The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words
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Moon enters Sagittarius @3:53 PM,
v/c Moon: 11:40 AM - 3:52 PM
Moon enters Sagittarius this afternoon @ 3:52 PM EDT, 5 House, the natural home of Leo ruled by Sun.
This is a spontaneous atmosphere filled with gaiety, fellowship, social events, and a love of the outdoors. The only caveat is over-indulgence. Take care to honor our bodies, time, and nature by avoiding waste. The 5th house indicates amusements of all kinds involving family, particularly children.
Don't be surprised if we feel somewhat restless, careless, and extravagant. Or, if we opt to delve into something we truly want to study. This higher-minded sign can reach the depths of emotional learning when the Moon transits through its space.
Sagittarius is ruled by the Goddess of the Hunt, Diana. She is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis, who presides over wild animals and hunting. Her name is related to the Latin words for "sky" and "daylight", dium and dius.
As the goddess of domestic animals, just like her Greek counterpart, women also prayed to her for help with getting pregnant and giving birth. She started out as a local goddess of the woods, but she soon became associated with Artemis. She did not have any original link to the moon, but she later took over Artemis’s roles as both Selene (Luna) and Hecate, a deity of the underworld. This is why some Latin writers called her triformis.
#art Guillamume Siegnac study
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Sat, Mar 30, 2023: There's a real possibility of advancing our finances and goals when we sit down and analyze our budget against strategic plans. Take time for sensual selfcare.
Moon OOB:
Vesta re-enters Cancer @ 6:57 AM EDT:
Late morning the Moon in Sagittarius sextile Lilith in Virgo and the Sun in Aries trine the Moon: Our intuition is peaked and emotions at peace with our selves. It's time for fun and fellowship, as well as wishes, dreams, and goals within limits. We progress by staying grounded.
Midafternoon the Moon sesquiquadrate Mercury in Aries: We shouldn't take ourselves so seriously, as past patterns have indicated. It's time to follow morning's lead and let go. Plan a daytrip if possible. If not, then a visiting a local coffee shop or late lunch with a friend works wonders.
Late afternoon the Moon square Saturn: Doubt and insecurity surrounding a relationship or partnership may come into question. Seek out the lesson.
Tonight, the Moon trine the North Node in Aries: There's a real possibility of advancing our finances and goals when we sit down and analyze our budget against strategic plans. Take time for sensual selfcare.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Moon: 10SAG05, 7
Lilith: 10VIR05, 5
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 11:06 AM
Sun: 10ARI25, 10
Moon: 10SAG25, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 11:44 AM
Moon: 11SAG56, 5
Mercury: 26ARI56, 10
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 2:36 PM
Moon: 13SAG28, 4
Saturn: 13PIS28, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 3:29 PM
Moon: 15SAG37, 2
NorthNode: 15ARI37, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:30 PM
#art @Kate Morgan
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #zodiac #horoscope #Moon #Sagittarius #mooninsagittarius #Saturn #Pisces #saturninpisces #Mercury #Aries #mercuryinaries #sun #suninaries #Lilith #Virgo #lilithinvirgo
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Tyrant of Words
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Vesta re-enters Cancer early tomorrow morning @ 6:57 AM, 4th House, the natural home of Cancer ruled by the Moon.
Vesta, the goddess and guardian of home and hearth, the eternal flame that keeps the household safe and warm, re-enters Cardinal Cancer, whose maternal nature is devoted to home, family, and domesticity.
Because Vesta represents the flame inside us, her placement in our natal charts allows us to understand our feelings toward our family and home.
Vesta is also considered the very inspiration that helps us survive a turbulent world by fanning that tiny little flame within us. That feeling of accomplishment and joy over attaining a desired goal is attributed to Vesta.
Ruled by the Moon, the Fourth House is the natural domain of Cancer. It represents our sense of security and finality, as well as our homes, parents, origins, and the homes we will create. This house also covers our legacy, genetics and ancestry, our psychological foundations and personal lives.
