Submissions by Poelivesagain
forever and always
nightmares wrap my existence
everything within so livid
real and explicit
i walk alone down this road ive come to known
20 years in and 20 years away do i see the only light to be shown
darkness invades w a comfortable numbing
w nothing left to feel, it was the demons that numbed me
emotionally stunned me
w rays of light at the end of sight
its the horizon that motivates my running
in the beginning was born an end
but out of nothing came something
going forward even in lifes stumblings
darkness is the lack thereof
therefore impossible it...
everything within so livid
real and explicit
i walk alone down this road ive come to known
20 years in and 20 years away do i see the only light to be shown
darkness invades w a comfortable numbing
w nothing left to feel, it was the demons that numbed me
emotionally stunned me
w rays of light at the end of sight
its the horizon that motivates my running
in the beginning was born an end
but out of nothing came something
going forward even in lifes stumblings
darkness is the lack thereof
therefore impossible it...
666 reads
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we are
We are
We are few but many
We'll jump quick for a pretty penny
Our motives drive us in and out any inner city
And no one is spared, for we know no pity
We'll be there at your highs and at your lows
We are here, we are there, we are everywhere
but as for our origin not even we knows
Why must we be?
Well you see
Without you then there'd be no me
At least not for you but I'll be for he, she, and even a he/she she/he
Make no mistake, we forever was and forever will be
We are a class of gentlemen and ladies alike
Some not so gentle...
We are few but many
We'll jump quick for a pretty penny
Our motives drive us in and out any inner city
And no one is spared, for we know no pity
We'll be there at your highs and at your lows
We are here, we are there, we are everywhere
but as for our origin not even we knows
Why must we be?
Well you see
Without you then there'd be no me
At least not for you but I'll be for he, she, and even a he/she she/he
Make no mistake, we forever was and forever will be
We are a class of gentlemen and ladies alike
Some not so gentle...
737 reads
clovers patch
Searching through this patch of clovers
Sifting through and there are 3 leafs' all over
All the same, none of which have any difference
Then there it is, all by itself and with good riddance
This clover, similar to the others in not a single way
Caught my eye by surprise on this February day
Odd as it was, and without warning I'd say
This one clover was like no other, not even in a single way
Four leafs, as beautiful as can be
Struck my curiosity in a way, that it too had in mind to pick me.
Without further ado, I plucked it gently
3 years later, I...
Sifting through and there are 3 leafs' all over
All the same, none of which have any difference
Then there it is, all by itself and with good riddance
This clover, similar to the others in not a single way
Caught my eye by surprise on this February day
Odd as it was, and without warning I'd say
This one clover was like no other, not even in a single way
Four leafs, as beautiful as can be
Struck my curiosity in a way, that it too had in mind to pick me.
Without further ado, I plucked it gently
3 years later, I...
679 reads
Where is God?
Crucified to the world as the world is to me
hangin from an internal cross that only I feel and see
I pray to a God that promises truth will set me free
Why do I feel that when I pray, I'm only talking to me?
I walk alone yet surrounded by all
I get up every day unkowingly bound to fall
I pray and pray, could it be that he doesn't hear me call?
does any one hear my cries? could the sky be empty after all?
Where is God at when children get raped?
Rich Christians claim blessings, live a life indulging in sin
Little girls and boys get aids,...
hangin from an internal cross that only I feel and see
I pray to a God that promises truth will set me free
Why do I feel that when I pray, I'm only talking to me?
I walk alone yet surrounded by all
I get up every day unkowingly bound to fall
I pray and pray, could it be that he doesn't hear me call?
does any one hear my cries? could the sky be empty after all?
Where is God at when children get raped?
Rich Christians claim blessings, live a life indulging in sin
Little girls and boys get aids,...
959 reads
epiphany of epiphanies!
life is just to damn serious for a feeble mind like mine. I miss the good ol days where i could just get high and play video games like guitar hero. I mean why the hell do we have to grow up and live for a greater or worser cause?? for money!!! thats all its about, all its ever about and all its ever gonna be about. I just wanna live and let live, is that to fucking hard to ask?? say i'm thinking goofy from the lack of sleep, judge as you may but you know what, I really don't give a flying hoot, my spirit is to withered at 22 and for what???? beliefs and what not?????? is it really worth the...
760 reads
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LaLa Land
I found an inner peace, a place where i'm so at ease
a place where the probability of the impossibility is an impossibility and the possibilities never cease
a place where i can be nice or mean at any cost with no consequence and never ever having to say excuse mes or may i please
where beliefs don't exist, nobody gives two shits, and where the mind is blown openly
in no other place do I feel so content and worry free then in my dreams snoring away many Zs drop dead beautifully in my much needed quickly ending never enough sleeps!
a place where the probability of the impossibility is an impossibility and the possibilities never cease
a place where i can be nice or mean at any cost with no consequence and never ever having to say excuse mes or may i please
where beliefs don't exist, nobody gives two shits, and where the mind is blown openly
in no other place do I feel so content and worry free then in my dreams snoring away many Zs drop dead beautifully in my much needed quickly ending never enough sleeps!
