The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Wed, Aug 23, 2023
💫Mercury Rx in Virgo: If you missed that post it's available here:
💫Sun in Virgo: Post forthcoming or sneak peek here:
💫 Overnight the Scorpio Moon, fallen in this sign, is going to square Venus Rx in Leo. Venus is still moving backward through the Lion, which slows our affection and energetic desire. When our emotional state ( the fallen Moon ) squares off with Venus Rx, we may discover motivation to be quite difficult, even toward those things we love. Watch your bottom line for bookkeeping/financial errors.
Squares are challenging and often produce dynamic tension. However, those challenges can become turning points in our life if we respond to them with a willingness to learn and grow instead of a disdainful reaction or resistance.
💫Shortly after the above, the fallen Moon is going to oppose Jupiter in Taurus, which REALLY means keeping an eye on your finances. You can't buy love, and trying might cost you more than you bargained for. Jupiter is benevolent; however, when being opposed requires cooperation and compromise in order to re-establish balance.
Because this is the widest possible aspect, its value lies in our willingness to expand our perspective and awareness about the circumstances we are facing. We might just see a bigger picture; to do such is to evolve.
If you're interested in reading the transits, i.e. — Venus in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, et al, they are available here:
Image: Summer Tension by Hyatt Moore
✨Degree, Time, Aspect:
Moon: 14°SCO59'
VenusRx: 14°LEO59'
Time: 12:09 AM EDT
Aspect: Square
Moon: 15°SCO19'
Jupiter: 15°TAU19'
Time: 12:48 AM EDT
Aspect: Opposition
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Dangerous Mind

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Ahavati said:
That's awesome, ajay, and a perfect way to start your day. I love that deck too. Why do you like that the Lover's Card is two Scorpions?
Usually when it comes to the selection of an animal for the depiction of Love, A., scorpions are right down there at the bottom of the list — I've never seen one on a Valentine card, at least. However, having felt the sharp sting of love, all the delicious agony of its sweet venom coursing through my veins, what more apposite creature could there be than a scorpion for the illustration of the Lovers? It's perfect! I'll get a fluffy one for S. next Feb. 14th and see what she has to say about it. 🙃
All the best,💐
PS Fire signs forever! ♐♈♏
That's awesome, ajay, and a perfect way to start your day. I love that deck too. Why do you like that the Lover's Card is two Scorpions?
Usually when it comes to the selection of an animal for the depiction of Love, A., scorpions are right down there at the bottom of the list — I've never seen one on a Valentine card, at least. However, having felt the sharp sting of love, all the delicious agony of its sweet venom coursing through my veins, what more apposite creature could there be than a scorpion for the illustration of the Lovers? It's perfect! I'll get a fluffy one for S. next Feb. 14th and see what she has to say about it. 🙃
All the best,💐
PS Fire signs forever! ♐♈♏
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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ajay said:
Usually when it comes to the selection of an animal for the depiction of Love, A., scorpions are right down there at the bottom of the list — I've never seen one on a Valentine card, at least. However, having felt the sharp sting of love, all the delicious agony of its sweet venom coursing through my veins, what more apposite creature could there be than a scorpion for the illustration of the Lovers? It's perfect! I'll get a fluffy one for S. next Feb. 14th and see what she has to say about it. 🙃
All the best,💐
PS Fire signs forever! ♐♈♏
That's an interesting perspective, ajay; I like it. By the way, Scorpios are a Water sign; the only one with a land animal. Cancer has the crab and Pisces has the fishies. Cancer stays closer to the shallows, which is why you see them scuttering across the beach; Pisces swims the deep waters of the ocean; Scorpio can do both, as it's a sign of transformation ruled by Mars ( the God of War ) and Pluto ( The Lord of the Underworld ) respectively.
I'm glad you received your book. If you really want to get technical, let me know when you're ready to advance and I'll recommend a series that I learned over 40 years ago, and thankfully is still in print, though I don't know how many editions they're up to now. I have the originals by March & McEvers. Old school astrology.
