Least Read Observational Poems
Poetry about life, society and the natural world
Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.
There it stood on its pole
The red, white, and blue of old
Waving violently against the wind
As it found itself hinged
Intertwined by the blowing air.
The Old Faded Glory still waving there.
Many days of old have come and gone
Standing proud during each patriotic song
The emblem of American ground
Rippling the outroar cries of the warfare sound
Of long ago…dating back centuries of time.
Once gallantly and vibrantly you did stand
When soldiers encamped to conquer the land.
Yet, here you are…still standing as you wave ...
The red, white, and blue of old
Waving violently against the wind
As it found itself hinged
Intertwined by the blowing air.
The Old Faded Glory still waving there.
Many days of old have come and gone
Standing proud during each patriotic song
The emblem of American ground
Rippling the outroar cries of the warfare sound
Of long ago…dating back centuries of time.
Once gallantly and vibrantly you did stand
When soldiers encamped to conquer the land.
Yet, here you are…still standing as you wave ...
3 reads
Speech much like inciting a rebelion
words full of sanctimonius wrath
a form of disguise, substituting motivation
— hear yeah, the wisdom of the righteous
candidates selling themselves off
as the champion of your interest
The exercise of free choice in democracy
is much like a market of monopoly
where choices are limitted edition only
— vote yeah, the brand of oligarchs
greedy crocodiles who gave away money
In public coffers they profitted greatly
Speech much like inciting a rebelion
words full of sanctimonius wrath
a form of disguise, substituting motivation
— hear yeah, the wisdom of the righteous
candidates selling themselves off
as the champion of your interest
The exercise of free choice in democracy
is much like a market of monopoly
where choices are limitted edition only
— vote yeah, the brand of oligarchs
greedy crocodiles who gave away money
In public coffers they profitted greatly
4 reads
1 Comment
Seeing the beauty
A man of many words can inspire lots
with a tiny verse of courage,
A woman has finely tuned emotions,
With unfathom pinpoint intuition,
A neutral being is beautiful to,
With insight to equality,
A naturouse plant that grows all over,
With undying growth, lifes quality,
An for the animals that roam this earth,
Your so wondrous an natural.
There's so much beauty in the world,
From urban town, to land rural,
Keep and accept all the beauty
That you find and seek, for this will,
Enrich your soul and Life's being.
with a tiny verse of courage,
A woman has finely tuned emotions,
With unfathom pinpoint intuition,
A neutral being is beautiful to,
With insight to equality,
A naturouse plant that grows all over,
With undying growth, lifes quality,
An for the animals that roam this earth,
Your so wondrous an natural.
There's so much beauty in the world,
From urban town, to land rural,
Keep and accept all the beauty
That you find and seek, for this will,
Enrich your soul and Life's being.
4 reads
He filled the echo of silence
With the scented incense
Of his sweet-sounding flute
which decorated
each echo soud of the selah
The beautiful artistry of the echoing silence
Resounded as a hollow sound
Bounced back against the concrete temple walls
With the silver-tints of the soft winds
From his flute.
With the scented incense
Of his sweet-sounding flute
which decorated
each echo soud of the selah
The beautiful artistry of the echoing silence
Resounded as a hollow sound
Bounced back against the concrete temple walls
With the silver-tints of the soft winds
From his flute.
4 reads
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Brandenburg Gate
The air seems stale
The light is clouded
With the heavy veil
Of a broken fate
I walk the gallows walk
One step at a time
Closer to freedoms tale
Of the Brandenburg Gate
The air is fresher the dreams are brighter
The love is sweeter and destiny higher
The pain is lessened and the people don't hate
The long gallows walk to the Brandenburg Gate
The light is clouded
With the heavy veil
Of a broken fate
I walk the gallows walk
One step at a time
Closer to freedoms tale
Of the Brandenburg Gate
The air is fresher the dreams are brighter
The love is sweeter and destiny higher
The pain is lessened and the people don't hate
The long gallows walk to the Brandenburg Gate
5 reads
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Footprints Through Napo
Littered ideas
Escaped thoughts
A prisoned mind
Comfort zones
Breathing space
Poetically aligned
Tune out the world
Peace be still
Moonlight gazing
Lunar bathing
Determined will
Thank God for school
Kids are gone
Time to think
I'm caffeinated
Poems in sink
Walk the dog
Inhale the brainstorm
Brace for calm
Crack those words
Unvault the vowels
Reapply lip balm
Stress be free
Don't bother me
I must...
Escaped thoughts
A prisoned mind
Comfort zones
Breathing space
Poetically aligned
Tune out the world
Peace be still
Moonlight gazing
Lunar bathing
Determined will
Thank God for school
Kids are gone
Time to think
I'm caffeinated
Poems in sink
Walk the dog
Inhale the brainstorm
Brace for calm
Crack those words
Unvault the vowels
Reapply lip balm
Stress be free
Don't bother me
I must...
6 reads
Along Came A Poem
Laying in my bed
Wondering what it was you said
Body numb
Blood pumping like a drum
Must be this rum
Doodling misguided fingers on my keys
Help me please
Motivated pleas
Arthritic knees
The atmosphere is cold
This thought just got old
Creeping through my letters in bold
Give me a minute and hold
Hold onto this nonsensical grammar
Reign your judges down Thors hammer
My mindset is typically caught in the slammer
What a clamour?
