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Blendology Poems [ for 18+ adults ]

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cities (Part I of Part V)

My Queen your army Lieutenant has stated you have asked your Knights to be requested
Yes, this castle has remained quiet along and my time to search for my King has been fruitless and too much time has been invested
We have looked high and low; your King has not been found
We have galloped from Sunrise, invaded several Kingdoms until sundown
All we seem to come up with is imposters who has claimed the crown
Only a Queen at court knows the caresses of her King’s voice, his scent, his sound
What would you like us to do, his absence is becoming notable, which places this monarch at stake
My Ladies-In-Waiting, leave me at once, I need to discuss with my Knights this Sovereign’s fate
Yes, our Queen

Someone, tell me this is all a dream
A King who beds concubines and a forgotten throne he does not have time to cater to, or its means
It is time I take another King to lead this monarch to glory
The Catholic Church will forbid it and citizens will cry in disavowal, you will sign the seal of your own beheading upon the scandal of purgatory
My Queen, as your First Knight's Man, I have come up with an ideal that my benefit you in the end
I am open to your council, yes, my ear you may lend
How about we flush the King out
The King has morals and honor, it will be a difficult task to follow through no doubt

I have been restricted in my seeking, however, my bed remains cold
Maybe it is time to the denounce the Hebrew scrolls and admit they were wrong of old
Give us this daily bread our Queen
Things are not always as they seem
If not, I would have to use an imposter to attend the royal duties, who would ever know
That is risky, my Queen, and the Sire has foes and enemies he handles with ease as his presence flows

Well, the King is not here, and I am handling his royal affairs
We are so proud of your efforts, as you First Knight’s Man, take into consideration one just cannot claim a crown and sit on a royal chair
It is ordained by blood and lineage
Are you defining your Queen’s wishes, if not, I know the laws and at this point I do not care
Find me someone who looks exactly like my King, who has that dignitary flair
As you wish, my Queen
Search every square inch of this world, the Heavens above, the Land, and the Sea, he who wears the crown must make these castle walls once again sing

Hail to the Queen

This will be going to Kindle... just revamping my creativity.

Creation by me and countless nights of perfecting this creation

Loosely based off the life of King Solomon, I have always wanted to delve into realm of his life from a Queen's point of view. I truly hope you enjoy my story seen through my eyes. This will be a collaboration at some point in time

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cites (Sequestered Thoughts Part II)

The Royal Bathing Room

My Queen, please tell me if my massaging hands upon your skin is not too harsh in the benediction of your relaxation
No, my Lady-In-Waiting, once my heart silently swoon, my Sire in thought takes me on a magic carpet ride, it feels sooo divine like an out of body experience that gives me pleasure and mental rejuvenation

Is my Queen thinking once again about her King
Yes, he sits upon the throne of my mind upon a glorious Grand Rising when the dew kisses the earth, and the calling of the birds sings

Have faith he will return
If not unto my love letters they will in my heart forever burn
I still feel his presence he is my forevermore

His loyal subject closes the door
My silk robe untied drops to the floor
Beckoning me closer to his naked muscular physique
I see the hunger in his eyes, his lust for me
I can already feel his body heat  
His dick pointing north awaiting the soft folds of my flesh as we meet    
His greed to have his dick sucked
And then another woman he likes to fuck

I bow to him in most humbled grace
Kneeling to my knees his groin kisses my face
His pleasures I must appease
His desire, his lust, his wicked needs
Rubbing his hard dick over my lips
So many times, the skies have heard our bliss
Fingering my breasts
Whispering I’m the best
His only nightly request
Opening my mouth, his girth I take in
My soft hand palming the base of his dick my tongue seduction slowly begins
Up and down the towering length my saliva trail coating his skin
Burying the length in my mouth, gagging and choking has kicked in
His weakening grunts saluting the sky  
Palming my head, pumping his erection faster, my tongue tasting his outcries