Usually when it comes to the selection of an animal for the depiction of Love, A., scorpions are right down there at the bottom of the list — I've never seen one on a Valentine card, at least. However, having felt the sharp sting of love, all the delicious agony of its sweet venom coursing through my veins, what more apposite creature could there be than a scorpion for the illustration of the Lovers? It's perfect! I'll get a fluffy one for S. next Feb. 14th and see what she has to say about it. 🙃
All the best,💐
PS Fire signs forever! ♐♈♏
That's an interesting perspective, ajay; I like it. By the way, Scorpios are a Water sign; the only one with a land animal. Cancer has the crab and Pisces has the fishies. Cancer stays closer to the shallows, which is why you see them scuttering across the beach; Pisces swims the deep waters of the ocean; Scorpio can do both, as it's a sign of transformation ruled by Mars ( the God of War ) and Pluto ( The Lord of the Underworld ) respectively.
I'm glad you received your book. If you really want to get technical, let me know when you're ready to advance and I'll recommend a series that I learned over 40 years ago, and thankfully is still in print, though I don't know how many editions they're up to now. I have the originals by March & McEvers. Old school astrology.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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HAPPY SOLAR INGRESS, VIRGO! ☀️♍️🎉 This is such a happy month for me! Both my children, a niece, a nephew, AND a lifelong friend have birthdays! Each week is filled with celebratory joy!
The Sun transitioned into the sign of the Virgin, Virgo this morning @ 5:02 AM. It's officially Virgo season!
Some information about Virgo:
SYMBOL: The Virgin 💃
MODE + ELEMENT: Mutable, Earth 🌎
RULING PLANET: Mercury – intellect, expression, reasoning ability 🗣
HOUSE: Sixth – work, health, and habits 🏡
MANTRA: “I analyze” 🔬
Keyword: Practicality 🛋
BODY PART: Intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, lower plexus, upper bowel.
LUCKY COLORS: Green, white, navy blue, & grey 💚🤍💙
UNLUCKY COLORS: Red & yellow ❤️💛
ANGEL: Metatron 🪶
FLOWER: Buttercup 🌼
The Sun stations in Virgo on a Wednesday, which is ruled by Virgo's ruling planet, Mercury ! This represents the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom!
The Moon is a Waxing Crescent in Scorpio ♏️, increasing awareness of psychic power. Precipitates psychic crises and ends connections thoroughly.
Virgo ( September ) Birthstone
A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
'Twill cure diseases of the mind.
Modern: Sapphire 💎
Zodiac: Carnelian 🧡
As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgos are all about improvement ( self or otherwise ). Now's a great time to map out a game plan for the upcoming year! What you can expect depends largely on your rising & moon sign as well as your sun sign.
Happy Birthday, my Virgo friends ( and two children! )!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Aug 24, 2023
💫Moon Out of Bounds ( OOB ) 7:31 AM EDT. I have an article on the OOB Moon if you'd like more information:
💫Mars Void of Course for 61 hours in preparation to enter his detriment, Libra. ⚖️
💫Antares, The Heart of the Scorpion ❤️♏️meets the Moon in Sagittarius 🌓♐️
💫First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, Fifth House 🌓♐️@ 5:58 AM - Post forthcoming or sneak peek here:
💫Late this evening, Mars in Virgo will form a Trine with Pluto Rx in Capricorn. A trine is a lovely aspect portending easy flow and a harmonic balance between the planets involved. Mars represents action and energy while Pluto tends to be the harbinger of destruction, bringing order from chaos. But not today.
Today there's a harmonic resonance between the God of War and Lord of the Underworld. Today is a great day to delve ( Mars ) deeply ( Pluto ) into something we are interested in. This trine can bring new energy to old interests in the form of mystery, intrigue, and the occult.
Take care and avoid indolence with this aspect. Because there is no tension or stress, there may be no compulsion to act; therefore, choosing the easy path can appear tempting; however, won't land us where we desire to be.
