
Suicide and the aftermath

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 180

Hey gang.  

So, a good friend of mine, her son (24 yrs old) moved out of state recently.  Partly, he said, because she harassed him too much about getting his shit together, hanging with bad people, doing drugs, etc.   So he went to his grandparents (who should have known better, IMO)
  He overdosed last night, and so far no one is sure if it was intentional or an accident.  

She is devastated, of course.  And I hurt because he hurt her, with his actions.  

I will never understand such things.  I have an extremely bitter attitude towards suicide.   Mainly, because I have three relatives (aunts, cousin) who did it.  And I know the wreck of other (surviving) people's lives that it causes.  

My birth mother was a bad pill-head.  She ruined her life, tried to ruin us kids' lives, etc.  Her last two decades were spent in a supervised facility, in a lock down environment.  She tried to OD on pills a few times when we were little.  
She wasn't any good at it.  Actually, her tolerance was so high that it would take more pills than she had at the time, to work.  
   My younger brother blew his heart out because of drinking and pills. Although it was considered an accident.  It is still a slow suicide to me.  
  Yet two months before he died, he told me that he didn't have much time left.  I told him he was full of shit.  He seemed okay all along.  He was healthy looking.
I had talked to him off and on about his drinking and pills.  So did his wife. He left behind two young sons.  It's like he didnt learn anything over the years from watching and hearing about our mother. Or our aunts, or our cousin.  
  No, neither of us ever visited our mother once we moved out and away.  She was a horrible, mean person.  I never missed her. Because there was nothing there, between us.  I had a good step mom eventually.  So all good.  The fucking pills changed my mom into something subhuman.  
 I rarely take any meds, for anything.  I'm that much against it.  And I've had A LOT of surgeries and injuries etc.  I take the pain. Because it's a reminder of being alive.

  Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling.  I can't get over my anger over this kid hurting everyone in his life that mattered.  Suicide kills many hearts. It wrecks them.  
  So, any of you out there contemplating suicide, or throwing your life away because of bad habits, don't.  Just don't.  It's bullshit.  Nothing is worse than quitting life.  Because those you leave behind have to deal with it for their lifetime afterwards.  
  Any one of you can message me, and we can talk about stuff.  Or, pick someone who understands you and can hopefully help you over the crisis.
  Death is permanent.  It is an asshole, every time.  Life means there is always a chance.  So be brave enough to risk living for that chance.  

  I will talk to anyone that wants to.  If need be, I'd give my number and we can talk.  
I'm no professional at this.  But, I love life.  It's a blessing!   I will gladly remind you of that.  
Don't hurt others in your life by hurting yourself.  It's so selfish. And they don't deserve that pain.
If you have to feel miserable even though they love you (and they really do), then suck it up and live miserably.  Just live.  You have no idea what awaits you if you quit.  So be brave, risk being alive.  Do it for them.

If you can't like yourself , at least love yourself deep down.  You're the only you on earth.  That makes it priceless.  So believe that!  

People, stop quitting life.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2136

 Suicide’s Plight

Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride        
Should I just keep walking by        
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide        
There are so many people out there        
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare        
Not having remorse to no longer care        
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck        
Not having a penny let alone a buck        
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair        
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air        
A silent battle of the brain within        
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin        
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin        
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again        
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should        
Starting first with memories of your childhood        
During those times things were never misunderstood        
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood        
Trying to figure it all out        
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt        
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart        
Mental breakdowns from the initial start        
Unspoken anger now for the most part        
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness        
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless        
We all have walked a mile in tight shoes        
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse        
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse        
However, who gives you that sole right to choose        
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose        
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away        
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway        
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind        
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down        
Stomach pumped, oh no        
I really really never intended to go        
Save me please        
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees        
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help        
The third time it worked, yelp        
As I lay still        
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill        
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still        
There was always a tomorrow        
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow        
I’m on my ascending pathway        
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day        
There will be no more words from you to say        
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call        
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol        
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings        
Sent back here to say or do some strange things        
All for a great cause        
Under God’s universal laws        
However, I will never know where you come from        
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some        
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in        
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins        
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now        
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow        
Trust me you shall reap what you sow upon its disavowal         
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought        
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout        
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be        
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see        
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious        
You can’t        
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant        
No one wants to come back here        
And still adhere        
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape        
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape        
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate        
At any rate        
You never get those moments in time to backdate        
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through        
I know this has been tried and true        
Just please keep this angle of view in mind        
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind        
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind        
Once you close your eyes        
No more second chances to understand, the what, when, or the whys        
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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I stand in your solidarity for others, and for your words of encouragement for anyone who feels suicide is there way out, my poet