My hand and mouth a perfect blend
Desires of his dick thrusts has no end  
My fingers jamming inside my wet south
Feeling his dick throbbing unmercifully inside my mouth  
His erection bathing my tongue
His hard dick chasing after his cum
Kissing over his hairy balls
His one foot props on the bed as I’m taking it all
Faster, harder, at his command
Hand hosing his dick, mouth bobbling, giving it all I can
Pearly seeds flee in haste
Rolling down my throat no debates
Lifted me onto his bed  
No words ever need to be said
To be between my thighs  
No comprise
And then He…

My Queen, your presence is requested in the Throne Room at once we have made contact
That will be all, My Lady-In-Waiting, summon my seamstress to my royal suite as I remain here resting on my back
These are the tranquil moments away from the commoners, aww...life is so simple
My Ladies -In-Waiting I thank you for massaging organic roots in the pores of my supple temple
I suppose a Queen cannot daydream about her Hebrew King as she gets pampered after a soothing milk bath, the cleansed with the finest emollients
My mind attuned to the Heavens unto me he was spiritually sent

Where are you, my love, who feels my souls in ether from the begging of time
Kissed my lips, fed me the sweetest grapes from off Allah’s grapevines
Gave me the oath by the right of your blood
Immortalized my heart from below and above
I seek your ear in the majestic of night
From the Yoruba Gods, my chariot I have searched within the will of my might
This man who my Knights have brought upon my castle shores
Will it be you who tastes of me from off your lips as my womb covets your loins as my honey softy pours

My voice seducing you, my whispers making love to your skin
As you look upon my supple nakedness once again
Desired in the haste of lust, in the madness of rapture you ease inside the warmth of my soul, where our love begins

Our palms bridged I was yours and you were mine
Our heads bowed in a Cathedral, our hearts we gave unto one another as our spirits tenderly entwined
To never forsake our faith, and forsake all mortal lovers
My thighs you open worshiping in and out the portals of the wonders of the word, you completed me under our lavender scented covers
Mm...if I close my eyes
I can feel the reminisce of your heat from my Moon while in foreplay under your Sunrise

My love, inhale me on the mist of the wind
Where the towering tress feel my love as the bow unto me as I pass, telling me secrets upon their bend
The stirring seas knows no peace
Its saturation potion upon my soul, my love funnels in its deep

The knock at the door interrupting my thoughts of such a remembrance of the sweetest begot
To have my Kings in our Royal bed unto him our Charkas fusing tying us by and by as a Gordian knot

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cites (Lost Voyage Part III)

What is this urgent matter, my Knights that has disrupted my royal bath and have this castle buzzing with a deafening uproar?
I hope you have found the King and returned him upon these shores

My Queen, we have disturbing news in regard to the King of this Sovereign’s whereabouts
It found his crown floating upon the vast oceans; it is his insignia inscribed within, without questions and without doubt
As your Royal Knights, we bow our heads in sorrow
Wait ..wait.. wait, what do you mean, in sorrow
If the King has been found and has fallen ill, if so, summon the doctor for his bloodletting and he can return to his royal duties come tomorrow

And with my sincere gratitude the Queen thanks you all and the King will personally fill your sachets with extreme wealth  
My Queen, your Royal Knights stand in your attendance with heavy sadden hearts, however, the King has met his demise in the waters off the South, and he has met his unfortunate death
Catch her before her body hits the ground
Everyone please stand back and give her some air, my Queen, my Queen, have her Cupbearer summoned to bring her some refreshing fluids, wait… I think she’s coming around

Are you alright, my Queen, you still have questions in your eyes
Yes, give me some minutes before I rise
What happened to me
My Queen you fainted; however, you were not hurt in your untimely grieve
Please tell me I did not hear, my King is.. is.. gone
No more midnight songs to my heart to hear, no time for him to ever atone

A twin soul that had been blown away in the wind as Proverbs kisses the parables of Psalms
I might now carry the torch alone
You have all of our deepest condolences, and we will protect this castle with full support
Can I at least see his corpse
My Queen, we could not locate a body, we have to assume he was eaten alive
There is no way in those shark infested waters he could survive
That is why your search for him have been fruitless and in vain
Are you telling me, my bed, the Throne Room shall remain abandoned without a King of royal blood who, by the passage of lineage, spiritually ordained

