The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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One of the best meteor showers, The Perseids, will peak tomorrow night, August 12 thru early Tuesday morning Aug 13. I saw a beautiful one last night, so I would recommend scanning those skies tonight.
The Perseids is remnants of the comet Swift-Tuttle and produces up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak, including a large number of extremely bright ones. The shower runs annually from July 17 to August 24.
The first quarter moon will block out some of the fainter meteors in the early evening. But the Moon will set shortly after midnight leaving dark skies for what could be an excellent early morning show.
Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Perseus but can appear anywhere in the sky.
Image: Nur Photo/Getty Images
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect.
#AspectingtheCosmos: Mon, Aug 12, 2024: Regardless of the present or future, the past began with us. Enlisting the help of a trusted friend can prove useful through the navigation of intense emotions.
The Lions Gate Portal Closes
First Quarter Moon in Scorpio & The Perseids Meteor Shower Peak:
Late morning the Sun in Leo square the Moon in Scorpio: Despite intense emotions and feeling everything to the nth degree, there's an opportunity to make strides toward our wishes and dreams through belief in our own self-worth. Recognizing we are worthy is the steppingstone to overcoming doubt.
An hour later Mars in Leo sesquiquadrate Pluto Rx in Aquarius: This is an abrasive karmic aspect heralding potential triggers. It's important to remember that using courage and strength to dive deep into ourselves is much more beneficial than redirecting it toward another person. The past begins with us, and we need to recognize such.
Late afternoon, the Moon in Scorpio conjunct Pallas in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries within one minute of another: Through amplified emotions lies innate wisdom we can utilize to facilitate healing of an old wound we've kept buried alive. The past will continue to scratch the lid of our being until we exhume and come to terms with the memory.
Tonight, the Moon in Scorpio square Vesta in Leo: Tonight could prove challenging if we haven't done the day's work. Navigating these intense emotions could feel overwhelming; however, will rekindle that flame within us to carry on toward our hopes and dreams. Enlist the help of a trusted friend or counselor to share this experience.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Time ( EDT ):
#art Pablo Picasso
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First Quarter Moon 20°Scorpio23' perfects this morning @ 11:18 AM EDT, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus.
The Moon is in its Fall in Scorpio, which means it's in the sign opposite its Exaltation ( Taurus ). Therefore, it will have difficulty expressing its true nature ( emotions ). It's akin to staying in someone's home and not feeling comfortable.
This lunation is emotionally possessive. Scorpios are ruled by Pluto and Mars—the God of the Underworld and War respectively. They want to get to the truth no matter how deep or whatever the cost, because truth is that important to them.
Because this lunation is in its fall and emotions are intense, our moods can fluctuate and be difficult to control, which could lead to outbursts if we're not grounded and aware.
The 2nd House is a house of substance and values. It highlights how we handle our possessions. This can be anything from finances to material objects and even the qualities we value in ourselves and others. Equally important to know is that the pendulum can swing the opposite direction and point to what we don't value in ourselves and others.
Many astrologers refer to this part of the cycle as a crisis of action because we tend to forget our New Moon intentions or allow them to fall by the wayside. This can be from doubt and insecurity that they could ever grow and flourish. Now is the time to make a conscious effort to nurture those seeds to prevent them from dying.
During this First Quarter Moon, if what we want or need is in alignment with our North Nodal destiny, things will develop and continue to grow as long as we put forth the effort and focus on manifesting. But we will never know if the garden we're nurturing will bloom if we don't tend it.
Nothing is worse than wondering whether or not we would've made it if we'd just believed in ourselves a little bit more and put forth the effort to keep going.
Lunar aspects to pay attention to during this lunar phase that were addressed in my nightly #AspectingtheCosmos report last night for the following day:
The Sun in Leo square the Moon in Scorpio, so we should focus on the light and opportunity to make strides toward our wishes and dreams through belief in our own self-worth. Recognizing we are worthy is the steppingstone to overcoming doubt.