Wondering what it was you said
Body numb
Blood pumping like a drum
Must be this rum
Doodling misguided fingers on my keys
Help me please
Motivated pleas
Arthritic knees
The atmosphere is cold
This thought just got old
Creeping through my letters in bold
Give me a minute and hold
Hold onto this nonsensical grammar
Reign your judges down Thors hammer
My mindset is typically caught in the slammer
What a clamour?
6 reads
Fly Away
I've been observing you for quite some time
Recording your every move
As you pantomime
How can you be so smooth?
I first caught glimpse in the kitchen
When I was looking for food
Wasn’t aware you were hitchin
I was in my morning mood
My brain was foggy
Lost in its synapses faze
My cereal was soggy
As I intended to graze
Next, I saw you hop
Ran past my tv set
Like a blinding whirl
Knocked me down a fret
My ghost went hurl
I thought I should...
Recording your every move
As you pantomime
How can you be so smooth?
I first caught glimpse in the kitchen
When I was looking for food
Wasn’t aware you were hitchin
I was in my morning mood
My brain was foggy
Lost in its synapses faze
My cereal was soggy
As I intended to graze
Next, I saw you hop
Ran past my tv set
Like a blinding whirl
Knocked me down a fret
My ghost went hurl
I thought I should...
6 reads
The Tree Outside a Child's Window
My child is not even a year old
Playing on the floor with books
Not reading like you or I
Just flipping through the pages, obsessively
As I lie on the carpet nearby
Looking out the window with the curtains drawn
I see the Tree swaying slightly in a breeze
It has filled out over the years
with an abundance of branches and leaves
It was a sad and struggling sight early on
I didn't think it would make it through the winter freezes
Or the summer droughts
Boy, was I wrong
What I see now fills my heart with joy
Playing on the floor with books
Not reading like you or I
Just flipping through the pages, obsessively
As I lie on the carpet nearby
Looking out the window with the curtains drawn
I see the Tree swaying slightly in a breeze
It has filled out over the years
with an abundance of branches and leaves
It was a sad and struggling sight early on
I didn't think it would make it through the winter freezes
Or the summer droughts
Boy, was I wrong
What I see now fills my heart with joy
#memories #fatherhood
#memories #fatherhood
6 reads
Seasons come and seasons go
Each one of us learn to let go.
Letting go does not come easy.
Letting go is the parting with something or someone
We had for a while that became a part of us.
It was ours; it belonged to us.
We must have needed it for a wile or a time.
Letting go can be sad or drive us mad
It hurts to part because we, by nature, are possessive beings.
Sharing is a virtue as letting go is unnatural
To the natural beasts we are.
Letting go states we don’t need it anymore
And, yet, the future remains unknown ...
Each one of us learn to let go.
Letting go does not come easy.
Letting go is the parting with something or someone
We had for a while that became a part of us.
It was ours; it belonged to us.
We must have needed it for a wile or a time.
Letting go can be sad or drive us mad
It hurts to part because we, by nature, are possessive beings.
Sharing is a virtue as letting go is unnatural
To the natural beasts we are.
Letting go states we don’t need it anymore
And, yet, the future remains unknown ...
6 reads
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Sleepless Nights in The Devil's Playground Prt 2
The 4 Horseman
Part 2
The Red Horse:
Crimson blood
Graffiti his blade
The hue of magma fire
Ignites a deathly parade
Torrential flags
Waver their betrayed allegiance
Silent spokesman for the dead
Rainbow the heavens on their canvased grievance
Slaughtered lambs
Pilfer his soul
An undying entity
Enraged beyond control
Destruction quakes
Like rippled effects where ever he’s trotted
The manifestation of war
Deep-seated in death where breath has rotted
Mayhem hymns ...
Part 2
The Red Horse:
Crimson blood
Graffiti his blade
The hue of magma fire
Ignites a deathly parade
Torrential flags
Waver their betrayed allegiance
Silent spokesman for the dead
Rainbow the heavens on their canvased grievance
Slaughtered lambs
Pilfer his soul
An undying entity
Enraged beyond control
Destruction quakes
Like rippled effects where ever he’s trotted
The manifestation of war
Deep-seated in death where breath has rotted
Mayhem hymns ...
7 reads
Parallel Me
I see you clearly
Mocking my existence sincerely
Teasing me severely
Ever wondering if you can hear me
Are you better than I?
Some omnipresent spy?
Somehow you seem cooler
A lone king with no ruler
Your stride is smoother
Attitude crueler
Your body is lean
The exact opposite of my gene
Walk and talk in lines
Same hysterical signs
his, yours, mines
Parallel sipping wines
I wonder do you think the same
Do you answer to my name?
Your skin is clearer
Mocking my existence sincerely
Teasing me severely
Ever wondering if you can hear me
Are you better than I?
Some omnipresent spy?
Somehow you seem cooler
A lone king with no ruler
Your stride is smoother
Attitude crueler
Your body is lean
The exact opposite of my gene
Walk and talk in lines
Same hysterical signs
his, yours, mines
Parallel sipping wines
I wonder do you think the same
Do you answer to my name?
Your skin is clearer
7 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Poems about Life, Society and the World