This is unaccepted it places the enemies at my footstool and several foes who hide behind smiles to destroy the Queen and bring my monarch to shame  
I need a Sire, even it’s by the oath of his name

Are you sure, it is my King’s crown, the man who have shared my governing space
Given unto me by the will of Allah’s grace
Yes, my Queen it was he, I know it is hard to believe
Keep this news quiet until I prepare an official report
I need a meeting with all the Heads of states, I am sure there will be inquires, anger, and dominance within my retorts

My Knights, this sudden news does places me in the position I will have to lay unto another King who can rule like an iron fist to sit upon the throne
Fair, and honorable to the commoners as his word shall be etched in stone
Rule this Kingdom from the Dusk of Dawn until the Grand Rising of the Sun
Among the dignitaries, faraway kingdoms, his creed when signing peace treaties, and alliances to strengthen this empire shall be done
On the battlefield his victory shall be won

My Queen, as your First Knight’s Man, the Knights Templars may have found a replacement
His powers with a sword, is legendary and as deadly as a serpent's venom, his hunting skills cannot be matched when he is relent
This sought out Knight who is the first born from the loins of a Duke, and as your Royal Knights, we feel he can uprise in his reign
How can I go on when we have no official body to be honored in mourning by his Queen
This Kingdom will look upon my ruling in handling this imminent matter as distasteful, cruel, and some will look upon it as being mean
Is the Knight sure this may have been the body of my King
I made vows upon his emerald ring
Is that why I can no longer hear him sing

It is time, this Queen dresses for mourning, I will have the seamstress to prepare my attire
We will set his crown atop a closed casket, have the Cardinal to bless over the ceremonial rite of sky passage before he is privately lowered into the vault as an Honorable Sire

Are you sure of this affirmation my Knights
Something just does not feel right
Yes, it is correct, it is time to move forward, and regain your life back and take another King, my Queen

My First Knight's Man, if there is a mistake about the grave of this heartbreak
You all will be beheaded, quartered, dragged, and then I will watch you all burn upon a makeshift stake
You may all be excused
Summon my Ladies-In-Waiting, I must dress for this ruse

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

Tales Of Two Cites (The Seer)

My Queen, as your historical Seer I say this move to bed another does not feel right
There will be legion who comes upon your shores in the dawn of night
What will he do, and will he be the man who takes my King’s place
Close your eyes and pick a card this shall be the valentine of your fate
He will either build you up or tear you down, yes, he will breathe air within your intimate space

I am in mourning should I accept his invite; he has been sending by coach and carriage me several love letters
My Truth Seer, this faceless Knight makes my sinking into slumber much better
My beloved King will want me to be strong
Mourn his timeless love and then move on
His voice carries me to the crest of sleep
I feel him in the midst as if his voice echoes from the deep
Within my dreams our souls blend so beautifully, leaving me wet upon empty sheets

Seer, tell me is this reaction normal
The card you have in your hand, which you have refused to look upon will tell you is it not, or are your emotions to feel as this, informal
You have been my lineage Seer for years, and you have bestowed upon the Queen throughout, good cheers
Advised me of occurrences as I have allowed you to soothe my ears
If as you said this card, I look upon does not have love and the passion in the duality of its equate then how does that mend my heart. is it too late
My Queen, you know as your Seer, the energy of your mind is the future only you can predict once you participate
Is the Queen not happy with her unveiled fortune, the cards do not lie
Yes, that is what I am afraid of I hope my King as traveled to the skies

This Knight, can he, with rightfully honor fill the King, as you say, his shoes
Bring this monarch to be better and revered among others, his power he will never abuse
That is why I have sought your council, Seer, do advise me on what to due
I must make an official proclamation to the people
Then upon my heart grieve upon a Holy steeple
Reveal your card my Queen
Death is the rebirth as sure as the birds sing

