up my act"
Really does now apply
I may come close to cleanliness
I sure as hell will try.
Taking a multitude of risks
Some of them ill advised
And subject to my arrest
As for women, they were scarce
Most of them had common sense
A few quick fucks and they were gone
And only one of them stayed on
I have a daughter, far away
Her silence a mystery
She doubtless knows I'm but a clown
Yet not fit for my grandkids
But that cliché, "clean up my act"
Really does now apply
I may come close to cleanliness
I sure as hell will try.
517 reads
Shower Shared

875 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by crowfly