This atmosphere emphasizes property, especially houses and other secluded places. This is the house of endings, where the final years of life, the conclusion of all affairs, posthumous fame and the burial site are shown.
Vesta is NOT a goddess to look toward in our quest for love. She was devoted to the eternal flame that allowed Rome to exist—a metaphor often associated with self.
She represents our personal space and identity in our charts. She is the inner flame that helps us endure any hardship and maintain our hope in the darkest times. She is also the light that inspires us and lets us enjoy our lives and our achievements.
By exploring the astrological goddesses of wisdom, connection and self-actualization, we can discover our true selves and make wiser decisions for our lives.
I wish you much joy and success throughout this transit! May your flame burn bright, resulting in beautiful creativity.
#art: Hestia ( Vesta ) by Elyse
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Mar 31, 2023: Time to analyze or evaluate the relationship or a situation in a more intuitive and understanding way to obtain clarity.
Midafternoon the Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Pisces trine Eris in Aries: Emotional understanding can ease an abrasive situation involving hurt feelings if we don't reciprocate. Focus on something light and fun. Amusements. Children. Animals.
This evening the Moon trine Mercury in Aries square Neptune in Pisces: Communication may run into a snafu in a relationship. Time to analyze or evaluate the relationship or a situation in a more intuitive and understanding way to obtain clarity.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Moon: 24SAG32, 5
Venus: 24PIS32, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 2:05 PM
Moon: 24SAG39, 5
Eris: 24ARI39, 9
Aspect: Trine
Time: 2:18 PM
Moon: 27SAG09, 3
Mercury: 27ARI09, 7
Aspect: Trine
Time: 6:54 PM
Moon: 27SAG53, 3
Neptune: 27PIS53, 6
Aspect: Square
Time: 8:15 PM
#art Margaret Dill
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #zodiac #horoscope #moon #Sagittarius #mooninsagittarius #Mercury #Aries #mercuryinaries #Venus #Pisces #venusinpisces #Neptune #neptuneinpisces #Eris #erisinaries #planetary #aspects #planetaryaspects
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Tyrant of Words
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The Year of the Wood Dragon has landed and hopefully we've been busy furthering our destinies.
Collective Casting Card of the Week, March 31 - April 6, 2024: 13 ARIES / XIX CRYSTAL
13 ARIES ~ FORCE, equivalent Tarot Card: ACE OF WANDS
“I guess I’m just a natural warrior.” ~ Camille Paglia
It's OK to push now, just don't push too hard.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and the energy of this card is that of a dynamic trailblazer. Aries is the fire of creation. This means Arians can be highly creative. Since they are impatient, they are also blunt and to the point. They make no effort to pretend to be something other than what they are. Which in their eyes is number one.
Ariens tend to be genuine people who are not into playing games. They like matters to move fast. Since Aries is in the first sign of the Zodiac, it is represented by the primal human. One who must protect and defend.
They are highly ambitious and want to accomplish things quickly and in a no-nonsense way. Competition is what Aries is all about. Many feel the need to compete when the other party doesn't even care to.
Traditionally, Aries is a warrior sign, which means being always on the defensive, ready for action. The Airy style of relating is that of a catalyst using force, not of a peacemaker. They're interested in sports, and a number of Arians have a fascination with weapons.
When this car turns up, expect things to move fast, for there is no time to take it step by step. It will be all be a mad jump. It may be a time of testing your will.
You will work best in situations where you make your own decisions rather than acting as an underling. You may even find a supporting cast to help you finish your work.
Be responsible and disciplined in all of your actions. You will want to get things started and forge ahead. Do not buckle under the dramas of trivialities of others. This card marks a period where you are forceful and headstrong. You can now forge a direction or path as you have the vision and the energy to do so at this time.
The spirit of the Crystal Cave says you can let go and allow your clear, focused intuition to flow freely. Follow the nudges from your soul. Listen to others but trust your instincts.
If the Crystal Dragon encourages you to add color, vibrancy, or shape to your life in any way that you are drawn. Have you become too rigid in your thinking, expectations, or outlook on life? This energy can guide you in flowing with the rhythm of your life and loosen any feelings of tension from your body.