I will give you the privilege to choose your own destiny
What card are you holding, my Queen and does it satisfy your needs
Before you relish in the destiny by your own deception
There is hint of rivalry in the air of detection around your concealed selection
Where are these sacred scrolls this Knight has send to you
I have them right here there are others, but this one shall do

Read them aloud let the winds of ether to absorb
They will bind you by blood or cut you from its lifeforce as the source of love’s umbilical cord
These are the parchment of his written words
I will close my eyes to see if I feel in the emotions if this Knight comes upon your skin as Vulture or of a Divine Hummingbird

My Queen, I hide myself, behind my Crown.  Because our enemies live .  Within these walls and without.  The stormy seas have hidden my life. My enemies believe that I am without life. Continue your searches for me, my love. I, your King fights as your Knight.
I love you, my Queen. It has been a break in battle. I rest my sword and shield. Now watching the sun set. It is so beautiful. My heart rises and sets for you. My eyes long for the sight of your beauty. As my body is awash of blood. I, my Queen, feel the anointing of your love. Bathing me of its stench. Holding the scent of your perfume beneath my nose. As I slash forth against this hard battle.
The moonlight rests upon the tongue. As I whisper, I love you. May the universe send the morning birds to perch upon your chambers window to sing of it, As the morning crashes through the night. And my dreaming of you brings you into my sight.

And he never signs them he has repeatedly stated they have been dipped by his oath in the Jordan River
The same time each day they are hand delivered

You must leave at once and take those letters with you, now my Queen
Wait… what does that mean
What did you see
You will never understand and cry in disbelief
How about my revelation in my tarot card, I would like to turn it over
What are you doing, remove your hand at once, and that is the order of your Queen
Today no four leaf clover

My Queen, do not
Your heart is fragile and forevermore you do not want it to be blocked
So, the card I have chosen will keep me chaste for no other man to unlock
Seer, tell me please
Let the beautiful eyes continue to grieve

My Queen you have been summoned in the Throne Room
The Heads of States are assembled upon this day of gloom and doom
My First Knight’s Man please advise the dignitaries I will be right there
Yes, my Queen, we will stand in attendances to make sure not upon your head is frazzled not even a strand of your hair

Seer, where is my card that was laying upon this table
It must have disappeared and my powers to be I could not disable
Go, my Queen you have your gathered assembled and waiting
There is no sense in worrying about a fate you never seen, or debating

Thank you, my Seer   
You are welcome, my Queen, in due time, things shall become more clearer

Poor child
Protect her womb from the deviations as flowers around her shall begin to grow wild
We shall, Seer
Thank you from the forces of the wind, now make me a believer
As the Seer’s Dream Weaver

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16

War has torn me from your arms, and the campfires, does not compare to the warmth of your bed

I miss the breathing that sings me to sleep

The rhythm of your heart, that makes my heart drums to its beat

Stroking your hair, feels better than stroking my sword

The striking beauty of your eyes feeds me the strength to strike down this rushing horde

For the life of me, I shall not let no man's feet, take foothold, upon your blushing shores

Like a thief that comes by night

I will rain my love upon your castle and seep through your chamber doors

Love plus the sunsets equals forevermore

Moonlight invites this hidden night

And only your ears will hear the passion of my mighty roar

My Queen the enemy approaches, as I pull my sword of fate, from its sheathing

I shall send them to where the eagle’s soar

My Queen I am now sitting around a campfire, amongst my fellow Knights, in celebration of a battle we have won

Our men are drunk from wine, caught in their merriment, and speaking boldly of the vigor and their loins.

Wine has loosened their tongues

They wag them wildly as they speak of the lust and passions, of their wanting dreams of bedding you

Of how they would love to thrust their long lances

Inside of your hot lush chambers, some as bold to say this with stiff cocks in hand

One says I would love for the Queen soft lips, to be wrapped around my flute playing it until nights end

Until the sun comes again

This has almost brought me to the throes of unleashing my sword and spill his hot blood upon the sands

Yet I yield in my anger, to not lose my hidden position.