Degree, Time, Aspect
Mars: 28VIR22'
PlutoRx: 28CAP22'
Time: 8:22 PM EDT
Aspect: Trine
Image: Frederic Leighton, Flaming June
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Dangerous Mind

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Ahavati said:
That's an interesting perspective, ajay; I like it. By the way, Scorpios are a Water sign; the only one with a land animal. Cancer has the crab and Pisces has the fishies. Cancer stays closer to the shallows, which is why you see them scuttering across the beach; Pisces swims the deep waters of the ocean; Scorpio can do both, as it's a sign of transformation ruled by Mars ( the God of War ) and Pluto ( The Lord of the Underworld ) respectively.
I'm glad you received your book. If you really want to get technical, let me know when you're ready to advance and I'll recommend a series that I learned over 40 years ago, and thankfully is still in print, though I don't know how many editions they're up to now. I have the originals by March & McEvers. Old school astrology.
Ha! For all these years I've been labouring under the misapprehension that Scorpio was a Fire Sign, A. In my defence, I shall blame my first proper girlfriend from way back when. She was a Scorpio, and she told me it was a Fire Sign. Women! Tut! 🙃 The (reliable) information about the creatures of the Water Signs is very good to know. I've never considered them like that. Cheers! ♋♓♏
Thanks also for the offer of the further book recommendation. I've just dipped a toe into the waters of the present one and it seems to be just what I wanted. When I've finished reading and absorbing it, I'll certainly take you up on that offer. Old School is often the best.
Much love 💐
PS Fire and Water Signs forever! ♐♈♏
That's an interesting perspective, ajay; I like it. By the way, Scorpios are a Water sign; the only one with a land animal. Cancer has the crab and Pisces has the fishies. Cancer stays closer to the shallows, which is why you see them scuttering across the beach; Pisces swims the deep waters of the ocean; Scorpio can do both, as it's a sign of transformation ruled by Mars ( the God of War ) and Pluto ( The Lord of the Underworld ) respectively.
I'm glad you received your book. If you really want to get technical, let me know when you're ready to advance and I'll recommend a series that I learned over 40 years ago, and thankfully is still in print, though I don't know how many editions they're up to now. I have the originals by March & McEvers. Old school astrology.
Ha! For all these years I've been labouring under the misapprehension that Scorpio was a Fire Sign, A. In my defence, I shall blame my first proper girlfriend from way back when. She was a Scorpio, and she told me it was a Fire Sign. Women! Tut! 🙃 The (reliable) information about the creatures of the Water Signs is very good to know. I've never considered them like that. Cheers! ♋♓♏
Thanks also for the offer of the further book recommendation. I've just dipped a toe into the waters of the present one and it seems to be just what I wanted. When I've finished reading and absorbing it, I'll certainly take you up on that offer. Old School is often the best.
Much love 💐
PS Fire and Water Signs forever! ♐♈♏
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17630
ajay said:
Ha! For all these years I've been labouring under the misapprehension that Scorpio was a Fire Sign, A. In my defence, I shall blame my first proper girlfriend from way back when. She was a Scorpio, and she told me it was a Fire Sign. Women! Tut! 🙃 The (reliable) information about the creatures of the Water Signs is very good to know. I've never considered them like that. Cheers! ♋♓♏
Thanks also for the offer of the further book recommendation. I've just dipped a toe into the waters of the present one and it seems to be just what I wanted. When I've finished reading and absorbing it, I'll certainly take you up on that offer. Old School is often the best.
Much love 💐
PS Fire and Water Signs forever! ♐♈♏
She obviously didn't know herself very well!
There's a lot more to the scorpion symbolism, but there's a lot more to every sign's symbolism. It's a cross between ancient mythology and history predating modernism. Astrology is a snapshot of your blueprint in this life; "Know thyself" is possible through the art.
Glad you're on the path.
Ha! For all these years I've been labouring under the misapprehension that Scorpio was a Fire Sign, A. In my defence, I shall blame my first proper girlfriend from way back when. She was a Scorpio, and she told me it was a Fire Sign. Women! Tut! 🙃 The (reliable) information about the creatures of the Water Signs is very good to know. I've never considered them like that. Cheers! ♋♓♏
Thanks also for the offer of the further book recommendation. I've just dipped a toe into the waters of the present one and it seems to be just what I wanted. When I've finished reading and absorbing it, I'll certainly take you up on that offer. Old School is often the best.
