Submissions by _Ani_
Pink Flamingos
everything looks so out of place
like it doesn't belong
dead of winter
pink flamingos on a lawn
artificial colour
on cold sheets
i can feel the freeze
burning me
622 reads
When you love
not with your flesh
but with your heart
nothing can tear you apart.
601 reads
among the graves
I painted rainbows in bright popsicle colours
momma always said I was different from the others
to be a child, she used to say
to be a child once again
and now I know what she meant
I lost my colours somewhere along the way
my days have become mostly grey
big dreams and plans as once were made
laid to rest now among the graves
389 reads
i can see the sun
sinking, into the pool of your eyes
and i want to bring it back
and make it shine
440 reads
soft as the feathers she lost
when her wings were stolen
she lay there, broken
by the man who gave her the wind
459 reads
i’m dripping in it
black and white
day and night
i can’t work with colour
i'm colour blind
it’s like eating ice cream
and not tasting the flavour
like sex without love
a fuck you can’t savour
it's just ink
and i'm dripping in it
#sex #art
#sex #art
455 reads
you are autumn
a soothing cool to a heat that has passed
you are my past
still beautiful
but colder each day
653 reads
Heavy, these tears
heavy, these tears
that pool in my eyes
each pupil as though a dark moon
black are the clouds
that hold back the rain
the storm will come 'round again
gone is the hope
that kept you alive
in Spring's cold earth
broken, this heart
that aches for you still
taken too soon after birth
time is the measure
that moves me along
each day brings a little bit more
longing to meet you on the other side
where you wait
from inside heaven's door. ...
heavy, these tears
that pool in my eyes
each pupil as though a dark moon
black are the clouds
that hold back the rain
the storm will come 'round again
gone is the hope
that kept you alive
in Spring's cold earth
broken, this heart
that aches for you still
taken too soon after birth
time is the measure
that moves me along
each day brings a little bit more
longing to meet you on the other side
where you wait
from inside heaven's door. ...
412 reads
Gravity is optional
A meadow of fireflies
On a clear summer night
Flirting shameless with stars
Splendid magic in sight
Dragonflies racing
Blazing orange comet trails
Painting dark skies
With their tangerine sails
A caterpillar rests
In a coffin cocoon
Bids farewell to the earth
To be born again soon
Taking its place
Way up in the sky
Where gravity is optional
And to be free is to die
457 reads
gracefully wilting
she was the last one left standing
a lone flower, unplucked
not bright enough, nor pretty enough
whilst standing among the rest
but alone, in her bare garden home
she was beautiful and alive
431 reads
laid to rest
i wonder if my time has come
have i lingered in this life too long
where did it go wrong
where did it not
i could never quite tell if i was getting ahead
or if i was clawing my way out
it was always too close to call
i could chase a butterfly and run into a bee
always blind sided by things i couldn't see
now i want to put everything away
lay down the apples and the violets and all the rest
lay them to rest
i need to rest
everything that ever was a part of me
must be laid to rest forever within me ...
488 reads
Sailing Away
Floating in the in between
Each passing breath a brand new scene
I’m neither here nor am I there
I simply exist in open air
Deeply, deeply, let fill my lungs
Absorbing life as though a sponge
If I should die before you squeeze
The trigger of my silent pleas
My past will die, my future bleed
A broken promise of all decreed
And in my death let it be seen
That my life was naught but a dream
I rest in peace, accept my fate
The silent waves encapsulate
The light that once shone bright and strong
Now finds the...
482 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by _Ani_