Allow your mind to daydream, let it explore new possibilities, find creative pursuits, and free your soul. Learn to follow the ebb and flow of the tide of your existence here on earth. Struggle and resistance do not serve you; they simply frustrate and vex you.
Why do we do a job we hate or stay with a partner we can't communicate with if it makes us unhappy? Be true to yourself, be authentic in your life, and allow yourself to let go of all that doesn't bring warmth to your very being. Crystal encourages us to follow our dreams, live our joy, and be open to new possibilities.
For an expanded Astrology and Tarot message plus alternative health suggestions:
OracleCards: Black Moon Astrology by Susan Shepperd & The Dragon Path by Caroline Mithcell.
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectintheCosmos, Mon, Apr 01, 2024: There may be a differing of opinion in a committed relationship or partnership. Don't allow obstinance to block a forward path.
April Fools' Day:
Mercury stations Retrograde:
Moon enters Capricorn:
Midmorning the Moon in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Uranus in Taurus: Thick with karmic residue. Emotional limitations, frustrations, and endings and/or self-undoing. We can only break free from our past if we use our authentic voice to break a self-sacrificing cycle of playing small to please others.
Early afternoon the Moon sextile Mars in Pisces trine Juno in Virgo: Emotional energy and courage. Feeling empowered by liberation. Time to share our experience with someone we care about. Mutual admiration and respect.
Late afternoon Mars oppose Juno in Virgo: There may be a differing of opinion in a committed relationship or partnership. Don't allow obstinance to block a forward path. Reconciliation is born from compassion and compromise.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
Moon: 05CAP48, 8
Uranus: 20TAU48, 12
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:37 AM
Moon: 07CAP34, 7
Mars: 07TAU34, 9
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:49 PM
Moon: 07CAP38, 6
Juno: 07VIR38Rx, 2
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:55 PM
Mars: 07PIS38, 8
Juno: 07VIR38Rx, 2
Aspect: Opposite
Time: 3:25 PM
#art Katarína Vavrová Artist
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #Moon #Capricorn #moonincapricorn #Mars #Pisces #marsinpisces #Uranus #Taurus #uranusintaurus #Juno #Virgo #junoinvirgo #planetary #transits #planetarytransits #aspects #PlanetaryAspects
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Tyrant of Words
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April Fools' Day!
Don't be deceived. The proper way to spell this day is "April Fools' Day." This spelling has been used since the 1800s. Why? If you understand your apostrophes, then you know that placing the apostrophe after an S indicates a plural. There is not just one fool on this day; there are many tricksters roaming around!
No one knows for sure how April Fools’ Day began, but there are some theories that trace it back to centuries ago. One possible origin is an ancient Roman festival called Hilaria, which took place at the end of March. During this celebration, people would wear costumes and masks and make fun of or mimic others.
A possible origin of this tradition is 16th-century France. Charles IX changed the start of the new year from around Easter and spring festivals, which lasted a week, to January 1. Some people did not know or accept the change and kept celebrating the old new year. Others made fun of them by sticking paper fish on their backs and calling them "poisson d'avril", which means April fish.
In Scotland, a common prank was to send someone on a phony errand called "hunting the gowk," or to attach fake tails or "kick me" signs to their backs without their knowledge.
Some people think that the name "All Fools" was intended as a mocking contrast to All Saints' (November 1) and All Souls' (November 2) Day.
Some people like to take April Fools’ Day to the next level by creating elaborate hoaxes or fake news. Here are some examples:
- In 1905, a German newspaper called Berliner Tageblatt claimed that a group of robbers had tunneled under the U.S. treasury and stolen $268 million worth of silver and gold.
- In 1957, the BBC broadcasted a story about how Swiss farmers had a record harvest of spaghetti, along with a video of people picking noodles from trees. You can watch the video here:
- In 1962, SVT (Sveriges Television) was the only TV station in Sweden that broadcast in black and white, and it announced that viewers could convert their existing sets to display color by pulling a nylon stocking over the screen.
