Submissions by Academic
Poet Introduction
I'm committed to what I do and never undertake anything just for the sake of doing so.
Do your thing Grim Reaper and cleanse this Aegean Stable!
By Stanley Collymore
I can feel your presence very strongly, as overtly
and most discernibly not to be amiss you’re
quite intent on making me fully aware
of this; all the same I’m not the least
nonplussed by what you’re doing
since I’m very conscious that it’s your
inimitable style at work causing you
to act thus and therefore for you,
and obviously something
not to be shirked, your
customary way
of behaving.
But then as the Grim Reaper you well know that
Death attendant with its mortal finality isn’t
just a...
I can feel your presence very strongly, as overtly
and most discernibly not to be amiss you’re
quite intent on making me fully aware
of this; all the same I’m not the least
nonplussed by what you’re doing
since I’m very conscious that it’s your
inimitable style at work causing you
to act thus and therefore for you,
and obviously something
not to be shirked, your
customary way
of behaving.
But then as the Grim Reaper you well know that
Death attendant with its mortal finality isn’t
just a...
580 reads
The lustful burden of love!
By Stanley Collymore
Don’t tell me; you’ve fallen in love again and
this time it’s for real! How many times have
I previously heard from you that same old
and unconvincing spiel? And when
will you ever learn not to confuse love
with lust, as time and time again you
miserably fail to distinguish the
one from the other or fully
acknowledge that the
two aren’t by any
means one and
the same?
Lust, let me candidly spell it out for you,
is the process where you do absolutely
nothing at all to even remotely suppress...
Don’t tell me; you’ve fallen in love again and
this time it’s for real! How many times have
I previously heard from you that same old
and unconvincing spiel? And when
will you ever learn not to confuse love
with lust, as time and time again you
miserably fail to distinguish the
one from the other or fully
acknowledge that the
two aren’t by any
means one and
the same?
Lust, let me candidly spell it out for you,
is the process where you do absolutely
nothing at all to even remotely suppress...
563 reads
Victims of racism but we both survived!
By Stanley Collymore
Your birth wasn’t planned but all the same your
creation was fashioned through love and most
certainly on your father’s part whose heart
was broken when through bigotry and
racism he was denied access to you
and never fittingly allowed the
opportunity to assume far
less play the role of Dad
that both biologically
and morally was
his right to be.
Fifty years on you’re a parent in your own
right and clearly know what it’s like to
give birth, have a loving family of
your own by someone whom...
Your birth wasn’t planned but all the same your
creation was fashioned through love and most
certainly on your father’s part whose heart
was broken when through bigotry and
racism he was denied access to you
and never fittingly allowed the
opportunity to assume far
less play the role of Dad
that both biologically
and morally was
his right to be.
Fifty years on you’re a parent in your own
right and clearly know what it’s like to
give birth, have a loving family of
your own by someone whom...
550 reads
Pragmatists 3 Daydreamers 1!
By Stanley Collymore
Dreams are the means that we regularly employ,
whether consciously or involuntarily so, to
hopefully either circumvent or attempt
to postpone, and possibly forever,
the harsher experiences of
life with which we find
ourselves confronted and don’t really know
how best or most suitably to deal with
these problems; a fabricated world
of daydreams conflated with
legitimate aspirations and
where reality, if at all
allowed a look in,
is generally not
permitted to
play any
Dreams are the means that we regularly employ,
whether consciously or involuntarily so, to
hopefully either circumvent or attempt
to postpone, and possibly forever,
the harsher experiences of
life with which we find
ourselves confronted and don’t really know
how best or most suitably to deal with
these problems; a fabricated world
of daydreams conflated with
legitimate aspirations and
where reality, if at all
allowed a look in,
is generally not
permitted to
play any
539 reads
Private lives with public legacies
By Stanley Collymore
Let me hold you in my arms; shield and
protect you from harm with my love,
and comfortingly embrace you with the
multitude of expectations I have for us as
man and wife sharing a life together
for the rest of our lives: uniquely
and properly so; simply, because
it’ll be a model creation of
our very own. Yet in
commonality with others like us,
likemindedly in love and who
similarly in regard to themselves
astutely aspire to achieving the
same goals as we do, will
positively encourage
us to...
Let me hold you in my arms; shield and
protect you from harm with my love,
and comfortingly embrace you with the
multitude of expectations I have for us as
man and wife sharing a life together
for the rest of our lives: uniquely
and properly so; simply, because
it’ll be a model creation of
our very own. Yet in
commonality with others like us,
likemindedly in love and who
similarly in regard to themselves
astutely aspire to achieving the
same goals as we do, will
positively encourage
us to...
525 reads
As in life so too in death – No Justice; No Peace!
By Stanley Collymore
You might be able to stitch me up with crimes I didn’t
commit; racially stereotype and accordingly, thanks
to your meticulously hand-picked and bent
jurors, routinely find me guilty, then
get your crony magistrates or elitist judges
with their entrenched Colonel Blimp and
colonialist mindset to incarcerate me
for inordinately lengthy periods
of time in your antiquated,
18th Century-assembled
and enormously
That’s, of course, if your arrogantly assumed
and disdainfully...
You might be able to stitch me up with crimes I didn’t
commit; racially stereotype and accordingly, thanks
to your meticulously hand-picked and bent
jurors, routinely find me guilty, then
get your crony magistrates or elitist judges
with their entrenched Colonel Blimp and
colonialist mindset to incarcerate me
for inordinately lengthy periods
of time in your antiquated,
18th Century-assembled
and enormously
That’s, of course, if your arrogantly assumed
and disdainfully...
