Submissions by Greywolfman
Poet Introduction
Die-hard Romantic. Strong feelings on romance, love, sensual, sexuality and passion. Believe the mind is most sexual organ of the body
The Sweet Moment of Joy

729 reads
The Blues
The Blues ...
The long,
lonely sound
of a finger
sliding down
a catgut
or wound,
making vibrating
A slow,
toe tapping beat,
that floats
your thoughts
as you sway
in your seat,
your ears
eagerly greet,
each note
played so sweet.
A tune
that describes
how you feel.
When words
can't make it, ...
The long,
lonely sound
of a finger
sliding down
a catgut
or wound,
making vibrating
A slow,
toe tapping beat,
that floats
your thoughts
as you sway
in your seat,
your ears
eagerly greet,
each note
played so sweet.
A tune
that describes
how you feel.
When words
can't make it, ...
#sensual #passion
#sensual #passion
768 reads
Love Without Limits
I had thought
I had found her.
The one who could see
that I love without limits.
Seeking experience,
always wanting more,
not to settle for less.
My horizons cloudless;
the mountains not a barrier
but a curtain
to open on a wide plain:
reveal a new vista,
Wind howling through me,
finding corners and angles
in myself undiscovered.
One who could share
without being frightened,
be open
to new possibilities,
ignore the tales
and the comforting rules ...
I had found her.
The one who could see
that I love without limits.
Seeking experience,
always wanting more,
not to settle for less.
My horizons cloudless;
the mountains not a barrier
but a curtain
to open on a wide plain:
reveal a new vista,
Wind howling through me,
finding corners and angles
in myself undiscovered.
One who could share
without being frightened,
be open
to new possibilities,
ignore the tales
and the comforting rules ...
548 reads
Tranquil Mind
he mind is as a pool of water.
The ripples roll to its outer borders.
The tranquil pool is as still as glass.
Till some thought makes a big splash.
And every discourse that come your way.
Makes the pool rocky of ripple water that sway.
To calm the mind and control the thoughts.
Tranquility of a still pool is sought.
The ripples barely there.
The mind fully aware.
Stillness will come from the calm mind.
The heart that is humble and kind.
Some one comes along and tosses in a stone.
The rippled pool has grown.
The choice of...
The ripples roll to its outer borders.
The tranquil pool is as still as glass.
Till some thought makes a big splash.
And every discourse that come your way.
Makes the pool rocky of ripple water that sway.
To calm the mind and control the thoughts.
Tranquility of a still pool is sought.
The ripples barely there.
The mind fully aware.
Stillness will come from the calm mind.
The heart that is humble and kind.
Some one comes along and tosses in a stone.
The rippled pool has grown.
The choice of...
#inspirational #TruthOfLife
#inspirational #TruthOfLife
650 reads
1 Comment
Your Buddy Mr Mushroom Head

656 reads
1 Comment
She lays there

799 reads
Tootsie Pop Licks
How many licks does it take,
I will try it's a piece of cake.
One lick, then two I do,
I really like the ones that's blue.
Three licks then even more,
tootsie pops I truely adore.
Tongue across it, now five and six,
giving the tootsie pop, some long licks.
Seven, eight and then nine,
tootsie pops are really fine.
I must be such a sight,
that's usually when I take a bite
I will try it's a piece of cake.
One lick, then two I do,
I really like the ones that's blue.
Three licks then even more,
tootsie pops I truely adore.
Tongue across it, now five and six,
giving the tootsie pop, some long licks.
Seven, eight and then nine,
tootsie pops are really fine.
I must be such a sight,
that's usually when I take a bite
895 reads
1 Comment
Enlightenment Treks
In a candles glow I awoke
a choice was handed to me at birth
Beseech thee wisdom
or comfort in none
my trek begun
I Climbed
trebled thoughts
I Swam
pools of tears
I Drenched
self limitations
inner turmoil
Journeyed across
a cerebellum plane
Sailed the seas
of my memory
Marched thru the knowledge
of my own entertainment
I knocked at the Sage's door
my heart's pounding
I found harmony
in the depths of my mind
a choice was handed to me at birth
Beseech thee wisdom
or comfort in none
my trek begun
I Climbed
trebled thoughts
I Swam
pools of tears
I Drenched
self limitations
inner turmoil
Journeyed across
a cerebellum plane
Sailed the seas
of my memory
Marched thru the knowledge
of my own entertainment
I knocked at the Sage's door
my heart's pounding
I found harmony
in the depths of my mind
#LifeCycle #SelfDiscovery
#LifeCycle #SelfDiscovery
530 reads
1 Comment
Fumbling Fingers

#funny #FirstLove
#funny #FirstLove
610 reads
I Hunt, I Search, I Quest
Hunt for the things to sustain me.
I Search for the things that'll please me.
I am on a Quest for Enlightenment.
I Hunt for the things that'll nourish me.
I Search for a love to appease me.
I am on a Quest for Truth.
I Hunt for the things that'll warm me.
I Search for a soul to share with me.
I am on a Quest for Life.
I Hunt for the things that'll shelter me.
I Search for a way to smile
I am on a Quest for Honesty.
I Hunt for a way to survive.
I Search for a way to stay alive.
I am on a Quest for...
I Search for the things that'll please me.
I am on a Quest for Enlightenment.
I Hunt for the things that'll nourish me.
I Search for a love to appease me.
I am on a Quest for Truth.
I Hunt for the things that'll warm me.
I Search for a soul to share with me.
I am on a Quest for Life.
I Hunt for the things that'll shelter me.
I Search for a way to smile
I am on a Quest for Honesty.
I Hunt for a way to survive.
I Search for a way to stay alive.
I am on a Quest for...
#LifeGoals #SelfReflection
#LifeGoals #SelfReflection
453 reads

705 reads
You Gave Yourself
With all your heart you gave yourself to me.
With all my soul I loved you as I should.
With all your love you kissed my face with glee.
With all my might I hoped you always would.
Our days were spent in gambols neath the sun.
Our minds agreed that we were meant to be.
Our bodies merged and we became as one.
Our nights were spent in proof that we were free.
My need was such that I would trust your smile.
My faith was such that I could never doubt.
My fault was such that beauty was your guile.
My loss was such that he could win...
With all my soul I loved you as I should.
With all your love you kissed my face with glee.
With all my might I hoped you always would.
Our days were spent in gambols neath the sun.
Our minds agreed that we were meant to be.
Our bodies merged and we became as one.
Our nights were spent in proof that we were free.
My need was such that I would trust your smile.
My faith was such that I could never doubt.
My fault was such that beauty was your guile.
My loss was such that he could win...
487 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Greywolfman