Submissions by Atehequa
Poet Introduction
Old backwoodsman, poet, artist and storyteller
Here in these Woods
Silent, sitting motionless
Surrounded by vivid greenery
Unblinking, gazing down at bottom land
Needing no church, mosque or gilded temple
No more truth than a wood thrush's beautiful song
What that preacher told me had to be a lie
Animals do have souls, there are spirits
Those words seem meaningless
Here in these woods today
A barred owl by the stream
Roosting upon a dead branch
Surely seeing me while I'm watching her
Nothing alive here will remain undetected
Millions of years, the knowledge in her black eyes
Far older than the...
Surrounded by vivid greenery
Unblinking, gazing down at bottom land
Needing no church, mosque or gilded temple
No more truth than a wood thrush's beautiful song
What that preacher told me had to be a lie
Animals do have souls, there are spirits
Those words seem meaningless
Here in these woods today
A barred owl by the stream
Roosting upon a dead branch
Surely seeing me while I'm watching her
Nothing alive here will remain undetected
Millions of years, the knowledge in her black eyes
Far older than the...
593 reads
Just north of Ishqugulu
Selling wolf tickets
Another dog's empty bark
Growling at something
Not long after dark
A day spent barking and taking naps
Penned up and waiting for table scraps
Confined you remain
While the watchmen sleep
Beyond your enclosure
The wild things creep
This high priestess
What an unusual name
Awaiting her arrival
Those she cannot tame
A night spent looking down on others
Enduring the earthy scent of fertility mothers
Garish acolytes hiss
Flickering tongues tasting air
At sacrificial victims
Their inhuman eyes...
Another dog's empty bark
Growling at something
Not long after dark
A day spent barking and taking naps
Penned up and waiting for table scraps
Confined you remain
While the watchmen sleep
Beyond your enclosure
The wild things creep
This high priestess
What an unusual name
Awaiting her arrival
Those she cannot tame
A night spent looking down on others
Enduring the earthy scent of fertility mothers
Garish acolytes hiss
Flickering tongues tasting air
At sacrificial victims
Their inhuman eyes...
599 reads
1 Comment
Losing Lost Atlantis
Opening -
Soaring,free souls and birds of prey
High above anything built from the ground
Indomitable,of free thought and keen eyes
Glancing down at the ants and their mound
Built over many lost dreams and long told lies
A bird's eye view of this pathetic display
Expecting everyone to be content
Being arranged in this rank and file
From above it appears a grand pyramid scheme
Quite ancient,enduring and most certainly vile
Upon it's glimmering top,some living the dream
While at the bottom,a heavy burden others lament
An ancient...
Soaring,free souls and birds of prey
High above anything built from the ground
Indomitable,of free thought and keen eyes
Glancing down at the ants and their mound
Built over many lost dreams and long told lies
A bird's eye view of this pathetic display
Expecting everyone to be content
Being arranged in this rank and file
From above it appears a grand pyramid scheme
Quite ancient,enduring and most certainly vile
Upon it's glimmering top,some living the dream
While at the bottom,a heavy burden others lament
An ancient...
649 reads
After a sleepless Spring night
Another poem for me to pen
Now that spring is here once again
All is quiet in the dark predawn hours
Pondering what exactly inspires these words
While awaiting the songs of awakening birds
Before the sun awakes dew jeweled flowers
Thinking of what words to use
At the forest's edge without a muse
For some odd reason your face comes to mind
Indeed there was other inspiration years ago
Into the brambles, my heart she would throw
A thorny tangle that proved most unkind
Now comes the first light of dawn
In yonder dew kissed meadow, a...
Now that spring is here once again
All is quiet in the dark predawn hours
Pondering what exactly inspires these words
While awaiting the songs of awakening birds
Before the sun awakes dew jeweled flowers
Thinking of what words to use
At the forest's edge without a muse
For some odd reason your face comes to mind
Indeed there was other inspiration years ago
Into the brambles, my heart she would throw
A thorny tangle that proved most unkind
Now comes the first light of dawn
In yonder dew kissed meadow, a...