The Moon in Scorpio conjunct Pallas in Scorpio inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries within one minute of another: Through amplified emotions lies innate wisdom we can utilize to facilitate healing of an old wound we've kept buried alive. The past will continue to scratch the lid of our being until we exhume and come to terms with the memory.
Tonight, the Moon in Scorpio square Vesta in Leo: Challenging if we haven't done the day's work. Navigating these intense emotions could feel overwhelming; however, will rekindle that flame within us to carry on toward our hopes and dreams. Enlist the help of a trusted friend or counselor to share this experience so we can continue to infuse our garden with love and attention.
Image: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman, She Who Is
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Moon enters Sagittarius overnight @ 6:02 AM EDT • V/c time: 5:01 - 6:01AM EDT
The last lunar cycle I discussed the constellations and sub ruling planets of each zodiac sign as the Moon transited them. This month I'm going to discuss polarities ( opposites ) and how to reconcile them.
If you'd like to learn more about Sagittarius lunar transits and natal information, please visit inspiritualservice.
Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis. However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.
In this case, the polarity for Sagittarius is Gemini ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Gemini ). Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, higher learning and broad concepts. Its natives are happiest discovering new ideas, exploring distant places, and not getting tied down with personal commitments. Gemini, Sagittarius's opposite sign, is the sign of personal expressions and communicating "one-on-one". Gemini people are extremely verbal, love to give advice, and tend to try to guide ( even control ) other people's lives.
Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter as well as sub-rulers according to their decans. Jupiter is the planet of fortune and often enables these natives to glide through life. Lady Luck's companion, described as the Roman goddess Fortuna, who always seems to be in the right place at the right time.
Many astrologers have agreed that Sagittarians possess the gift of providence and are protected by Fortuna in work, friendships, career, and money. Naturally this makes for a cheerful and ebullient disposition for those associated with this free-spirited sign.
Not to say Sagittarians don't have their dark corners, they certainly do; however, unlike many signs, an archer refuses to hold onto them, and instead allows them to roll off their back like water on a duck's. That's because their focus isn't on the present moment or even today, but what may happen tomorrow.
This restless, mutable fire sign demonstrates a personality that cannot be harnessed, a mind that has no glass ceiling, and an independence that serves as a compass throughout their lives.
Conversely, Gemini, as mentioned above, enjoys providing advice to the point of even controlling another's actions. Even though Gemini strives for self-expression and philosophical exploration, the interaction is often one-on-one, whereas Sagittarians tend to shrink from close, personal involvements and, unlike Gemini, are shaped by what others think of them.
So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: Curiosity, open-mindedness, conversation, and a willingness to listen heal rigid opinions, illusory certainty, and self-righteousness innately within the Sagittarian psyche.
What this means is that Sagittarius needs to break from its adventurous spirit long enough to ground in the present moment and really listen to what another is saying with an open mind. Risk becoming intimate with others in philosophical conversations without the fear of discovering you've erred in judgment. Embrace the lesson of humility.
#art Brad Stroman
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Note: Mercury Rx & OOB Moon in effect
#AspectingtheCosmos: Tue, Aug 13, 2024: Open the door to opportunity when it knocks.
Moon enters Sagittarius:
Moon Out of Bounds:
Those who have early morning meetings involving communication or correspondences beware of unpredictable emotions surrounding insecurity. When engaging, face fear by reaching for reason to respond to avoid an overly emotional reaction.
Late afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius inconjunct Hygieia in Taurus sextile Lilith Rx in Libra: Emotional health and potential triggers, especially regarding an old wound. Denying a truth can lead to health issues we cannot ignore if we don't come to terms with our past and re-evaluate our current habits.
Tonight, the OOB Moon in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries sextile South Node in Libra: Beautiful flow and opportunity for emotional reconciliation that enables us to move forward. Releasing fears surrounding self-doubt and unworthiness can be replaced with dedication and hard work that will pay off in future grand dividends.