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

my condolences to you and your people. my ex, the mother of my children tried it many times, many different ways. one time she woke me up, stood in front of the bed then set herself on fire. her nightgown went up in a blaze. another time she dived out of a two story window. she died last June of a broken ankle (some complications which have yet to be clarified)

thing is, don't judge people. you have no idea what is going through their head, what kind of abject sadness, shame, worthless-ness they are feeling . or what kind of mental illness drives them over the line  .. cos it can't be easy

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6084

Two times survivor. Much better headspace these days.

An ex of mine also drank a bottle of bleach and a shit tonne of pills. Nobody knew he was there for about a month.

You’re right — it changes those left behind.

My heart goes out to you and I just want you to know that you are seen and heard here. Allow yourself the space to process it however you need.

Unfortunately, the sad truth is there is no logic to it. Those who commit the act aren’t thinking clearly, and those left behind wonder why. That’s why it’s so important to get people talking while they’re here.

I would literally go out of my way to make sure that somebody else in that state was listened too. It’s just maintaining that culture of kindness and openness I think.

I’m open to talk to, should anybody need too. But yeah, Lepp’s also got a point in that we just have no idea what’s going on in a person’s life / head.

Guess we just all have to look out for each other the best we can. 😊

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

I have actually been in that dark place where you sometimes cannot see any hope at all in life and dying seems to look better than going on living in those awful moments. I came pretty close to dying from suicide a couple of times too... there was this one time when I sliced my entire arms deep, from my wrists to my elbows, but thanks to the unusual way my body heals itself sometimes I survived the foolish suicide attempt and lived to see better times. Another time, I had all these aspirins in front of me (I am deathly allergic to aspirins), and I seriously thought about taking the whole bottle. But there was a certain person there by my side... who talked me out of ending my life, and in time I came to see the hope that I could not see before. He told me that he could not bear to think of what his life would be like without me... and that touched my heart so deeply, that I realized I still had so much to give in this world, and someone truly special to give a great deal to. Death can be the worst for those we leave behind...

When I was sixteen years old, I fell in love with a girl named Andrea. She and I basically had our whole life together all planned out... what we were going to do, where we were going to live, and how great our life was going to go. She was murdered (beaten to death) by her horrible tyrant of a father not long after he had murdered her little sister previously, and because they were immigrants from some part of Eastern Europe (I don't think she ever told me exactly where it was, only that it was around the Romania area or thereabouts), her father was deported back there to face justice for his crimes. I can only assume that he either got life in prison or the death penalty... either way, he surely got what he deserved for snuffing out two beautiful lights from this world. Her death... broke me... in ways I never imagined that I could be broken at all. And for the longest time, I was darn near suicidal in life and had a bit of a death wish. This made me very confrontational, prone to extremely angry outbursts, and fits of screaming or crying hysterically. I suppose it drove me a bit crazy for a good many years after her death, and it took a long time to heal from that. For a good decade or so, I made myself even forget her name in an attempt to move on from my grief over her death... but one day I came to the realization that forgetting what happened would never be possible. I kept having dreams about her, and in those dreams, I heard her name spoken once again. I allowed myself to remember that name and all it had meant to me. So, I had to come to terms with her loss and that it would always be a painful part of me no matter how much time might pass. But the flip side is that it hurt so deeply (that loss) because of how deeply we had loved each other! And so, I could never forget her passing any more than I could ever forget the love we shared. These days, I can talk about her without wanting to go crazy and die, and I can see in peoples' hearts how deep loss can change you in so many ways. Life is such a precious gift we are given, and I think what grieves me the most sometimes is to see how certain people treat that gift so poorly! I try always to think about those around me who love me, and I continue to live not just for my sake but for theirs as well, since I know my death would hurt them irreparably. Sadly... not everyone can muster that same strength.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 180

Sorry I should have came back to this topic and acknowledged the replies. Thank you all for the feedback.

Btw, the kid accidentally overdosed according to his friend with him.  It's still horrible.

Strange Creature
Joined 6th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 3

so sorry for your loss:/

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

That is horrible! Drugs can do such truly horrific things, and the snuffing out of a young life is one of the most horrific things there can be. I am sorry for your loss as well.

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