Submissions by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
Poet Introduction
We’ll always have Gallop.♡
War Songs
Even in my old age, I am a young girl again when I think of great-grandfather's stories, telling me of when his father rode against the 7th Cavalry, and the one called Long Hair, with those who lived in the sacred Black Hills. Who fought and overwhelmed the soldiers in their one great victory at the Little Big Horn, before the killings of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, until all fell to the wrath of the Great White Father that ended at Wounded Knee.
Before then, it was as hot as any of the Elders could recall, and hard to remember a summer without any clouds in the sky. As horse...
Before then, it was as hot as any of the Elders could recall, and hard to remember a summer without any clouds in the sky. As horse...
#memories #historical
#memories #historical
944 reads
You offer me your ghost shirt
for warmth as I stand
in permanent free fall
between the two Dippers.
I have no tears with which to weep,
they will not last beyond
the first touch of
thin air in this high place
where a tree never grew
or felt the tension of gut sinew
when I lost my eyes
staring into the sun, and
how its dried breath of
ancient rain and elk horn
has left the moon an orphan.
for warmth as I stand
in permanent free fall
between the two Dippers.
I have no tears with which to weep,
they will not last beyond
the first touch of
thin air in this high place
where a tree never grew
or felt the tension of gut sinew
when I lost my eyes
staring into the sun, and
how its dried breath of
ancient rain and elk horn
has left the moon an orphan.
#moon #ghosts
#moon #ghosts
907 reads
Lining canyon walls are
spirits of ancestors
and the cosmos of their Kachinas.
In the darkness of a new moon
you let me drive your truck
as you call out the way,
RayBans perch on your cropped hair
with speckled hawk feathers
spinning in the wind.
Over bridges that span gullies,
riverbeds long parched by
a drought never-ending since the
memories of our great-grandfathers
who stomped their feet and
shed their skin when bone whistles blew.
The pickup bounds headlong and you ...
spirits of ancestors
and the cosmos of their Kachinas.
In the darkness of a new moon
you let me drive your truck
as you call out the way,
RayBans perch on your cropped hair
with speckled hawk feathers
spinning in the wind.
Over bridges that span gullies,
riverbeds long parched by
a drought never-ending since the
memories of our great-grandfathers
who stomped their feet and
shed their skin when bone whistles blew.
The pickup bounds headlong and you ...
1149 reads
Tanka: River's Edge
at river's edge,
only fish may hide in
its flaming beard,
but birds think nothing of
perching near... waiting
only fish may hide in
its flaming beard,
but birds think nothing of
perching near... waiting
#fish #tanka
#fish #tanka
1033 reads
No siren I, nor maid of Mer
no dolphin child of passing mind,
not even that of woman kind
no raising plaques with dated years
for time and I are ageless here
without an image as I am
whereof this body I bequeath
of scalloped shell and coral reef
from niche and shadow of my self
that gives you pause beyond the pale
forgetting that you should inhale
a shrine of breakers you exalt
that washes all things out of reach
to hold the moment on your breath
though you'll remember nothing more
when I...
no dolphin child of passing mind,
not even that of woman kind
no raising plaques with dated years
for time and I are ageless here
without an image as I am
whereof this body I bequeath
of scalloped shell and coral reef
from niche and shadow of my self
that gives you pause beyond the pale
forgetting that you should inhale
a shrine of breakers you exalt
that washes all things out of reach
to hold the moment on your breath
though you'll remember nothing more
when I...
1338 reads
A Corner of Sky
a light blue cloud
singing in your hand
folded once
then once more; the wings
of your origami crane
I breathe in deep
the flesh-like tissue
uplifting me
through fluttering lids
to a corner of sky
all to myself,
lighter than birds
through the draft and rush,
reaching for the sun
I have no voice
with which to sing
no feathers I,
still I bank and soar
trying to remember you
singing in your hand
folded once
then once more; the wings
of your origami crane
I breathe in deep
the flesh-like tissue
uplifting me
through fluttering lids
to a corner of sky
all to myself,
lighter than birds
through the draft and rush,
reaching for the sun
I have no voice
with which to sing
no feathers I,
still I bank and soar
trying to remember you
1020 reads
1258 reads
9 Hours
1 Haiku, 3:30pm
winter, like a
lover I've grown tired of
who is loath to leave
2 Senryu, 7:05pm
from my bath, standing
at a mirror touching
the locket he gave me
3 Tanka, 8:00pm
pulling back the blinds,
my body adorned with
opal light
from a spring moon rising,
while resting, he lies watching
4 Tanka, 9:30pm
1 Haiku, 3:30pm
winter, like a
lover I've grown tired of
who is loath to leave
2 Senryu, 7:05pm
from my bath, standing
at a mirror touching
the locket he gave me
3 Tanka, 8:00pm
pulling back the blinds,
my body adorned with
opal light
from a spring moon rising,
while resting, he lies watching
4 Tanka, 9:30pm
1145 reads
Choir Practice

1437 reads
Silent Witness
Cicada krill raining down.
A thin yellow line skims
the swamp's horizon
as you come to witness mine,
where split end shanks
float among the
bloated racks of sinew
in tangled roots of bayou,
to lie down with the maggot
the way a sweat bead crawls
and tells of my sin
while mosquitoes imbibe.
I rail against temptation
to drown the shrill whistle
from the winding ...
A thin yellow line skims
the swamp's horizon
as you come to witness mine,
where split end shanks
float among the
bloated racks of sinew
in tangled roots of bayou,
to lie down with the maggot
the way a sweat bead crawls
and tells of my sin
while mosquitoes imbibe.
I rail against temptation
to drown the shrill whistle
from the winding ...
#TruthOfLife #redemption
#TruthOfLife #redemption
900 reads
Strange Flesh
Carry me so my feet won't
touch the floor,
taste me when we arrive.
Breathe your life into me
while entering the
wound of your obsession,
it consumes where I bleed.
Deny me your veil
and salvage your religion.
Sin upon sin wades in spume
each time you emerge
to offer me its strange flesh.
#erotic #lover
#erotic #lover
1505 reads
A gutted ship's hull lists,
dragged into a roiling sea
filled with blue-glass shark fins,
leaving entrails of fever through
depths of eternal night,
the oil-slick surface,
shifting mottled moonlight
on coral reefs calcified against
the leaves of bodies that drift by,
sinking, to disappear into
canyon fissures deeper than the
shadows of heaven can reach,
pods of whales cruise overhead
giving off their eerie cries,
baleful orgasmic moans
as they claim their take
from the debauch...
dragged into a roiling sea
filled with blue-glass shark fins,
leaving entrails of fever through
depths of eternal night,
the oil-slick surface,
shifting mottled moonlight
on coral reefs calcified against
the leaves of bodies that drift by,
sinking, to disappear into
canyon fissures deeper than the
shadows of heaven can reach,
pods of whales cruise overhead
giving off their eerie cries,
baleful orgasmic moans
as they claim their take
from the debauch...
#death #sea
#death #sea
1072 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)