Open the door to opportunity when it knocks.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Time ( EDT ):
#art Silvia Cagnani
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The Moon is now in Sagittarius and we're entering the last decan of Leo before we transition into Virgo.
The God of War Mars joins forces with the Sun in Leo adding weight to their energy and powers of determination. They rush into new projects with a vengeance, yet they expect to reap concrete rewards for their labors.
They have a hard time attending to mundane daily schedules, and need news subjects, fresh challenges to remain at peak performance. They are prone to an intense, frantic activity followed by total relaxation.
Counterfactuals become very important in his personal relationships. He never wants to be in doubt about where he stands: ‘Obviously, love is a tricky affair, people want the perfect love, they expect too much. It’s difficult to be too good a lover, too good a friend … Much too difficult to just wait.
They have no time for mystics, and they themselves are no great lovers of mystery. They are frank and outspoken; therefore, they abhor the dodging, evasive kinds of individuals.
They are sometimes ear-marked by the public for having whims.
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Note: Mercury retrograde and OOB Moon in effect
#AspectingtheCosmos: Wed, Aug 14, 2024: Don't become your own worst enemy through volatile and limiting thoughts. Believe in yourself.
Mercury Rx re-enters Leo:
Mid/late morning Mercury in Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius and Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini in the 9th: We can expect increased knowledge and drive to accomplish our goals, especially in the areas of communication and reasoning ability ( Mercury ), and practicality and analyzation ( Virgo ). The conjunction in Gemini will add expansive and assertive energies, as Mars represents energy, action, and initiative while Jupiter represents growth, optimism and protection.
Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius oppose Jupiter and Mars in Gemini 2nd and 8th: Guard against emotional insecurity and doubt surrounding our self-worth. We can become our own worst enemy through volatile and limiting thoughts alone. Reconcile this energy with the truth by refusing to shrink from our goals or playing small. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and stay the course.
Late afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn Rx in Pisces in the 1st and 4th: Keep going through this challenging and emotionally unpredictable minefield. There's a lesson here through release that will enable us to move forward and stay with us throughout our lives.
We need to ask ourselves what we are holding onto that needs to go? Because it's the answer that's holding us back. And let's be honest, we innately know. . .
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Time ( EDT ):
#art Duy Huynh
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Mercury Rx re-enters Leo this evening @ 8:16 PM EDT, 7th, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, indicating this re-entry will affect our face-to-face interactions with others as well as our ability to cooperate.
#Mercury is exiting his dignity in #Virgo and re-entering his fall in #Leo, so it's important to understand that it could have difficulty expressing our true nature. It's akin to staying in someone else's house that we're not comfortable in. We can express ourselves, but without the freedom we'd feel if we were 100% comfortable. Treading on eggshells is a good term for this transit.
And let's be honest, perhaps communicating isn't the purpose of this retrograde, but reflecting, re-evaluating, and perhaps paying particular detail to something we may have missed when Mercury was transiting this Lion's den.
As a Fixed Fire sign, Leos are powerful, courageous, and eager to conquer everything they set their minds to. Compassion and big-hardheartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership are the four main characteristics of the Lion.
But when Mercury backsteps through this confident sign, we may not get details or information, so we need to take precautions against assumptions before knowing all the facts, especially where finances are concerned, i.e. - investments which could lead to a loss.
The beautiful thing about this retrograde is that we have an opportunity to reconnect with our creativity and joy by turning inward toward our hearts. Who are we, really? Who do we desire to be? What do we truly want to do in this life?
This retrograde provides all the opportunity we need to review all parts of our lives and see where we need to show more authenticity in our lives. How do we change in order to accomplish this?