872 reads
epic qoute
if hell didnt exist within us, there would be no heaven to imagine!
through our lives trials and pains do we want the better to happen!
through our lives trials and pains do we want the better to happen!
823 reads
"The Antichrist is a skitzo"
Spirit of love misplaced
demonic aroma lingers in its trace
with no tracks to follow, loves lost its place
with a soulless host, El Diablo reveals His face
With no disgrace in my face and without loves trace how could I deny this fallen angels rightful place?
My body is His temple and my heart is where He stays
obsession through possession
I am comforted by loves rejection
making Love a rejection obsession
Love and all its beauty fuels the fire in my eyes
I love it when you love me, I gently choke your love and grin as it slowly dies ...
demonic aroma lingers in its trace
with no tracks to follow, loves lost its place
with a soulless host, El Diablo reveals His face
With no disgrace in my face and without loves trace how could I deny this fallen angels rightful place?
My body is His temple and my heart is where He stays
obsession through possession
I am comforted by loves rejection
making Love a rejection obsession
Love and all its beauty fuels the fire in my eyes
I love it when you love me, I gently choke your love and grin as it slowly dies ...
734 reads
The Untainted Spirit!
The moon sinks so the sun can rise
Irradiant heat warms Your heart while the moon shines in another's eyes
We're meant To be a mirror in this world, absorbing the suns' Love and reflecting Its light
A third of our planet alluminated, the other portion lay waste in the night
With the masses corrupted by wickedness and evil
Comes the untainted spirit, rejected and unaccepted by the so called "everyday" people
Kind hearts' and the soft spoken Are quickly losing their place
Pure souls will soon be no more, being crushed until they suffocate
Irradiant heat warms Your heart while the moon shines in another's eyes
We're meant To be a mirror in this world, absorbing the suns' Love and reflecting Its light
A third of our planet alluminated, the other portion lay waste in the night
With the masses corrupted by wickedness and evil
Comes the untainted spirit, rejected and unaccepted by the so called "everyday" people
Kind hearts' and the soft spoken Are quickly losing their place
Pure souls will soon be no more, being crushed until they suffocate
892 reads
religious agression
heavenly cursed with all that I'm blessed with
praying to the fallen star for my eternal ending death wish
Holy beliefs but dark thoughts is all that I'm left with
light shines, camouflaging my unhappiness
giving up all hopes coincides with never finding internal bliss
love locked inside of me and I lost the key to unlock it with
ask the savior for a favor but he's always on some other shit
I walk alone and blinded cause I'm in every way done with it
done with faith, hope, and destiny cause this world has stolen the best of me
take a good look and please...
praying to the fallen star for my eternal ending death wish
Holy beliefs but dark thoughts is all that I'm left with
light shines, camouflaging my unhappiness
giving up all hopes coincides with never finding internal bliss
love locked inside of me and I lost the key to unlock it with
ask the savior for a favor but he's always on some other shit
I walk alone and blinded cause I'm in every way done with it
done with faith, hope, and destiny cause this world has stolen the best of me
take a good look and please...
814 reads
My Demons Guardian Angel
There's a Guardian Angel for my Demon. She's my Demons loving grace.
I love my Angel for She's waiting for me from miles away in another place.
She brings joy to my nightmare and light to my evil Demons face.
For my Demon dwells in Hell and in Heaven is saved a place where next to Her my Demons lays.
My Angel waits patiently counting the days
My Demon can't wait to be struck by Her angelic gaze
They may have fell apart but will reunite in loves saving grace!
Love overpowers evil and now through mended hearts, He waits for Her loves...
I love my Angel for She's waiting for me from miles away in another place.
She brings joy to my nightmare and light to my evil Demons face.
For my Demon dwells in Hell and in Heaven is saved a place where next to Her my Demons lays.
My Angel waits patiently counting the days
My Demon can't wait to be struck by Her angelic gaze
They may have fell apart but will reunite in loves saving grace!
Love overpowers evil and now through mended hearts, He waits for Her loves...
855 reads
Who is like God?
who is like God the most high?"
kneel before him or suffer and die
be lead astray by the dragon and all his lies
no use in hiding for the mark is revealed through your eyes
i lead an army of the pure and wise
the humble and all that of which is written in the book of life
all will have died once but as for you and yours, prepare to suffer death twice
for i outnumber the fallen even without the faithful by my side
the Shepard comes quickly, coming like a thief in the night
you have been rebuked yet you still deceive, you are the blind...
kneel before him or suffer and die
be lead astray by the dragon and all his lies
no use in hiding for the mark is revealed through your eyes
i lead an army of the pure and wise
the humble and all that of which is written in the book of life
all will have died once but as for you and yours, prepare to suffer death twice
for i outnumber the fallen even without the faithful by my side
the Shepard comes quickly, coming like a thief in the night
you have been rebuked yet you still deceive, you are the blind...
866 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Poelivesagain