Submissions by Whyme
Poet Introduction
I'd like to apologise to all the friends I've made on here for my absence. Life can be tirning at times Love and peace 💜💜💜🙏🙏
Online Friendships
Online Friendships
How do I explain
The universe intrudes
Life interrupting
Social online friendships
These virtual people
Have as much importance
As those I interact with
In a physical presence
My social skills
Are in dire need of an overhaul
Daily toil leaves me weak
Interacting with my one offspring
Has me twisting in cricles
The body is weak
But the mind is alive
It burns so bright
The sun is but a candle
It is difficult indeed
To rekindle that online
Love affair with my online family ...
How do I explain
The universe intrudes
Life interrupting
Social online friendships
These virtual people
Have as much importance
As those I interact with
In a physical presence
My social skills
Are in dire need of an overhaul
Daily toil leaves me weak
Interacting with my one offspring
Has me twisting in cricles
The body is weak
But the mind is alive
It burns so bright
The sun is but a candle
It is difficult indeed
To rekindle that online
Love affair with my online family ...
351 reads
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Fifty years ago
January thirthiet nineteen seventy two
One of British most proudest moments in histody
Those brave brave men
That brave parachute regiment
How they fought and defended themselves
Let no one take away from their brave actions
Each and every one of them
Their mothers and all
Have so much to celebrate on this day
They fought valintily
Those British Cowardly fuckers
Against a peaceful protest
Against Irish Catholic citizens
There was no returning fire
Fifty years ago
January thirthiet nineteen seventy two
One of British most proudest moments in histody
Those brave brave men
That brave parachute regiment
How they fought and defended themselves
Let no one take away from their brave actions
Each and every one of them
Their mothers and all
Have so much to celebrate on this day
They fought valintily
Those British Cowardly fuckers
Against a peaceful protest
Against Irish Catholic citizens
There was no returning fire
299 reads
Russian Roulette
War Games they claim
Those ruskies came calling
Came stealing
Came crawling
Came playing their war games
That was their claim
But reality is a fucker
They really came
To play their spying game
For you see
Beneath our our seas
Lies another super highway
The superhighway
Of interconnected communications
That cable that connects
All major land masses
This is their game
They have come in from the cold
And now lay their
Spy watching spyware
On our ocean floor
All in the name
Of playing...
Those ruskies came calling
Came stealing
Came crawling
Came playing their war games
That was their claim
But reality is a fucker
They really came
To play their spying game
For you see
Beneath our our seas
Lies another super highway
The superhighway
Of interconnected communications
That cable that connects
All major land masses
This is their game
They have come in from the cold
And now lay their
Spy watching spyware
On our ocean floor
All in the name
Of playing...
310 reads
My Safe Place
A little while ago
I lost my marbles
I've been looking
For them ever since
I lost then
It's driven me
Litterly insane
To the point
Where I've hired
A private dick
I've had no money
To pay for his
Useless invistigatory skills
But I've offered to suck
On his private dick
He wasn't impressed
But he pressed upon me
How much he wanted
I told him I wasn't impressed
To court he took me
And the judge I told
He was a useless dick
Well, he wasn't impressed
With me either
He says to...
I lost my marbles
I've been looking
For them ever since
I lost then
It's driven me
Litterly insane
To the point
Where I've hired
A private dick
I've had no money
To pay for his
Useless invistigatory skills
But I've offered to suck
On his private dick
He wasn't impressed
But he pressed upon me
How much he wanted
I told him I wasn't impressed
To court he took me
And the judge I told
He was a useless dick
Well, he wasn't impressed
With me either
He says to...
268 reads
South by Dead South
I feel it now
It slithers around inside
Smokey cloud
All neural netways
I am soaring
In my new found state
Ten floors up
I don't feel the cold
I see the geese
Heading south for the heat
I too can fly
Wait for me little birdies