We can begin by evaluating how we communicate, and whether or not we express ourselves in a concise manner that conveys what we truly want. And while we're doing that we can also be exploring and connecting with the arts: Painting, music, dancing, writing, whatever it is our heart desires to connect with.
The deeper we go into our heart the more authentic expression aligning with our true selves will emerge. As that happens, it will restore our confidence and trust that we don't need to seek approval from others.
Recognizing past accomplishments and celebrating them is vital to remember how far we've come. This will ignite our passion and raise our energy to take bold risks and charge of our lives when Mercury stations direct in this fiery sign!
#art Jane Ray
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Note: Mercury Retrograde & OOB Moon in effect
#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Aug 15, 2024: Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. Yet you are still in great company – the Numen and your Genius with all their media, your host of elementals and ghosts of your dead loves — are there! They need no light by which to see, no words to speak, no motive to enact except through your own purely formed desire.” - Austin Osman Spare
Moon Out of Bounds ( OOB ):
OOB Moon enters Capricorn:
Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune Rx in Pisces trine Mercury in Leo. All planets are on the #anaretic degree ( 29° ). We could experience difficulty in controlling or exposing our emotions or communicating our feelings or trusting our judgement. It's important to ground and avoid escapism. Focus on the task at hand to navigate these unpredictable waters.
This trend is going to continue 18 minutes later when the Sun in Leo trine Chiron Rx in Aries and Mercury in Leo inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces: With Mercury and Neptune still anaretic, communicating our feelings may prove challenging, and the desire to escape reality enticing. But it will not serve our future.
Go within and admit what you're facing. You're not alone. Name it and then be open to receive guidance on how to proceed.
Late afternoon the OOB Moon, now in Capricorn, square Juno in Libra: Unpredictable emotions can complicate matters in a committed relationship. Compromise can take the desire to strike while the iron is hot and the need to plan and evaluate to middle ground, where both sides feel accomplished.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
#art “Of being is a bird (Emily)” by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Moon enters Capricorn today @ 12:52 PM EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury • V/c time: 12:52 - 1:51 PM EDT
V/C Moon & OOB Moon:
The last lunar cycle I discussed the constellations and sub-ruling planets of each zodiac sign as the Moon transited them. This month I'm going to discuss polarities ( opposites ) and how to reconcile them.
If you'd like to learn more about Capricorn lunar transits and natal information, please visit
Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis. However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.
In this case, the polarity for Capricorn is Cancer ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Cancer ). Capricorn is the sign of ambition and marked by a purposeful pursuit of their destiny. Their motivating force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority, and love ( though they may not be aware of that aspect ).
Capricorns are ruled by Saturn as well as sub-rulers according to their decans. Saturn is a Roman God who presided over the harvests sowing and reaping. In ancient times he was the outermost planet of the known universe. In astrology, Saturn represents obstacles, limitation, restriction, discipline, and responsibility.
A lesson from Saturn is a life-lesson that won't ever be forgotten. Here we must earn what we desire.
As a Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn possesses both practicality ( earth ) and initiative ( cardinal ). This produces a personality geared toward leadership and power. In the zodiac, Capricorn is linked to the midheaven—the point at the top of the horoscope that represents high achievement.
Capricorns are not content trekking valley trials, but are climbers, as long as there is a mountain to climb, you will see them striving for the top. And what a Capricorn sets out to achieve they will most likely prevail. The goat, after all, is their symbol, and who can better navigate impassable terrain a than a goat?
Conversely, Cancer is the sign of domesticity and home life. Cancerians derive security from the love and closeness of mates and family members and are content in nurturing their environment with a pleasant atmosphere, good meals, and acts of love and care toward family members.
So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: Gentleness, nurturing and acceptance of human frailty will heal control issues that Capricorn possesses. It will also alleviate suppressed depression and stoic longsuffering that Capricorns tend to subject themselves to.
What this means is that while navigating the treacherous terrain of mountains, Capricorns need to realize that not everything is to be conquered, especially human impairment. Conversely, they need to express appreciation and gratitude for their home in the valley as a respite to rest, as well as those who provide and care for the environment.
