Submissions by Sugar-Britches2
Poet Introduction
I'm still learning to find my voice as a poet, but with the help of my fellow wordsmiths I believe in making great strides.
Perhaps in Another Life
Never in my life has been doing the right thing
Been this difficult
I couldn't open your last letter
It's been months and I still
Can't find the courage to
Read those disheartening words
I know what's in there
It haunts my mind
Tears at my heart
Burns in my groin
But I know that letting you go
Is the right thing to do...
We were meant to be together
Separated by time and space
Too late in our lives to realize
Who we would be to each other
I love you
I miss you
But I...
Been this difficult
I couldn't open your last letter
It's been months and I still
Can't find the courage to
Read those disheartening words
I know what's in there
It haunts my mind
Tears at my heart
Burns in my groin
But I know that letting you go
Is the right thing to do...
We were meant to be together
Separated by time and space
Too late in our lives to realize
Who we would be to each other
I love you
I miss you
But I...
125 reads
Understanding Death
I stopped by a gas station today
In some remote piece of the world
It had a sign hanging in the window
Best donuts in the county it read
Nothing like some comfort food
When you're in my condition so
I stopped in for a few...
Shortly after pulling out a funeral
Parade was coming up behind me
As is customary, I pulled over with
My flashers for them, some 90 cars
When you feel alone, you tend to
gravitate towards others to mitigate
The feeling, so I followed them to
A nearby...
In some remote piece of the world
It had a sign hanging in the window
Best donuts in the county it read
Nothing like some comfort food
When you're in my condition so
I stopped in for a few...
Shortly after pulling out a funeral
Parade was coming up behind me
As is customary, I pulled over with
My flashers for them, some 90 cars
When you feel alone, you tend to
gravitate towards others to mitigate
The feeling, so I followed them to
A nearby...
429 reads
Law vs Chaos
It's your classic scenario
Law vs Chaos
What happens when
an unstoppable force
Meets an immovable object
Two polar opposites
Set on a collision course
With destiny
Eons can go by without
These two forces ever
But if there is one law of
Nature that is to be believed
It's that opposites attract
Like opposing magnetic
Feelings of emotions
Constantly pulling each
Other towards the unknown
One spiralling out of control
No sense of...
Law vs Chaos
What happens when
an unstoppable force
Meets an immovable object
Two polar opposites
Set on a collision course
With destiny
Eons can go by without
These two forces ever
But if there is one law of
Nature that is to be believed
It's that opposites attract
Like opposing magnetic
Feelings of emotions
Constantly pulling each
Other towards the unknown
One spiralling out of control
No sense of...
354 reads
Egg Shells
My chest lay bare and open
As I find you in the kitchen
Standing there at the island
In all your majestic prowess
You wear my old t-shirt
And a red apron as you
make a special surprise
A birthday cake for me
Covered in flour, vanilla, chocolate
Egg shells scattered on the floor
You are the definition of a hot mess
Atomically beautiful...
The heat you give off radiates
Through the room, a cosmic anomaly
It's honestly a surprise that this batter
Hasn't already baked into a cake
As I find you in the kitchen
Standing there at the island
In all your majestic prowess
You wear my old t-shirt
And a red apron as you
make a special surprise
A birthday cake for me
Covered in flour, vanilla, chocolate
Egg shells scattered on the floor
You are the definition of a hot mess
Atomically beautiful...
The heat you give off radiates
Through the room, a cosmic anomaly
It's honestly a surprise that this batter
Hasn't already baked into a cake
327 reads
What I Want
Standing before me as the
embodiment of perfection
you ask me rhetorically
what I want, like you didn't
You know what I want
You've always known
You know that I want to
Penetrate your very soul
You know that I want to
Be so close to you that
Our skin melds together
Into a single being of
You know that I want to
Be filled with a fit of rage
Because we can't physically
Be closer to one another
You know that I want to
Feel the gut wrenching ...
embodiment of perfection
you ask me rhetorically
what I want, like you didn't
You know what I want
You've always known
You know that I want to
Penetrate your very soul
You know that I want to
Be so close to you that
Our skin melds together
Into a single being of
You know that I want to
Be filled with a fit of rage
Because we can't physically
Be closer to one another
You know that I want to
Feel the gut wrenching ...
587 reads
Is it a fruit?
A vegetable?
A starch?
The history behind the potato
dates back nearly 350 million years
and shares a lineage with other plants
such as tobacco, peppers, and tomatoes
I think of you when I see a potato
I wonder what this ugly root
has in common
with the majestic goddess
who stands before me
Without the potato, over a million
Irishmen died from starvation
Much like how my soul would
without your nourishment
It has been a great influence
Is it a fruit?