Much love 💐
PS Fire and Water Signs forever! ♐♈♏
She obviously didn't know herself very well!

Glad you're on the path.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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✨First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, Fifth House, 5:58 AM
💫Void of Course Moon 4:08 - 8:08 AM EDT - no rituals to be performed during this phase.
💫Moon Out of Bounds ( OOB ) 7:31 AM. I have an article on the OOB Moon if you're interested in reading about it:
💫The First Quarter Moon can be seen as a symbol of growth and planning. This is because the moon is burgeoning toward the fullness of her light. This is called the "yang" phase, a masculine reference that implies strength and determination to achieve the fullness of one's goals.
The Fifth House is the natural home of Leo, ruled by the Sun. It's a house of life and creativity highlighting children, love affairs, romance, pleasures, amusement, holidays, vacations, and hobbies. It also indicates enterprise through originality and creative outlets: dramatic, literary, or artistic abilities.
This house falls right in line with Sagittarian energy!
As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is forthright and typically gregarious and enthusiastic. Archers espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant. Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are. Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient.
“Don’t fence me in” could be their motto.
Sagittarius' strengths are Freedom-loving, broad-mindedness, generous, optimistic, scholarly, and enthusiastic.
This placement creates a perfect atmosphere to pause and re-evaluate the plan we've drafted in order to reach our goals. While this Lunar stage has already gone from new to waxing crescent, it now observes a sacred pause to briefly consider its next phase: Waxing Gibbous.
Taken symbolically or metaphorically, perhaps it's a lunar sign for us to observe a sacred pause in our own lives.
Be proud of how much we've accomplished and double-check our headings. Make sure our inward compass is pointed in the right direction. It would be a shame if the needle wasn't magnetized, and we found ourselves going in circles, repeating the same patterns.
The focus is expansion through forward movement through the unknown phases of darkness until fully illuminated. This darkness could include doubts or fear, and those emotions/thoughts should be honored as they rise. The purpose here is to shine the light on them by giving them the space they need to express themselves prior to releasing them to transmute into something more positive for you and humankind.
Some astrologers consider this cycle a "crisis of action" because we must put forth "a conscious effort towards bringing the new 'seed' into actuality and prevent the new impulse from dying."
What this means is simple: Don't allow our insecurities, doubts, or the opinions of others to deter us from our heart path. Whether through a lack of support or competitive actions by others, remember that their choices are theirs.
We just need to keep our eye on our choices and move forward day by day. Which should not be too difficult with the Mars/Pluto Rx trine in play today.
Image: First Quarter Moon, Sagittarius by Astrograph
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Fri, Aug 25, 2023:
💫Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion, meets the Moon.
💫Moon Occults ( Eclipses ) Antares @ 10:29 PM EDT.
💫Late afternoon Venus Rx in Leo semisquare Mars in Virgo ( remember that Mars is Void of Course preparing to enter his detriment in Libra ).
A semisquare is an irritating aspect that, while minor, can still garner our attention. Think the Princess and the Pea.
Venus is the goddess of love, all about affection and beauty, representing the feminine aspect. Mars is the God of War, and all about energy and action, representing the masculine aspect. When these two square off, or in this case, semisquare, there's an irritating tension between the feminine and masculine aspects of our own nature.
On one hand, we may find it difficult to convey our values in a way that maintains our boundaries but doesn't alienate others. Venus rules Libra, who is a perfect example of one who too often sacrifices herself for peace. On the other hand, we may find it difficult to determine a course of action that is true to ourselves without alienating others. Mars rules Aries, who is a perfect example of someone who can have a "me first", domineeringly selfish attitude when in a lower vibrational element.
Mars desires to be loved for his strength and courage, while Venus desires to be adored for her beauty and affection. In order to attain balance, our Venus, or feminine aspect, can learn to be strong and courageous without losing her femineity. And our Mars, or masculine aspect, can learn to be loving and tender without losing his masculinity.
