Submissions by chrishansen
Poet Introduction
I have been writing for many years. My method is to feel scenes in my mind's eye, and then to give words to these landscapes.
Which way does the wind
He stays in the land a ways from the buildings and smells. One foot presses into the earth while the other escapes its burden for a moment. The strange man claws tightly around the old trunk of the angry tree towering high above him. Slowly he peers around the side of the ancient oak into the city of people. His clothes are burned and tattered, willfully obliging as his covering from nakedness as it looked like only they chose to stay on by worn threads. Without shoes, the dust clung thickly to to the wanderers bare feet. They were gentle, as was he. Timid and slow to disturb the world he...
537 reads
Three Fellows in a Boat
Tightly fitting planks bob incessantly as the the breaking waves continue growing more restless. On some unknown boat, on some unknown waters, on some unknown part of the planet; two eyes gaze up into the heavens as their colors wash away from them. This pair of eyes belong to the dying soul of a man submerged almost completely in the water off the side of the boat, save his very head which remained on top of the building waves. His one arm, like the rest of his body, lost into the abyss of the sea; and his other holding on for life to the quarter knee of the stern of the small vessel. The...
558 reads
The Tall Mountains
You wise men, you scholars, you learned men; where have you gone? Have we not the answers we sought for, or life eternal? Have you not found these things? You have ascended to the stars without even a lasting accomplishment in your wake. You have satisfied the small things among the living but have failed to prove that you are gods. If you were gods then there would be no need to search out the darkness, but that you would have made it at the first. Have you kept this from us and do you lie. Your flesh will fall just as we. You are no more than men and nothing greater.
Who has seen...
Who has seen...
467 reads
What torrent! What unrest! This darkness that presses in on me at all sides. Let the sun continue to rest, let it not present itself again. Let the night envelope me still and the peoples be hid. Let the birds cease their songs and the stars to remain overhead. Stop this day from advancing and make still the clock. What darkness presses in on me!
There is no tree, no flower, nor grass. No sky and no wind. There is no earth fertile underfoot or rocks and valleys. There is neither warm nor cold, this one nor that one. They all pass away. I scream and cry out, I beg and I plead. End...
There is no tree, no flower, nor grass. No sky and no wind. There is no earth fertile underfoot or rocks and valleys. There is neither warm nor cold, this one nor that one. They all pass away. I scream and cry out, I beg and I plead. End...
515 reads
No way out.
There is a lonely island in the middle of the sea that I know. It is a dark place tastelessly sweet, and repulsively seducing. I have been there many times before. I open my eyes and find myself its prisoner. Its own captive to draw me to it in my dreams, she anxiously hopes that I might not escape. She wishes to confine me with thick despair which wraps around my heart. I collapse to the sandy earth while flashes of light from the clouds far away grow closer. My fingers bury into the grains which are as fine powder from glass that has been ground. The tips begin to bleed. My helpless eyes...
532 reads
Take me away.
Take me away from here. Kill me in my sleep. Stop my mouth and close my lungs. In love take me away from here.
All the world is as fire to me. I am hurting, I am badly burned. I can not explain this feeling. It is deafening. I can’t think anymore or see very far. I am so sad, I know despair.
Take me away from here. Please God Kill me in my sleep. Please God stop my heart. Please God make me sleep forever. Take me away from here.
Everything is so loud and full of chaos. They make no sense to me, people make no sense to me. I can not connect with one, not a...
All the world is as fire to me. I am hurting, I am badly burned. I can not explain this feeling. It is deafening. I can’t think anymore or see very far. I am so sad, I know despair.
Take me away from here. Please God Kill me in my sleep. Please God stop my heart. Please God make me sleep forever. Take me away from here.
Everything is so loud and full of chaos. They make no sense to me, people make no sense to me. I can not connect with one, not a...
655 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by chrishansen