Knight Of Power. Dark Cloud68

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cites (The Knight)

Royal Bedchambers

My Queen there is another letter sent from the Knight
I am in mourning, I had an unpleasant meeting with the Head of States, time is of essence to fill the King’s throne, before the calling of midnight
What did the Seer say, My Lady, did she give you hope to know your decisions are just and will set everything right

This faceless Knight his love is unconditional it tells me he is a man who has might
My Ladies-In-Waiting please have the porter to saddle my horse, I wish to be alone
I must make amends on behalf of an absence King’s throne
As his body one can only presume floats upon the abyss
I still hear the faint echoes of his reminisce

Did the King ever love you, my Queen that is what you must ask you heart
If he did it was blind from the start and lost somewhere in the passage of dark
Then go with the emotions you are feeling
This Knight is relentless in his pursuit of you, day by day, your pulsate he is softly stealing

Enjoy your afternoon riding my Queen
Thank you, my Ladies-In-Waiting, you all are a divine dream

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cities (Meeting The Cardinal)


I am hearing, Queen Sephora, you are ready to denounce the throne once held by your King
Are you understanding the consequences of an uncertain decision, and what such a move will bring
A Queen, never by the right of the royal court ordains a Knight, to take upon a King’s place, to govern under his crown, or covet his throne
Cardinal Webster, the King is a Sovereign, the castle is his political residence, and his royal seal is his oath, I have several Heads of States I have spoken to, and they are petitioning for a King to rule, or a male heir to pledge, I have neither, and I need your blessings to continue my reign as the night grows shorter and the days go long

I cannot grant you such a blessing, my Queen, it goes against the divine sanction of what marriage stands for
A Queen is betrothal to her King forevermore
Yes, why the King can take concubines and whores
Watch your mouth, young lady, you are in the Basilica, and we worship here to atone
My apologizes, Your Excellency
Cardinal Webster, please take into consideration, there is no King, and from what you are telling me, I must rule the throne alone
This Knight, I am sure he can bring unity, and peace, as I remain to stand upon my principles in my duties as Queen to the people, and that is to uphold my spectra and my orb and to be council by the creed of my King’s Psalms
This Kingdom is at stake
I do not have time to test the scrolls of an old faith
We will discuss this matter at a later date and time
I must get ready to prepare this Kingdom for a day of mourning for a King who no longer sits bilateral to me, or to see no more rinsing Sunshine’s
My Queen, you will be fine

Your Excellency
He will be the first I charge with treason against me

My Queen, here is another hand delivered letter, and it has an odd seal upon it
I can only assume it is from another Kingdom, to offer its condolences in such a time of this
Which sadness has unfortunately gripped, and the loss permeates in its drift
Thank you, my Ladies-In-Waiting, you are all imperial
And the seamstress shall visit each one of your sleeping quarters for a proper gown fitting for tomorrow’s private memorial for the people, then the for a private vaulted lowering under the church burial
His image shall be draped throughout this Kingdom as a celebration mural
I will read this letter in my Sleeping Quarters
And make sure the horses are well groomed by the affirmation of my porters

Yes, our Queen

Let me read such embracing words
Maybe he is my handsome Hummingbird

By the leaping thoughts of men
Words spoken aloud
They are speaking of taking my Queen hand
Wine and lust mingling together, leave men speaking without guard. I will fuck her hard, with her legs splayed wide
With foot and legs pointing to the stars
My cock stretching her tight castles walls, my thick cock pummeling her wet soft plumage
Laughter busts into the night at the coming of his words
The King would have your head for this, if he could no longer hear your words
Yet he can’t I shall my head buried in her tight ass, before the King reaches Heaven gates
Well, what I hear of the King his cock will rival that of a steed
The Queen's maids speak of it with watering mouths
And how the Queen moans loudly as he skillfully uses it, as he uses his sword in battle
My Queen I laugh at their lose words in silence, my anger subsides for you
As my lust and desires builds for you
So, I leave them in their lust for you
For I know your touch
It as soft as the wings of doves that soar above in the sky above
These men know of lust. I know of your love