- In 1983, Boston University professor Joseph Boskin created a story about the origin of April Fools’ Day when speaking to an AP reporter. He said the day originated when Roman Emperor Constantine agreed to let one of his jesters, “Kugel,” become “king for a day.” Boskin, of course, made the entire story up.
- In 1985, Sports Illustrated published a fictitious story by George Plimpton about a never-before-heard-of pitching prospect by the name of Sidd Finch, who could throw a baseball 168 miles per hour.
- In 1992, NPR aired an interview with Richard Nixon, in which he declared his intention to run for president again. It was, of course, not Richard Nixon, but rather an actor.
- On April 1, 1996, Taco Bell announced it had purchased the Liberty Bell and would rename it the Taco Liberty Bell.
- In 1998, Burger King took out a full-page ad in USA Today announcing its development of the Left-Handed Whopper. The burger had the usual toppings, but they were turned 180 degrees so they wouldn’t drip on left-handed customers.
- In 2002, the British supermarket chain Tesco published an advertisement in The Sun, announcing a genetically modified ‘whistling carrot.’ The carrots were said to be grown with tapered air holes in their side, and when fully cooked, the holes would cause the carrot to whistle.
- A 2008 BBC broadcast tricked viewers into believing that a certain breed of penguins had displayed the ability to fly.
- A 2014 story on NPR included the headline “Why Doesn’t America Read Anymore?” The headline created considerable outrage, but only by those who did not actually click on the link to read the story. If they had, readers would have found:
“Congratulations, genuine readers, and happy April Fools’ Day!
Have you ever played an April Fools' joke on someone? What was it?!
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #AprilFools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfool #jokes #pun
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Tyrant of Words
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Mercury stations Rx in Aries this evening @ 6:15 PM EDT, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Pluto and Mars. This is a house of endings and regeneration.
When stationed direct, Mercury is critical, analytical, and practical whose thinking is cool, logical, and impersonal. However, when Mercury is in Rx, this cool-hand-Luke can be somewhat dazed with mind fog and indecisiveness.
The retrograde motion of Mercury in fire signs encourages us to adopt a more inventive approach to our challenges. It calls for a bold and innovative mindset, one that is both visionary and entrepreneurial. As Mercury reverses its course in the dynamic sign of Aries, it invites us to revisit previous decisions and concepts from a fresh perspective.
The alignment of Mercury and Aries may heighten our sense of anxiety and impatience, driving us towards seeking instant resolutions and answers. Our manner of communication becomes direct, necessitating caution to avoid statements that could be regrettable in hindsight.
Being an Aries often entails impulsiveness and a preoccupation with progress, yet this position compels us to truly decelerate and refrain from hasty decisions. As Cardinal Aries heralds the start of the astrological new year and governs beginnings, Mercury's strength is exemplified during her retrograde in this sign.
By going back to the fundamental, or root cause of the issue, we can focus on rejuvenating our projects and initiatives, particularly when they appear to have lost their luster. This approach allows us to embrace the lessons from our previous errors and experiences more willingly.
The most significant benefit of Mercury retrograding in Aries lies in the chance it offers us to realign with our purpose. It reignites our long-forgotten passions and reminds us of what fills us with joy and optimism. As Mercury moves backward in Aries, we find the opportunity to reconnect with our confidence, courage, and inner trust by rediscovering our true essence.
Now is the time to question the depth of our commitment to our life's purpose. Are we following the correct path? What ignites our passion?
Some Do's and Don'ts of Mercury Rx:
#art The Soundguy
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #Mercury #retrograde #mercuryretrograde #Aries #mercuryinaries #mercuryretrogradeinaries #retroradeseason
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Apr 02, 2024: Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray and no amount of bitching will change it. A nice evening of selfcare rituals is in order here.
Moon enters Aquarius:
Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn:
Midmorning the OOB Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries: Trigger. Emotional wounds. Resisting to the process will only bring more pain at a later date.
Early afternoon the OOB Moon trine Uranus in Taurus: Emotional breakthrough from expectations or restraints. Eschew obstinance to move forward. Sometimes compromise doesn't involve any other but ourselves.