A vegetable?
A starch?
The history behind the potato
dates back nearly 350 million years
and shares a lineage with other plants
such as tobacco, peppers, and tomatoes
I think of you when I see a potato
I wonder what this ugly root
has in common
with the majestic goddess
who stands before me
Without the potato, over a million
Irishmen died from starvation
Much like how my soul would
without your nourishment
It has been a great influence
216 reads
1 Comment
Deep in the bowels of this dungeon we creep
For we dare not awaken the beast within
Darkness lingers around every corner
Our lights fade with each passing hour
What would bring a motley crew to this dreadful place?
For a fistful of gold we put our lives at stake
For the ladies we tell of our tales over a flagon of ale
For the good of the people, may they slumber well
What great hunt can there be for the heros three
A dwarf who has lost his way
An elf who comes for love
And a human searching for peace
The hunt of a...
For we dare not awaken the beast within
Darkness lingers around every corner
Our lights fade with each passing hour
What would bring a motley crew to this dreadful place?
For a fistful of gold we put our lives at stake
For the ladies we tell of our tales over a flagon of ale
For the good of the people, may they slumber well
What great hunt can there be for the heros three
A dwarf who has lost his way
An elf who comes for love
And a human searching for peace
The hunt of a...
323 reads
1 Comment
Long have I wandered this barren existence
Always thirsting, longing, hoping for more
Never finding what I seek, what eludes me still
Even when it stands before me, it's only a dream
That vast expanse of your imagination where
Anything is possible, where fantasies reign supreme
Where madness and desires coexist in harmony
A place where you can be anything...
A place of absolute control surrounded by chaos
A place where the impossible is possible
A place where miracles happen...
Always thirsting, longing, hoping for more
Never finding what I seek, what eludes me still
Even when it stands before me, it's only a dream
That vast expanse of your imagination where
Anything is possible, where fantasies reign supreme
Where madness and desires coexist in harmony
A place where you can be anything...
A place of absolute control surrounded by chaos
A place where the impossible is possible
A place where miracles happen...
364 reads
Many people enjoy its texture
But few take time to consider
Its long-awaited journey to
Its current form of existence
The shifting of plates
The molten of magma
The breaking of wind
And water upon rock
The way it falls between your finger tips
The way it clings to your bikini bottoms
The way it fills your fondest memories
Yet so many take this granite for granted
They don't see that this once mighty mountain
Stood tall...
Many people enjoy its texture
But few take time to consider
Its long-awaited journey to
Its current form of existence
The shifting of plates
The molten of magma
The breaking of wind
And water upon rock
The way it falls between your finger tips
The way it clings to your bikini bottoms
The way it fills your fondest memories
Yet so many take this granite for granted
They don't see that this once mighty mountain
Stood tall...
373 reads

311 reads
The Art of Seducing a Woman Vol. 1
From the moment your eyes first meet
The primal thought clings to your mind
Is this food?
Is this love?
Is this lust?
Like blips on an emotional radar
The first moments are the most important
You begin to categorize and assimilate
To an end that has only just begun
Your heart begins to beat uncomfortably
The temperature of your body starts to rise
The vocal cords in your throat undertake change
Yet somehow, you manage to utter a greeting
You extend your arm for physical contact
Is it a hug?
Is it a...
The primal thought clings to your mind
Is this food?
Is this love?
Is this lust?
Like blips on an emotional radar
The first moments are the most important
You begin to categorize and assimilate
To an end that has only just begun
Your heart begins to beat uncomfortably
The temperature of your body starts to rise
The vocal cords in your throat undertake change
Yet somehow, you manage to utter a greeting
You extend your arm for physical contact
Is it a hug?
Is it a...
283 reads
Out of Time
Like the billowing of the wind
Time continuously moves
Through us, constantly
Passing us by
Stealing our precious moments
Mending our old wounds
Aging us beyond our consent
Until we are but shadows and dust
(Gladiator shout out)
Every revolution around the sun
Every dawn and dusk of day
Every turning of the page
Leads us to this inevitable conclusion
It's unavoidable
It's certain to happen
It's the one fact of life
That everything that has a beginning
Has an end
(Matrix shout out) ...
Time continuously moves
Through us, constantly
Passing us by
Stealing our precious moments
Mending our old wounds
Aging us beyond our consent
Until we are but shadows and dust
(Gladiator shout out)
Every revolution around the sun
Every dawn and dusk of day
Every turning of the page
Leads us to this inevitable conclusion
It's unavoidable
It's certain to happen
It's the one fact of life
That everything that has a beginning
Has an end
(Matrix shout out) ...
#TimeHeals #choices
#TimeHeals #choices
311 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Sugar-Britches2