Wait a minute, who are you really, my Knight
The King would have your head for this, if he could no longer hear your words
I need to find out what tarot card from the Seer she saw, even if I have to awaken her in the dusk of night
Let me catch my Ladies-In-Waiting before they flee
A shivering cold chill has seeped through me
My Ladies-In-Waiting, I need you to have the portal fetch my Horse and Carriage and summoned my twelve Knights
I need to be escorted to my King’s watery grave site

Yes, our Queen

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16

I speak into the spreading of the night

To give word unto my Queen That I wished upon your stars

So that I may descend upon her dreams

Tell her that she is the sweetness of my life

My honey and it’s cream

And that my love boils for her, like water in a kettle, my hot memories of our passions, rising in its steam

Tell her that she is my heaven in the flesh

Her wetness meshing in my heart my love for her bursting at the  seams

One sighting of her is a paradisiacal scene

Me without her, would be like the sun without it's beams

I cry out into the night

Without her at my side

I am a loud voice without a scream

My tears are falling inside of me, yet I am distant, they rain upon her pillow

I stand longing for  my Queen upon this field

Amongst the weeping of willows

Say to her, that I wait for her touch as morning grass awaits the touching of morning dew.

Without her I am a sky empty of clouds, writing a heart song singing blue

Signed Knight Of Power

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cities Part IV (Half-Staf)

The Queen's Royal Bedchambers

My Queen, are you ready to be escorted to the Cathedral, the ceremony will be starting soon
Yes, a day unto my people among the festivities shadowed with gloom and doom
Make sure after the King’s casket has been lowered below in the Royal Vault below the church
The Doves will be released from where their cages are perched
Do not worry, my Queen you will be free to take of another
Another King you can take as a lover

Yes, Your Excellency has made special provisions to amend that ruling where you heart and mind can path your own midnight musing
I thank you, my Ladies-In-Waiting, it has been a long time coming, but I know things gonna change
My life, I am free to now rearrange
What about this Knight who has dropped flowers off and another love letter, prior to this Sunset, celebration, my Queen
Is that a smile seen
Yes, I cannot seem to hide it due in part his heartfelt inscriptions do make my heart sing

My Queen, the Horse Carriage escorting the King’s casket to the Cathedral is awaiting your presence and we will be following the route
At lease the country can mourn as we trail behind, I am sure head swill be bowed at we pass throes of mourners from the North, East, West, and his final destination, South

Stay strong my Queen, your Ladies-In-Waiting, have your hand
I am Queen Sephora, of Scotland and of England, my name shall continue on without the governing of a man
My ruling as my royal lineage has withstood
From the Sky, the bed of Earth, as it funnels in the depths of the seven Seas, from the midnight calling resonated in the woods
Do not fear what one does not understand
I am the Alpha and the Omega lioness who had been ordained to walk the dominion of any land

By blood I am royalty from the Children of the Sun
Unto the will of Allah, no pale horse upon their backs I ride, or will I even become undone
My King, may his soul rest in the afterlife
Where darkness shall shroud his rigor mortis I commence him to the temptress, to the naysayers, of his wandering earthy strife
I am ready to place this past behind me
One footstep until the arms of love, to give of my sweet and divine serenity

In the freedom of movement, may the horses gallop as twin flames in the quest of universal needs
As the bird's tweet upon my arrival, my voice shall always sway above the trees
So shall it be commenced unto this day, so below as above
May beyond the clouds tenderly harken unto my acceptance cradled by the reign of my spiritual love
From the Queen of the Sun, I now bow to the absence of my King
Then we are ready, my Queen

That I am

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cities (The Queen’s Royal Homecoming)