Early evening Mars in Pisces square Pallas in Sagittarius, OOB Moon square Eris in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius sextile Hygieia in Pisces: Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray and all we can do is focus on ourselves. A nice evening of selfcare rituals is in order here.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:
OOB Moon: 19CAP02, 8
Chiron: 19ari02, 11
Aspect: Square
Time: 10:07 AM
OOB Moon: 20CAO52, 7
Uranus: 20TAU52, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:20 PM
Mars: 08PIS31, 7
Pallas: 08SAG31, 4
Aspect: Square
Time: 6:34 PM
OOB Moon: 24CAP41, 4
Eris: 24ARI41, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:58 PM
Pluto: 01AQU53, 5
Hygieia: 01PIS53, 7
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 8:11 PM
#art Claudia Tremblay
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #moon #capricorn #moonincapricorn #Uranus #Taurus #uranusintaurus #chiron #Aries #chironinaries #Eris #erisinaries #HYGIEIA #Pisces #hygieiainpisces #Mars #marsinpisces #pallas #pallasinsagittarius
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Tyrant of Words
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Last Quarter square Moon in Capricorn comes in tonight @ 11:15 EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury.
You may feel a shift in mood from free loving and optimistic Sagittarius to the steady nature of Capricorn, ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the Lord of Karma. But there's great opportunity to accomplish something here!
We're moving from Fire to Earth, and from Mutable to Cardinal. As an Earthy Cardinal sign, Capricorn's influence will produce a desire toward leadership and power. In the zodiac, Capricorn is linked to Midheaven—the point at the top of the horoscope that represents high achievement.
The Third House is ruled by Mercury and governs our communication style, short trips, our environment, and the side of us that performs everyday tasks or chores without a second thought. With Mercury currently retrograde, we can expect communication breakdowns.
Also, keep in mind that Mercury is also known as Hermes, who is an original trickster that can cleverly disguise a faux pas. It's a time to take stock of anything that's happened over the last three months. A good rule of thumb for Mercury Rx that I read some time ago is to confine activities to those that have "re" attached to the beginning of a word: recheck, reschedule, repair, return, rewrite, restore, etc.
The Moon is in her “detriment" when occupying Capricorn, and is also opposite the sign she rules, Cancer. Because a planet's influence is the weakest in detriment, you may experience fatigue or emotional fluctuation.
The archetype of Capricorn encompasses duty, responsibility, hard work, and long-term goals. Because this quarter is a turning point, laying the foundation for the upcoming year is ideal.
This is the final phase of the Moon and heralds a time to become aware of what's not working, whether in our personal or professional life. It's important to remain as impartial as possible through this evaluation process, as we don't want to shirk responsibility for our choices.
We'll know intuitively whether to let go or push forward. Feelings of regret or blame will not serve our greatest good. To know that there are no mistakes, only learning, will deter long-term negative feelings.
It's also the perfect time to weed our gardens and ready the soil for Spring planting and personal growth as one cycle ends and a new prepares to begin with the Sun's ingress into Aries and Spring Equinox next week!
The seeds are ready to be planted. Focus on the earthy element of Capricorn to remain grounded and in the moment.
#art Maxfield Parrish
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #moon #lunar #thirdquartermoon #lastquartermoon #lastquartersquare #Capricorn #lunar #lunarphases #moonincapricorn #lastquartermoonincapricorn #lunarcycles #lunarcycle
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Apr 03, 2024: Intuition and wisdom contribute to manifestation. Lighthearted entertainment and fun is favored tonight. Get together with friends or family.
Early morning we have two conjunctions perfecting within 90 minutes of one another. First, the Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in the 10th followed by Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in the 11th.
A conjunction is what we can make it. It amplifies the energy and attention we provide; thus, it can be positive or negative. With the Moon OOB, emotions will be unpredictable, combined with Pluto's destructive urge means seemingly potential discord or destruction. This is actually a disguise meant to tear down what doesn't work so we can rebuild. Choosing to view it positively puts the spin toward spiritual maturity.