#art Pascal Campion
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#Note: Mercury Rx and Moon OOB in effect.
#AspectingtheCosmos, Friday, Aug 16, 2024: Unpredictable and emotional upheavals provide us an opportunity to course-correct our perception and expression.
OOB Moon:
Lilith Rx re-enters Virgo:
Overnight Mars square Saturn, and the energy carries through the day. Challenging aspect presenting a great opportunity for growth. Avoid impulsiveness and irresponsibility from impatience. Focus on tasks at hand and allow them to carry you into the future.
Late morning the OOB Moon in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus: Karmic aspect that could present itself as unexpectedly as abrasively. There may be a push for liberation and unique expression against establishment. . .
Use our voice; however, express it in a professional manner. Playing small is not the answer but neither are emotional displays.
Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Mercury Rx in Leo: With the Moon out-of-bounds and Mercury Rx, expressing our authentic nature may prove difficult.
Practice the sacred pause before expressing suggestions and/or ideas and keep emotions in check.
Midafternoon the OOB Moon in Capricorn trine Venus in Virgo: While emotions and intuition are still unpredictable, the flow of energy provides a sense of value and affection for our efforts from an innate understanding.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
#art Ememem is an anonymous French street artist based in Lyon
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Dark Moon Lilith Rx re-entered Virgo @ 3:17 AM, EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury.
To incorporate this transit into our understanding, it's necessary to be aware of who Lilith is, as well as the properties of the astrological sign Virgo and retrograde in general.
The dark side of the moon, often referred to as "Black Moon Lilith", is all about reclaiming personal independence and free choice. To truly understand this, we would need to know our individual placement of Lilith in our birth charts, as well as the house she occupies.
Wherever you find Lilith in your chart ( sign and house ) is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged. Somewhere along your experiences, someone overlooked your gifts or commercialized your talent for their own benefit. Somewhere along your experiences, you were swallowed whole and spit out naked. Lilith is here to collect.
These are glimpses into the blueprint of our lives reflecting what type of raw energy is ours to reclaim independently. It's a clue to where we lost our autonomy, and a doorway to recover it.
A retrograde is an illusion of a planetary body or point ( such as Lilith ) that appears to go backward. This is a celestial indication that a review is warranted. The actual review or revisiting history could include something we've overlooked so are being given an opportunity to discover it. The sign of the retrograde as well as the house would indicate what we may have missed.
Because Virgo is the troubleshooter of the zodiac, having an excellent eye for details, delights in helping, and is willing to accept any task, our daily schedules and routines will be affected by Lilith's presence. Here is where we need to guard against extreme behavior and opinions by maintaining a middle balance between sides.
This re-entry is occurring in the 3rd House, corresponding to our neighborhood and extended community, and reflects the manner in which we perform routine tasks without much conscious thought. As the third house is ruled by Mercury, who is also currently retrograde, it represents our communication style; therefore, it's best to double-check all correspondences before sending them out.
The time has come for an analytical self-assessment. Reflect on the ways we may have been undervalued or exploited. Consider how we might have permitted our intrinsic, sacred talents to be downplayed for public exhibition.
In a time where the media landscape is faltering and our shared reality is increasingly vulnerable, it is only those who rediscover their inner fortitude who will have the resolve and strength to overcome.
We are each a powerhouse and dynamic. Recognizing that the barriers we encounter are mostly self-created, we have the ability to surmount them, and can shift our life perspective towards greater positivity.
If our Natal BML is in Virgo, take an inventory of our expectations and check for a possible Rx return. Giving love ( or anything else, for that matter ) should be done on an altruistic basis, not with an expectation of benefit to ourselves.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so intellect and communication come natural to this native; however, when Lilith enters the picture, especially through the retrograde door, our knowledge may be more of a pretense than genuine expression.
