Submissions by Casa_Nova
Why are people painted into the role of either the hero or the villain? What does it mean to be the villain? Is it putting others at risk? Stealing? The want to oppose the system? Being driven by greed and hate? And how is one a hero? Saving others? Doing good deeds? Being selfless? Bravery? How are these things supposed to classify a hero between a villain? A hero can look good from the outside but who knows what they are on the inside, behind closed doors. And what if the villain is forced to do the things they do? What if they have no other choice but to steal and oppose authority? In...
316 reads
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The Scars That Burn
Scars heal, however the things that had caused them never will.
They will stain your mind as they had once stained your wrists.
The pain you had felt as you made them is nothing.
Compared to the thoughts that laid behind them.
They will stain your mind as they had once stained your wrists.
The pain you had felt as you made them is nothing.
Compared to the thoughts that laid behind them.
285 reads
If you were to be asked...
If you were to be asked
Whether you would pick
Immortality or Eternal happiness
Most would say Immortality
Believing that it would give them their eternal happiness
But really what is good of being immortal
Of living eternally
You watch your loved ones fall
While you stand thriving
You age with the Earth itself
Without aging at all
Whether you would pick
Immortality or Eternal happiness
Most would say Immortality
Believing that it would give them their eternal happiness
But really what is good of being immortal
Of living eternally
You watch your loved ones fall
While you stand thriving
You age with the Earth itself
Without aging at all
195 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Casa_Nova