As I spread my arms
And I too head south
Ten floors down
It slithers around inside
Smokey cloud
All neural netways
I am soaring
In my new found state
Ten floors up
I don't feel the cold
I see the geese
Heading south for the heat
I too can fly
Wait for me little birdies
As I spread my arms
And I too head south
Ten floors down
#nightmares #apathy
#nightmares #apathy
416 reads
Frozen in time
The sultry soft glow
Of the early rising sun
Casting long lazy shadows
Glistening off the lightly frozen water crystals
I sit here on the bank
Watching as the river curles
Around barely submerged
Dead trees
That found a new home
The far bank
Covered in brown heather
Hides a multitude
Of nature's creatures
The damp rises
Bringing the cold with it
It doesn't register
As I ponder over nothing
Staring without seeing
Lost in nothingness
Life slips by ...
Of the early rising sun
Casting long lazy shadows
Glistening off the lightly frozen water crystals
I sit here on the bank
Watching as the river curles
Around barely submerged
Dead trees
That found a new home
The far bank
Covered in brown heather
Hides a multitude
Of nature's creatures
The damp rises
Bringing the cold with it
It doesn't register
As I ponder over nothing
Staring without seeing
Lost in nothingness
Life slips by ...
389 reads
Circles of Destruction
Circles are my enemy
I hate them with a passion
I cringe with hatred
Each time I encounter them
I have been walking them
My life whole
There is no way I can see
No way to break free
Of that cursed circle
My life has taken
It was despair and depression
Life's horrors that put
Me on this circle of destruction
Down deeper the rabbit hole I go
No matter what I do
Where I go
I always end up
Where I started
This circle of destruction
Fear has gripped me
Holds me like a lover does
Tight in its...
I hate them with a passion
I cringe with hatred
Each time I encounter them
I have been walking them
My life whole
There is no way I can see
No way to break free
Of that cursed circle
My life has taken
It was despair and depression
Life's horrors that put
Me on this circle of destruction
Down deeper the rabbit hole I go
No matter what I do
Where I go
I always end up
Where I started
This circle of destruction
Fear has gripped me
Holds me like a lover does
Tight in its...
322 reads
Twisted Dreamer
Twisted Dreamer
People say time heals
Do they know how i feel
Do they know the agony inside
Eating away like an alien in Sigourney
Haunted by memories
Ghosts rampaging
"Who do you call"
Wishing I could call the ghost busters
There is no escaping
I am locked up within
My mind scream for parole
But there can be
No early release
For good behaviour
I've gotten a life sentence
You see
I was judged insane
Now all I've got
Is this new jacket
With all its lovely straps
And bright shiny...
People say time heals
Do they know how i feel
Do they know the agony inside
Eating away like an alien in Sigourney
Haunted by memories
Ghosts rampaging
"Who do you call"
Wishing I could call the ghost busters
There is no escaping
I am locked up within
My mind scream for parole
But there can be
No early release
For good behaviour
I've gotten a life sentence
You see
I was judged insane
Now all I've got
Is this new jacket
With all its lovely straps
And bright shiny...
470 reads
Our War is Over
We fought you for 800 years"
Those are behind us now
We fought our wars
We won our independence
Not all we wanted
Did we get
This is our country
All 32 parts of it
Not 26 or 27
They have no right
But our bed was made
The treaty signed
100 years and 1 day ago today
Now we live in peace
As much as we dislike
Our state of being
No more killing
No more fucking "black n tans"
No more hunger strikes
No more "H" cages
In the "Long Kesh"
No more "Bobby Sands" patriots
Need die ...
Those are behind us now
We fought our wars
We won our independence
Not all we wanted
Did we get
This is our country
All 32 parts of it
Not 26 or 27
They have no right
But our bed was made
The treaty signed
100 years and 1 day ago today
Now we live in peace
As much as we dislike
Our state of being
No more killing
No more fucking "black n tans"
No more hunger strikes
No more "H" cages
In the "Long Kesh"
No more "Bobby Sands" patriots
Need die ...
347 reads
Hell Born

481 reads

756 reads
Public Entertainment

498 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Whyme