The second can be an affectionate and dreamy state of being if we remain grounded and don't allow our heads to become lost in the clouds. The 11th house is one of circumstances beyond our control, so we may have to accept something in order to find peace. It's also a house of goals, wishes, dreams, and friends. Open our heart to receive love.
This evening the Moon sextile Pallas in Sagittarius: Intuition and wisdom contribute to manifestation. Lighthearted entertainment and fun is favored tonight. Get together with friends or family.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Time ( EDT ):
OOB Moon: 01AQU54, 10
Pluto: 01AQU54, 10
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 8:23 AM
Venus: 28PIS00, 11
Neptune: 28PIS00, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 9:10 AM
OOB Moon: 08AQU28, 5
Pallas: 08SAG28, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 7:33 PM
#art Katarína Vavrová Artist
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #zodiac #horoscope #Pallas #moon #Neptune #Pisces #Pluto #Aquarius #Venus #Aquarius
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Tyrant of Words
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Moon entered Aquarius this morning @ 5:09 AM EDT, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars. V/c 1:40 - 5:08 AM
This lunation brings out the rebel and warrior within us. We're ready to make our mark by acting out authentic selves. We're ready for new adventures and experiences that highlight who we truly are to others.
Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is all about individuality and the freedom urge. There's an air of urgency to everything from causes to schedules ( though expect some disruptions in those due to Uranus' influence ).
The caution here is to act with genuine intent vs. acting for the sake of acting. If we're not careful, we can become fanatical or addicted to the action itself rather than the cause behind the action. This could lead to burning bridges for the sake of watching a fire rather than for our own good.
The God associated with Aquarius is Prometheus, God of Forethought and Humankind. According to mythology, Prometheus, the Titan god of fire, stole fire from the gods and gifted it to man so they could evolve by using the sacred tool to cook their food, keep warm in the winter, and see through the darkness.
Fire is sacred to the gods and used for purification rituals: Pottery is set by fire; gold is tested for genuineness by fire; and according to the immortal words of Gibran from the Prophet, On Love, we are tried by fire.
You can expand a healing opportunity by opening your heart to receive and give love so that others may benefit from the healing of their own wounds.
For more information on transit and natal aspect of this Lunation, visit:
#art Prometheus and the Gift of Fire by Lisa Wheels
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Tyrant of Words
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Beginning tomorrow morning, April 4, 2024, and lasting for several days, four planets will align — Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars — in the morning sky. Venus, Saturn, and Mars will be visible to the naked eye, but you'll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune.
Mars will be the first planet to appear about an hour before the local sunrise. You can distinguish the planet by its reddish tint. Saturn will rise next. The planets will be close together in the constellation Aquarius.
A little later, Neptune and Venus reached conjunction today ( Apr 03 ), and will rise in the constellation Pisces. Venus is visible with the naked eye even in the morning twilight. But you’ll need binoculars with good magnification to see its companion Neptune.
If you'd like a nifty tool to locate the planets correctly, download Sky Tonight, a free stargazing app that makes it easy to identify any celestial object in the sky. To find out the name of an object above you, just launch the app and point your device at the sky – you will see the names of the planets and be able to learn more about each one.
The Image Posted is one Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars in a planetary alignment on April 4, 2024, as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. The image is based on data from the app. ©Vito Technology, Inc.
App download:
The planetary alignment will be visible almost everywhere in the morning hours. However, tomorrow morning ( Apr 04 ) is only a general date when it will be well-seen for most locations around the world.
The ideal date to view the alignment may vary depending on your location. Here is a list of different locations around the world and the dates when the planets are seen in the smallest sector of the sky during this alignment:
Mexico: April 3, 14-degree sky sector;
Sydney: April 3, 4-degree sky sector;
Abu Dhabi: April 4, 15-degree sky sector;
Hong Kong: April 4, 14-degree sky sector;
Tokyo: April 4, 17-degree sky sector.
