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10th April 5:14pm

Greetings, just joined. I play music and write, and thought this group might help me develop the incentive I need to keep a regular regimen of writing, which is at times lacking. I look forward to reading yours.
10th April 1:47pm

whats good
!!! - Day/night cycle - !!!

“Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink”

buSy doing nothing for no one- gods, many many many gods singing, crying, laughing, dying all the timeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i hit that shit once more thats how it goes making nothing for nobody why did they come here the secret noone knows it’s the souls “fear not of man cause man must die” mos def ref fade to black on black what’s the tzimtzum make room for the womb lost and dying in a cosm without the rosy fingers of dawn where would we be gimme that before it’s gone time to put these claw scrapes in my skull to the page dark mode recent cuts digging deeper delve into these bars sandbars on the cosmic ocean where i sit inventing the universe
pass me the shell put it up to your ear do you hear the celestial bell
Singing ringing it’s too early for the king
Stuttering - “take this ring, bring it to the queen”
Emissary for the undying, the eternal chochma and binah
Do you hear me now, the harmony of the spheres
Precious little left after all these years what’s this feeling my love will rip a skylight in the ceiling i give myself to you now from the essence of my being and i sing to my god songs of life and healing but what’s beyond the radio and radiation, is it jove, kronos, thanos, ebrietas, or another layer of rose, rows and rows of the one celestial rose, not old enough for this, life is an abyss looking and listening deeper and deeper, sniffing the roses stop and reflect the layers of this reality, worlds inside of worlds, dimensions lost to memory, zachor is the disease and the cure, amnesia to please ya, sit back and relax, let your mind unravel, unwind body, let your fears retravel anger over your manger missing its messiah, right where you started, forget the heat death of the universe and let it be reborn that’s the arrow pointing in your koran to the universe which is a torah scroll ready to unroll no need for bars over your eyes bars censor the truth bars prepare us for the shape of the brain inside of us bars of gold linger in your brain take a pickaxe to your skull a poem must be the pickaxe for the gems inside you “a book must be the axe for the frozen sea” kafkaesque majestic metaverse makes me mumble mercilessly can’t you hear the collective rumbling of a new world order , b’seder gamul no hunger no thirst no jealousy no cursed masses huddling at the dmv for what identification bring me back to the black sands of ladispoli on the tyrrhenian sea taken from italy and brought to a tragedy called america “i too sing america” langston hughes said it what happens to a dream deferred does it dry up like a raisin in the sun does it fester or does it explode here comes the big boom straight to the roof of this room turn down for what hear me now we will not go softly into that dark night of the soul, we will not miss our shot this opportunity comes once every lifetime before the dawn, it’s the darkest night and in between we suffer for what we came here for what we been here before for what you sit there for what you ride to work for what you drive to school for what you tap and swipe right for what i put your name in my book so you will wake up from this stupor this nightmare this living hell that you call family welcome to the american nightmare make your dreams into memory and Ur imagination into reality drip drip there goes an eargasm for what a corporal spasm
9th April 4:24pm


By: LG
It took me decades to feel this way
It took me years to love myself
It took me months to wear clothes like this
It took me hours to figure out what to wear
It took me minutes to laugh at you and say
It took me seconds to walk away
Self love is something I was self taught
Not by the woman in my life
Not my mother, grandmother, sister or or friend
But by myself
I did it the wrong way first
Believe me
I looked for it in a man
I thought you could show me value but
Of course I found the wrong one
It took me awhile to understand how I am supposed to be valued
For the good stuff on the inside
Not just the outside
I am not just a piece of ass
I am a strong, funny, caring, loving and independent woman
With curves in all the right and wrong places
 I have to remember that my body is mine
It is my temple my shrine
Mine mine mine
And I don’t give a shit that you don't anymore
It’s mine
My temple, my shrine, my body
Mine mine mine      
Written by LolaGray
I have been writing poetry for a while now just started reading it to others and now I felt it was a good time to start to publish. Thanks for reading
9th April 3:12am

Hello All
I've been writing free verse poetry and dabbling in songwriting for almost 5 years now... Wow, it's already been five years. I joined DU poetry in an attempt to push my poetry to wider audiences and determine if there is demand for it. I'm getting to a point where I'd like to move towards presenting my poetry, so this site is looking especially interesting.
8th April 10:59am

Hello I'm new here I have been writing poems and lyrics for about 1 year now I started suffering with depression and I found it easier for me to write it down so it started of there really.

This Is the first one I ever wrote.

My story is a ever lasting
Heartbreak inside of me
I try to cope but when I do
I just keep falling to my feet

You don't understand do you
What I see in me
I see a worthless girl
That nobody else sees

I see a sad face that
and everyday I believe its me
With tears falling down
Their is aloud of drownding
Inside of me

Even though I tell myself
The good in things
But no matter how hard I try
The only way out is to sing
Or maybe that's just me

Oh I see a sad face that
I believe is me
With tears falling down
Their is aloud of drownding
Inside of me

I know you tell me if I need
A helping hand
You'll come and find me
And hold me till I'm tired
And warm

But this is just me
And I'm sorry I
Always fall down to your knees
I do find my way back up again
Eventually in time

And I see a sad face that
I believe is me
With tears falling down
Their is aloud of drownding
Inside of me
8th April 10:36am

Hello All
Not even sure if I can consider what my future post would be as a poem. More of I'd write my thoughts, emotions most of the time as I feel them. So yeah. Some would totally be blah but it would be raw. As raw as I could get. Hello to all.
Edited 7th April 12:54pm

I am a new member, both here and to the art of poetry
I used to like the way people use words in tricky ways to express what they feel on their inside. I also used to write somethings I call "Poems" to say what's on my mind, but am not sure if they really are poems. The reason why I join is to learn how to pour out my mind in a poetic way. However, I will strongly appreciate corrections and critics from anyone of you herein.
7th April 4:12am

Im not great at introductions so ill try my best. I really began to like poetry/spoken word about 7 or 8 months ago. The poems that i read and heard just inspired me in a unique way. About 6 months ago i decided to write some poetry of my own. I decided to keep this a secret from my family because i am too embarrassed to let them know that a 17 year old guy writes poetry. Anyway most of the poetry that i write is mainly about my experience as a God fearing Christian. I'm not all that good of a poet but i love writing poetry because it is a way for me to express what i feel, especially when talking seem to be the hardest thing in the world. I am new to posting my poetry and so i excited to see how this works out.
7th April 3:10am

new to this
I just joined today. I’ve been writing for
a couple years now but this is the first time i’ve put my poems out into the public. i thought it would help to get some feedback
on my writing.
6th April 10:18am

I've enjoyed reading the poems here so decided to join. I'm a mature person (OK old git) coming to the end of a Open University degree that stimulated me to write a lot of poetry. So hoping to read some more inspiring work and get some honest feedback - I can take it.
6th April 9:25am

Hi, I'm new here. Looking foward to interact with other poets. :)
6th April 2:38am

Bottoming out... (Land of Dreams)
Clouds whistling with grace in the sky.. The silence enchants a realm of dreams..
Science becomes absent. Logic collapses.. Sense of the common becomes as wholesome as fractions.

The world around me dissipates, a storm of love percipitates.
Melts the shelter of nightmares that bound me.

The wind leads me to a familiar avenue.. One that was once compatible. A foundation before but what now seems impractical.
But follow I must.. I shall submit and entrust.. At your mercy I bow.. Its exactly what it seems...
Embrace me now, Enchant me with your warmth.
Encase me forever in your Land of Dreams...
-Brendan Randolph