When we learn to reconcile these two polarities within us, we will have attained a perfect balance between our masculine and feminine aspects. We will be loving yet firm in our resolve that placing our needs first actually creates the atmosphere for everyone else's best interest.
Living through example is the highest form of authenticity.
Degree, Time, Aspect
Venus Rx: 13°LEO53'
Mars: 28°VIR53'
Time: 4:04 PM
Aspect: Semisquare
Image: The Embrace of the Divine: Masculine & Feminine Energy by Anna Miarczynska
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✨Tonight & tomorrow night, Antares, the Heart of the constellation Scorpius, will appear just right of the OOB Moon.
💫Centuries before the Christian Era, only six constellations made up the sky, and Scorpius was the largest of the Zodiac figures, until its claws were designated as Libra's scales. Astronomical writers and commentators, down to comparatively modern times, occasionally mention its two divisions under the combined title, "Scorpius cum Chelis", with some illustrations showing the Scales of Libra in Scorpius' claws.
The Greeks considered it the "Great Sign", perhaps due to a mythological necessity of greater size for the slayer of great Orion. Early Grecian temples ( 630 - 1760 ) were oriented towards the rising and setting of Antares at the vernal equinox.
In Asian culture, particularly early China, it was an important part of the mighty but genial Azure Dragon of the East and Spring, in later days the residence of the heavenly Blue Emperor; but in the time of Confucious, it was Ta Who, the Great Fire, a primeval name Antares; and Shing Kung, a Divine Temple, was applied to the stars of the tail.
The Hebrews considered it a Scorpion and inscribed it on the banners of the tribe of Dan as the emblem of the tribe, a Crowned Snake, whose founder was "a serpent by the way". Egyptian astronomy used a similar figure to describe it, and thought it represented the goddess Selkit, Selk-t, or Serk-t, heralding the sunrise through her temples at the autumnal equinox ( 3700-3500 B.C. ), and was the symbol of Isis in the pyramid ceremonials. Renouf included it with the great Arcturus in the immense figure Menat.
The Dendorah zodiac shows the typical form. Kircher called the entire constellation "Statio Isidis" the bright Antares having been a symbol of Isis.
Some biblical commentators have located here the biblical 'Chambers of the South', Scorpio being directly opposite the Pleiades on the sphere, both thought to be mentioned in the same passage of the Book of Job, with two other opposed constellations, the Bear and Orion.
Further commentators asserted that the appearance of a comet in the constellation portended a plague of reptiles and insects, especially of locusts, which forced the pharaoh to release the Israelites from their servitude.
Antares was one of the four royal stars of Persia ( 3000 ) and was considered the Guardian of Heavens and the westward direction. As a red super giant, the Babylonian star catalogues dating from at least 1100 BCE, referred to it as "the Breast of the Scorpion". The Māori people of New Zealand call Antares Rēhua, and regard it as the chief of all the stars.
My favorite myth or fact about this star is that of the Euphratean, Gis-gan-gu-sure, claiming it to be "the Tree of the Garden of Light, placed in the midst of the abyss" reminding us of the Tree of Life, in the midst of the Garden of Eden.
Image: The moon and Antares, Heart of Scorpius, by A Terra
Reference: Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Sat, Aug 26, 2023
💫 Heed dreams tonight. Have a pen & paper handy to record them. The OOB Moon in Sagittarius will square Neptune Rx in Pisces. Neptune rules dreams, visions, and intuition.
If you're waking up to this transit, or you're in the thick of it, you're going to face emotional challenges accompanied by the escapist urge so associated with Neptune. Face whatever challenge presents itself. Don't be fooled by the illusion that escapism brings peace. It only embeds what it is you don't want to face deeper within you to be faced at a later time.
💫 Early morning, the OOB Moon in Virgo will form a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter in Taurus. This is an abrasive aspect between our emotions and benevolent Jupiter that could hinder our expansion. Because Jupiter rules wealth and big business, we could have some emotional upsets over our finances or business affairs, including legal matters.