850 reads
Lying, murdering scum!
Murderous intent
By Stanley Collymore
How does it feel to take the life of
someone else; to coldly bring to a
violent and abrupt end millions
of years of evolution which
resulted in that particular man or
woman: an embodiment of dreams,
hopes, aspirations and ambitions;
all undone in a matter of seconds?
Is it really worth it; to destroy
all that in one mindless and
irreversible act spurred
on by untrammelled
racial hatred?
© Stanley V. Collymore
17 February 1998.
Black Skin
By Stanley Collymore
How does it feel to take the life of
someone else; to coldly bring to a
violent and abrupt end millions
of years of evolution which
resulted in that particular man or
woman: an embodiment of dreams,
hopes, aspirations and ambitions;
all undone in a matter of seconds?
Is it really worth it; to destroy
all that in one mindless and
irreversible act spurred
on by untrammelled
racial hatred?
© Stanley V. Collymore
17 February 1998.
Black Skin
680 reads
In memoriam of my beloved Great-Aunt, “Aunt Millie”!
By Stanley Collymore
Your valued life here on earth inevitably reached its
end but the durable and cherished remembrances
of the immense good that you did whilst among
us; what you clearly and conscionably stood
for and tirelessly, in frequently difficult
circumstances, worked exceedingly
hard to implement and against
seemingly impossible odds
to achieve, in order to
improve the lives of
others, will live
on forever.
A touching testament of your altruism, tenacity
and dogged commitment to the challenging
Your valued life here on earth inevitably reached its
end but the durable and cherished remembrances
of the immense good that you did whilst among
us; what you clearly and conscionably stood
for and tirelessly, in frequently difficult
circumstances, worked exceedingly
hard to implement and against
seemingly impossible odds
to achieve, in order to
improve the lives of
others, will live
on forever.
A touching testament of your altruism, tenacity
and dogged commitment to the challenging
733 reads
Make this promise to yourself!
By Stanley Collymore
I’ll lift my eyes up to the stars and venture
to attain my genuine ambitions, but in
doing so I won’t ever allow myself
to be blinded by pointless daydreams or
unrealizable expectations, assuredly
always keeping both feet firmly
planted on the ground; in the
full and quite comforting knowledge
that if my yearned for ambitions
aren’t to be realized first time
round I can then always and sensibly,
learning from the mistakes that
I’ve consciously or perhaps
unintentionally made,
be more preparedly ...
I’ll lift my eyes up to the stars and venture
to attain my genuine ambitions, but in
doing so I won’t ever allow myself
to be blinded by pointless daydreams or
unrealizable expectations, assuredly
always keeping both feet firmly
planted on the ground; in the
full and quite comforting knowledge
that if my yearned for ambitions
aren’t to be realized first time
round I can then always and sensibly,
learning from the mistakes that
I’ve consciously or perhaps
unintentionally made,
be more preparedly ...
587 reads
The greatest stimulus to self-confidence is honesty with one’s self!
By Stanley Collymore
Though you assume the right to moan often but
usually in private about the difficulties you
regularly face the stark and challenging
truth is that you seldom, if ever, like
so many others do rarely bother to
scrutinize the possibilities of why these
difficulties are there in the first place
and, as such, thoughtlessly rule out
the legitimate likelihood that you
and your activities might very
well be the magnet if not the
material catalyst of many of
your pressing concerns.
And so it isn’t that...
Though you assume the right to moan often but
usually in private about the difficulties you
regularly face the stark and challenging
truth is that you seldom, if ever, like
so many others do rarely bother to
scrutinize the possibilities of why these
difficulties are there in the first place
and, as such, thoughtlessly rule out
the legitimate likelihood that you
and your activities might very
well be the magnet if not the
material catalyst of many of
your pressing concerns.
And so it isn’t that...
740 reads
Grandmothers happen, okay? But Grandmas are lovingly and skilfully created!
By Stanley Collymore
There are Grandmothers and there are also Grandmas;
at first glance and on the face of it there’s no
distinction between the two terms of
expression it would seem, but
that’s where you’re wrong a thousandfold.
Since in any household worthy of the
name the two definitions aren’t
mutually compatible or
the same.
For biologically most females can and do invariably
at some time or other, whether they wanted to
or not, become grandmothers, provided
of course they...
There are Grandmothers and there are also Grandmas;
at first glance and on the face of it there’s no
distinction between the two terms of
expression it would seem, but
that’s where you’re wrong a thousandfold.
Since in any household worthy of the
name the two definitions aren’t
mutually compatible or
the same.
For biologically most females can and do invariably
at some time or other, whether they wanted to
or not, become grandmothers, provided
of course they...
719 reads
Why should western leaders bother about terrorism when they benefit hugely from it?
By Stanley Collymore
What God or religion for that matter authorizes
or condones the gratuitous killing, no the
sadistic slaughter of innocent civilians,
some of them mere children that
hadn’t as yet even begun to
properly live their lives let alone start the
process of exploring and utilizing their
God-given talents, far less allowed
the chance to make their personal
contributions to the world in
general or the human race
in particular of which
they were a part?
And explain to me, if you can, what’s civilized ...
What God or religion for that matter authorizes
or condones the gratuitous killing, no the
sadistic slaughter of innocent civilians,
some of them mere children that
hadn’t as yet even begun to
properly live their lives let alone start the
process of exploring and utilizing their
God-given talents, far less allowed
the chance to make their personal
contributions to the world in
general or the human race
in particular of which
they were a part?
And explain to me, if you can, what’s civilized ...
675 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Academic