#art: Allen Williams
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Saturday, Aug 17, 2024: Turning our thoughts to the greater good and how we can serve others removes self-focus and doubt from ourselves. We are needed in this world.
OOB &V/c Moon:
Moon enters Aquarius:
Midmorning the OOB Moon in Capricorn square Eris Rx in Aries on the 25°25': The Sabian symbol for the 25th degree, according to Dane Rudhyar, means: A LARGE CAMEL IS SEEN CROSSING A VAST AND FORBIDDING DESERT. KEYNOTE: Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure.
Eris kicks us out of our complacency; thus, we need to evaluate how we are dependent on others. Their opinion or resources? Self-sufficiency is a worthy goal and transforms this challenge into a steppingstone.
Early afternoon the OOB Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus inconjunct Mercury Rx in Leo: A desire to break free from expectations, particularly in a relationship. Communication may not be our forte right now with Mercury in Rx and the Moon OOB. We have the ability to rise above erratic emotions coupled with damaging words through higher thoughts.
Late afternoon/early evening the OOB Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces followed by the OOB Moon, now in Aquarius, conjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius: Our security may feel threatened, and our self-worth challenged. Turning our thoughts to the greater good and how we can serve removes self-focus and doubt. We are needed in this world.
Tonight, the OOB Moon in Aquarius trine Juno in Libra: A lovely flow of energy connecting to committed relationships, whether personal or business-related. If there's been discord now is the time to cooperate and reach compromise.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
#art Robert Remsen Vickrey
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect:
Moon enters Aquarius today @ 5:46 PM EDT, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars • V/c time: 4:43 - 5:45 PM EDT
V/C Moon & OOB Moon:
If you'd like to learn more about Aquarian lunar transits and natal information, please visit
Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis. However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.
In this case, the polarity for Aquarius is Leo ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Leo ).
Aquarians are ruled by Uranus as well as sub-rulers according to their decans. Uranus is the ancient Greek Sky God, believed to be the first ruler of the Universe. This planet was the first modern planet to be discovered, and in astrology, it represents, the planet of change, disruptions, the unconventional and unexpected. It rules inventions, aerodynamics, and modern science.
As a Fixed Air sign, Aquarians are futuristic, independent, progressive, analytical, original, and inventive because they think outside of the box; however, they also possess strong dislikes and firm opinions that need weighed in the balance.
Aquarius' natural home is the 11th house; thus, is the sign of hopes and dreams, friends and wishes. They are idealistic humanitarians when in their elevated sense of service. That's because they focus on the big picture and are concerned with humanity as a whole. This is one reason they feel so detached in personal relationships.
Conversely, Leo, an Aquarian's polar opposite, is the sign of creation, pleasures, affection, and love affairs. Leo's look for fun and good times to make them happy; they need close ties with others and tend to dominate in love relationships and are very self-focused rather than being collectively inclusive.
So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: Aquarians can balance the polarity by engaging in creative and spontaneous self-expression ( fire ) and a sense of the arts can heal dissociation, alienation, and over-identification with the intellect ( Air ).
What this means is that while contemplating service to the greater good of the collective, Aquarius could also engage in creativity to keep their feet firmly grounded. The arts are universal and connect all people regardless of race, religion, gender, political or religious affiliation.
#art Hu JunDi
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect
#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Aug 18, 2024: What we resist persists. The lesson is learning the reward for letting go far exceeds the fear in holding on. Trust the process despite the hornet's nest it may stir.
Early evening Uranus in Taurus square Vesta in Leo: Sudden changes in circumstance may bring out obstinance. There are some things we must accept, and this change is one of them. We make it more difficult by resisting.
Tonight, the Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini: Time for creativity and amusements with loved ones. Romantic partners benefit from these aspects with intellectual conversations and light-hearted fun. Singles can benefit from socializing with close friends or a special someone.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Giada Rose
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