Turning to our higher mind, which Jupiter also rules, can gain us clarity from a different perspective over any situation we face. We can bring order from chaos to create growth all while guarding our health, especially from the stress certain situations promote.
💫By early afternoon, the Sun trine the OOB Moon, reconciling emotions to our true selves. The Sun, the ruler of Leo and the fifth house, is one of life and creativity. Turning our focus to something fun, entertaining, and even artistic is highly favored this afternoon and evening. Allow laughter to rinse away any stress we may have experienced today.
💫 Several asteroids reach opposition this month, but the most meaningful is 8 Flora tonight. It can easily be seen with binoculars or a telescope. 8 Flora is the largest asteroid closest to the sun in the main belt.
✨Degrees, Times, Aspects:
OOB Moon: 26°SAG54'
Neptune Rx: 26°PIS54'
Time: 3:49 AM
Aspect: Square
OOB Moon: 00°VIR26'
Jupiter: 15°TAU26'
Time: 9:50 AM
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate ( sesquisquare )
Sun: 03°VIR16'
OOB Moon: 03°CAP16'
Time: 2:38 PM EDT
Aspect: Trine
Image: An Aside in the Theatre, 1892 by T. Barthe
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✨Mars 00°LIBRA00', 9:20 AM, First House, Sunday, Aug 27th.
Mars enters his detrimental sign of Libra early tomorrow morning. When a planet is at its detriment, it is in the sign opposite the one it rules, in this case, Aries. This means that the planet will not operate at full power and will take on more of the signs than its own coloration. Just as Mars in Cancer had to conform, so must he in Libra. That does not make him happy; however, there are means for him to feel appeased if he realizes that being loving and tender doesn't emasculate him.
Mars is tough. He is the God of War. But so is Libra, who rules law and justice. Lady Justice and her scales are attributed to Libra.
Since the North Node is in Aries, that means the South Node is currently in Libra, as they are always in opposition. Libra is ruled by Venus, who is backtracking through Leo at the moment. And Aries is ruled by Mars, who rules the first house. This is almost a serendipitous placement.
The first house is a house of life and identity. Its cusp is also dubbed our rising sign, or Ascendant. It is one of the most important points in the natal chart and reveals the exact degree and sign that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of our birth. It highlights the beginning of all enterprise and ambition. Its energy is courage and strength, or destructively.
This is going to be the case if our masculine energy refuses to reconcile with our feminine energy during this transit. It can be a constant tug-of-war and battle of wills.
Libra, Venus in particular, doesn't desire to "Lord over" Mars. Venus is the Goddess of Love and beauty. She represents affection and loves all art forms; however, cross her and she will rise to the challenge. No; just as Cancer, Libra only desires that Mars lose the shield and sword and drink of peace and love. Read some poetry and gaze at beautiful art.
This can be a volatile transit or one of cooperation and unification between two polarized energies meant to merge and balance one another: masculine and feminine, yin and yang, shadow and light. Both are within us. Because we are to keep an eye on Venus, especially during this South Nodal transit, her retrograde position in Leo begs us to slow down and evaluate our course of action before moving on.
We, humans, emulate the planets. Our waters are tides constantly rising and falling through the energies presented. The stars impel, they do not compel. This simply means, "Here's a map of the energy when you get to this point in time, and here's some instructions on navigating it if you choose to heed them."
The choice, undoubtedly, is always ours. I wish you peace and love throughout this transit.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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💫 Saturn at Opposition: Aug 26-27, 2023.
As evening falls tonight, watch for Saturn just above the southeastern horizon. Saturn’s opposition ( when Earth is between Saturn and the sun ), is at 4:00 AM EDT. Being in Opposition means that it's directly in the Sun's spotlight, and easy to see. The second-largest planet will be at its closest distance to Earth with its face fully illuminated by the sun, meaning it'll be brighter than it has been all year and visible throughout the night. While it will be visible to the naked eye, minimal sky-gazing equipment should give us a great glimpse at its icy rings!