596 reads
Susan Gardner
Beyond the marsh grass and tall dark pines
Rolling land shaded by poplar, hickory and oak
First sight to greet my blurry eyes when I awoke
An ancient sycamore wreathed in wild grape vines
Last night's dreams and the memories they evoke
Like a low burning fire for my mind to gently stoke
Having always analyzed dreams searching for signs
Pondering if her wandering soul meets mine this way
That beautiful honey blonde haired girl I use to know
Twas down in North Hampton almost four decades ago
Deep within my heart Susan Gardner will always stay
Rolling land shaded by poplar, hickory and oak
First sight to greet my blurry eyes when I awoke
An ancient sycamore wreathed in wild grape vines
Last night's dreams and the memories they evoke
Like a low burning fire for my mind to gently stoke
Having always analyzed dreams searching for signs
Pondering if her wandering soul meets mine this way
That beautiful honey blonde haired girl I use to know
Twas down in North Hampton almost four decades ago
Deep within my heart Susan Gardner will always stay
644 reads
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Spiritual Inspiration
While gazing up
Some may be impressed by your standing
Seeing vivid violet or a rainbow of all colors
From where others perch atop the next ridge
Eagles, hawks, falcons and even roosting vultures
They see sunlight playing upon shiny black feathers
Keen eyes watch a rook and her gathering of crows
Your cawing clearly carried by a gentle breeze
Atop your mountain
Aspiring to be yet another undisputed despot
Silver tongue long split by sharply defending lies
Even little warblers and wrens give you no respect
Having been so ordered to alter...
Some may be impressed by your standing
Seeing vivid violet or a rainbow of all colors
From where others perch atop the next ridge
Eagles, hawks, falcons and even roosting vultures
They see sunlight playing upon shiny black feathers
Keen eyes watch a rook and her gathering of crows
Your cawing clearly carried by a gentle breeze
Atop your mountain
Aspiring to be yet another undisputed despot
Silver tongue long split by sharply defending lies
Even little warblers and wrens give you no respect
Having been so ordered to alter...
734 reads
On your way to the top
Angels and demons
So difficult to differentiate the two
Our hearts and souls as their battleground
They make war upon good nature and mother earth
How many lives wasted just because of man's lie
The people putting blind faith into an abomination
Forever it has been bent on complete domination
You above everyone
Nothing else really matters until the end
Another selfish generation in it's full flowering
Sociopath competitors climbing old rickety ladders
Your almighty god and dark devil are one in the same
Abiding by old written rules modified...
So difficult to differentiate the two
Our hearts and souls as their battleground
They make war upon good nature and mother earth
How many lives wasted just because of man's lie
The people putting blind faith into an abomination
Forever it has been bent on complete domination
You above everyone
Nothing else really matters until the end
Another selfish generation in it's full flowering
Sociopath competitors climbing old rickety ladders
Your almighty god and dark devil are one in the same
Abiding by old written rules modified...
611 reads
1 Comment
Late Winter Observation
Today the sky is a somber dark grey
Hours of naught but cold falling rain
I’m reminded by this heavy weather
Of the many winters, pleasure and pain
Along with every muddy track I've lain
Having never written of late winter
Breathing in and out this cold damp air
Gazing out from an old screened in porch
At trees and underbrush growing out there
Live oak, pine and holly, never are they bare
Impatiently waiting for the coming of spring
Hidden away where no one dares to intrude
These cold quiet times I should learn to cherish
Instead I...
Hours of naught but cold falling rain
I’m reminded by this heavy weather
Of the many winters, pleasure and pain
Along with every muddy track I've lain
Having never written of late winter
Breathing in and out this cold damp air
Gazing out from an old screened in porch
At trees and underbrush growing out there
Live oak, pine and holly, never are they bare
Impatiently waiting for the coming of spring
Hidden away where no one dares to intrude
These cold quiet times I should learn to cherish
Instead I...