Note that tall buildings or high mountains near you might hide the planets from view. To see how the planets will look from where you live on a given date, launch the Sky Tonight app, select the desired date and time in the Time Machine at the top of the screen, and look at the sky map – you will see the position of the celestial objects for your location. Switch to the AR mode to see how the planets fit in with your surroundings.
Happy Viewing!
#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #astronomy #planetary #alignment #planetaryalignment #conjunction #constellation #Aquarius #Pisces #nightsky #skygazing
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Tyrant of Words
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Apr 04, 2024: Insecurity is a signal of what needs addressed and healed. Have courage to reconcile and move forward.
Late morning the Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus: Is fear and/or obstinance preventing us from stepping out of our comfort zone of conformity?
Early afternoon the Moon sextile Chiron in Aries square Uranus in Taurus: Emotional balance with a painful part of ourselves. Sudden realization or surprise that might feel unwelcomed and cause unrest. The lesson is liberation through truth.
Early evening the Sun in Aries conjunct the NorthNode oppose the SouthNode in Libra: The need to control our environment to feel secure is costly. Insecurity is a signal of what needs addressed and healed. Have courage to reconcile and move forward.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time:
#art Katarína Vavrová Artist
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Forum Posts: 17140
Tyrant of Words
Joined 11th Apr 2015Forum Posts: 17140
Venus enters Aries overnight @ 12:01 AM, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.
Venus is in her detriment in Aries; therefore, her influence will assume more of Aries' coloration. This is not negative. Just be cautious about our actions and behavior. Venus is notorious for socializing and flirting. With Mercury Rx in Aries thru the morning of April 25th, miscommunication/understandings can easily break down or be misperceived.
The fifth house represents our playful side, which emerges only after work is completed and it's time for entertainment and celebration. It embodies the charming, creative, and delightful aspects of our personality, where we discover our hobbies, interests, and companions for leisure activities.
Joy is encapsulated here, and the fifth house radiates when we engage in creativity, allowing us to recognize a fragment of ourselves within our creations, ranging from the smile of our child to a work of art. This house is also traditionally associated with speculation, something strongly cautioned against during Mercury Rx. Make sure we gather all the facts of the situation before making a decision.
The transit of Venus typically signifies a period when the cosmos bestows upon us a modest gift of warmth or affection, as well as a well-earned respite. These times are often sociable and amiable, where we engage in more mingling than usual and show greater interest in fine dining and comfortable surroundings over anything that resembles work.
During the span of this transit ( four months ) Venus will traverse approximately one degree every two days. This gradual transition will allow us to observe subtle changes in our sentiments regarding love and romance. With Mercury Rx until the 25th of April, we're strongly encouraged to slow down, so it's the perfect opportunity to heed these changes.
Aries' energy motivates us to embrace boldness and creativity in matters of love; however, Mercury Rx cautions us against impulsiveness or starting a new relationship through the 25 of April. We can, however, express our desires for a relationship more openly. While Mercury Rx also cautions against re-igniting old flames, those of us currently in romantic partnerships are urged to reconcile after minor disputes or misunderstandings, as this would foster a trust that endures a lifetime.
This transit may either be a blessing or a curse, and with Mercury in Rx, it can easily prove to be the latter. There could be more dramatic energy manifesting itself as possessiveness, jealousy, and even obsessiveness. This is why overtly flirtatious behavior and/or excessive socializing as per Venus' nature can easily trigger a partner.
On the other hand, if we pay close attention to any red flags of our behavior, this transit heralds an exhilarating period characterized by vibrant passion and a zest for adventure. While it would typically favor travel, communication, and pioneering new projects, Mercury in Rx cautions against these, at least through the 25 of April ( I know I keep repeating this date but feel it's necessary ).
Aries embodies energy and action combined with courage, and Venus represents affection, socializing, and a sense of value. Therefore, this transit lends the confidence necessary for new adventures or romantic relationships, but the wherewithal to review our current situation and the nuances of change now presenting themselves through Mercury's retrograde.
Afterall, the benefits of slowing down and evaluation will become more apparent throughout the following months, when this transit is full steam ahead without the shadow of Mercury Rx!
#art Venus
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