Saturn is in the dim constellation Aquarius. Also, the star Fomalhaut is nearby. Fomalhaut is the brightest star in the southern constellation of Pisces. Its traditional name derives from Fom al-Haut, "the mouth of the [Southern] Fish" (literally, "mouth of the whale"), a translation of how Ptolemy labeled it.
While all of this is lovely to gaze upon, an Opposition indicates that a reconciliation between two polarities is required in order to achieve balance. Saturn is the teacher/taskmaster, and the Sun rules Leo, the fun-loving, heart-centered Lion. Our ego is not going to win resisting Saturn. It IS the teacher, and it WILL dictate what we must give in order to restore balance in our lives.
It is also the Lord of Karma, so how we respond to this opposition dictates our future return. What we are required to relinquish may not be something we desire to release; however, only the heavens know what that space can be filled with that would serve us even greater than what we cling to.
The choice, as always, is up to us.
Image: Saturn at Opposition by Getty
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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✨ Aspecting the Cosmos: Sun, Aug 27, 2023
💫Mars 00°LIBRA00’ Sun, Aug 27 @ 9:20 AM, 1st House: If you missed that post, it’s available here:
💫 Saturn at Opposition Aug 26-27: post available:
💫 Mercury Rx in Virgo semisquare Juno in Leo
This aspect could cause some miscommunication or misunderstandings between a partner or business associate. Juno is the Goddess of Marriage and Commitment, it's most likely these disagreements or misunderstandings would come from within the home or family. While not as full-blown as a square, a semi is still irritating and can get our attention until we deal with it.
I have used this metaphor before, think of the Princess and the Pea, that tiny object that irritated her all night long. Now had it been a square, it would've been a stumbling stone that could've been transformed into a stepping stone. However, it wasn't a square that could be transformed but a semi-irritating square that needed to be removed in order to find relief. Like a pebble in a shoe.
What we need to remove in order to obtain peace is up to the individuals involved. Where is this transit in your chart?
Maybe it's removing words from the equation and finding an alternative way to communicate. Maybe it's giving the situation space until the waters clear. What it doesn't mean is keeping how you feel inside in order to keep the peace. If we find we can't effectively communicate at this time, then we can certainly journal it or confide in someone we trust.
✨ Degrees, Time, Aspect
Sun: 03°VIR50'
Saturn Rx: 03°PIS50'
Time: 4:28 AM
Aspect: Opposite
Mercury: 20°VIR56'
Juno: 06°LEO23'
Time: 11:58 AM
Aspect: Semisquare
Image: Saturn at Opposition by Da-kuk/iStock
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17630
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17630

Oracle Card of the Week: Aug 27 - Sept 02, 2023: THE HEALER
The HEALER is considered a member of the Guardian Dragons, the Keepers of Wisdom. Each of the Guardian Dragons has a counterpart, though they are not necessarily male and female, but a balance of each other like yin and Yang.
They support the healers and Mystics, encourage us to dig deep into our spirituality, release preconceived ideas, accept that we can do anything, and remind us to listen to our own advice. They are the protectors of the earth and the natural world and are all great spiritual teachers.
You also need time to be you. This gentle yet powerful dragon is a true guardian of all healers on Earth. He connects particularly with those who work energetically. He reminds us that although we may walk our talk, we also need to heed our own advice. We are not a bottomless pit of energy and need to take time out now and again.
His message is:
I am the guardian of the healers. You are capable of great things on earth, as a healer, and as a light for others to follow. But to do this you must burn brightly and throw light into the shadows of your own world. You give a great deal to others, but you must also make time for yourself. You need to rest and recharge; your energy tank requires refilling lest you become depleted.
Make time to meditate, rejuvenate, relax, and above all, laugh. You may love your work, but it does not define you. You also need time to be you: a wife, husband, mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, or any other role you fulfill.
He reminds us not to take ourselves, or our lives too seriously. If we do, we risk forgetting that we are just one tiny cog in the great wheel of life.
Deck: Dragon Path by Caroline Mitchell
Illustration: Tiras Verey