538 reads
Motel Room Star
The evenings I spent in those Ocean View bars
Making different scenes under another assumed name
Ambling by junkie hookers turning tricks in parked cars
All along the strip they bait drunken and desperate game
Assorted shapes and sizes, but their eyes looked the same
Less costly than the lounge lizards and motel room stars
Ocean View, I frequented that seedy place
Smelling booze, cigarettes and sex upon opening the door
My eyes searching this bawdy den for a pretty painted face
Seeing another sailor's lonely lady, turned barroom whore ...
Making different scenes under another assumed name
Ambling by junkie hookers turning tricks in parked cars
All along the strip they bait drunken and desperate game
Assorted shapes and sizes, but their eyes looked the same
Less costly than the lounge lizards and motel room stars
Ocean View, I frequented that seedy place
Smelling booze, cigarettes and sex upon opening the door
My eyes searching this bawdy den for a pretty painted face
Seeing another sailor's lonely lady, turned barroom whore ...
873 reads
Not to be a permanent guest
In finding his way out of this immense labyrinth
Coming to the same dead ends, he marked walls
Only one exit, a doorway where all the fools enter
Lured in by their dark distorted sense of adventure
Some passages dimly lit while others are pitch black
A Gorgon hostess, little haunted by stone faced ghosts
All those who found a deadly calm in her petrifying eyes
Trapped in there, he would rather die of starvation
As her stone cold glare cannot hold a dead man's stare
Moldering bones have no place among her trophy statuary
A departed soul never to be...
Coming to the same dead ends, he marked walls
Only one exit, a doorway where all the fools enter
Lured in by their dark distorted sense of adventure
Some passages dimly lit while others are pitch black
A Gorgon hostess, little haunted by stone faced ghosts
All those who found a deadly calm in her petrifying eyes
Trapped in there, he would rather die of starvation
As her stone cold glare cannot hold a dead man's stare
Moldering bones have no place among her trophy statuary
A departed soul never to be...
564 reads
Hawk and Merlin
The hungry old hawk
Roosting in the woods on an empty belly
Chased away from the meadow by too many crows
A tangle of tree limbs and under brush
Scolded by barred owls
That next morning
Daring to venture out to the meadow’s edge
Hoping to pounce upon a tender young cottontail
Or at least a meadow vole, unaware
Black down drifting
Two dead crows
The other four were nowhere in sight
Black down still drifting in the slight breeze
In the same tree at the meadow’s edge
A merlin perched
Shrill greetings
Passed between...
Roosting in the woods on an empty belly
Chased away from the meadow by too many crows
A tangle of tree limbs and under brush
Scolded by barred owls
That next morning
Daring to venture out to the meadow’s edge
Hoping to pounce upon a tender young cottontail
Or at least a meadow vole, unaware
Black down drifting
Two dead crows
The other four were nowhere in sight
Black down still drifting in the slight breeze
In the same tree at the meadow’s edge
A merlin perched
Shrill greetings
Passed between...
580 reads
Bias Description
There are those living in myths and fairy tales
Misinterpreting ancient wisdom, their way to enhance
Reality, reason and the hopes they toss into wishing wells
Attempting to ascend society upon games of chance
Spirituality fueling greed, advertisement and sales
Appealing, well spoken, thought of and viewed
Beholden to deities, gluttonous and lewd
Gathered under their banner of the coiled snake
Bristling with guns, twisted grins and eyes so cold
The American dream, a living nightmare when they awake
Ingrained deep within their minds by lies long...
Misinterpreting ancient wisdom, their way to enhance
Reality, reason and the hopes they toss into wishing wells
Attempting to ascend society upon games of chance
Spirituality fueling greed, advertisement and sales
Appealing, well spoken, thought of and viewed
Beholden to deities, gluttonous and lewd
Gathered under their banner of the coiled snake
Bristling with guns, twisted grins and eyes so cold
The American dream, a living nightmare when they awake
Ingrained deep within their minds by lies long...
488 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Atehequa