My Queen, what is this that you request of us      
Give me a moment to inhale and exhale, that is the first must      
Has my Royal Apartment been sanitized      
This Queen has been in solitude, and I do not want the reminders of my journey to change the comforts, once I ease between my sheets no memories to come to nigh      
My Queen, it has been brought to our sovereign, this security force, have known this Knight may have come through some kind of undetected portal      
However, he may be a mere Earthly mortal      
What Knight declares his love in his own name      
It could be, My Queen, to keep the other Knights away to steal her mind, heart, and soul, if not awoken for you not to go insane      
Then this union shall be ordained between him and I      
We are here to make sure you do not lose the credibility of your throne or the rested King's Golden sword, for any battle sanctioned from the sky      
Just as any Queen, who knows her mission unto this monarch, not led by loins, but the necessity found in the sacred gift of her powerful hands      
A Faded memory in this 3-D dimension, which is the lowest    
A place where hearts would never come to understand      
It is written by law, when a man is driven by lust, his mantras speak of fleshly greed where he stands      
He cannot lead the people to the glory and heal strife between woman and man        
As your loyal subjects, this advice we are sure of this gist        
Listen my Queen really listen, silence is not always golden in its purest state of mental bliss      
Prevailed intellects in trials and tribulations, and the comfort of its need      
It heals wounds at times, the assurance for humans when one emotionally grieves,
The heart requires rest when it softy bleeds        
Ancient moments cannot be rewinded by the tongue who boast      
It goes forward, and cannot give repentance to lost souls, moreso than most      
Prepare my Horse, if what my Knights are saying is to be true      
Then this Knight will be the one who faces my wraith, or I will love him in my truth

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16

My Queen this war has seen it's end, my sword has seen his duty come to rest. Yes my steed gallops to my heart beat, as my eyes rides for it's sighting of your beautiful face.  My fellow warriors are thirsty and tired, as they thirst to see their wives and children. And to set foot on familiar soil. To taste the sweet wines of their own vineyards.  As I thirst for the sweet taste of your lips, the pouring of your passion,  the filling of your hot desires. I will not miss the campfires of the field, as I warmed by the campfires of our love making.   The moon face is hidden without the darkness of night. The eyes cannot see without pupils to give it sight. Birds without any wings, shall not give flight. A heart without love, is like a breath without life. A candle without a flame , cannot fill a dark room with light.  A mountain without a sky to measure it,  would not know it's height.  As I gaze at the sky above. I ask how can a man be completed without a woman to love.

My Queen I am closer than ,you can perceive. Look for dust clouds upon the horizon. A sign that your King approaches, to reign on his Throne. My love let this whisper to your ears,not part your lips. As my words speak to your heart. I love you my Queen Sephora,and you will soon adorn it my love.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A Tale Of Two Cites Part V (The Confession)

My Ladies-In-Waiting please have letter back
This Knight’s word never seems to lack
Our Queen, a match made in Heaven as ye will come to know
Yes, as long as it’s ordained by the church then love will always flow

In the field of yearns kissed by the summer sun of desires
Allow rapture to covet in its stalwart need
Cradling up in the dewiness our lover’s savor
Dripping from our bodies where the sweat of love welcomes each moan
Resonating as we uplift in the feel of entwining our connecting souls
We downshift in the releasing of esoteric dopamine
I believe I can fly
In your arms, I can touch the helm of the Heaven Pearly Gates
Kiss upon the pilgrimage to my third eye
And there you will find me

Let me write my name upon the locket of your heart
Where the flavor of my taste upon your tongue given the merriment of the giddiness of your taste buds
Circulating in your veins let me seep into your pores
When I wither under your stature we become as one
My kiss upon your lips
In that moment you will already know the softness of my reminisce
Hide me in the palms of your DNA, my love
I am yours and you are mine
The absence of your rib I am your enclosure

Signed by the oath of my royal seal
Queen Sephora

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

A femme fatale is a seductive and beautiful woman who brings disaster to anyone with whom she becomes romantically involved. This archetype appears throughout history in mythology, art, and literature. In hard-boiled detective novels and classic film noir of the 20th century, the femme fatale became a principal character, often ensnaring her lovers in compromising, deadly traps. She uses feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, or sexual allure to achieve her hidden purposes, and her attitude toward sexuality can be intriguing or frivolous. The term originates from the French phrase “femme fatale,” which means ‘deadly woman’ or 'lethal woman’1. So, when you encounter a femme fatale, beware of the allure and the danger that may follow!

It is Femma Fatale week, I will be posting some of the most seductress women of all times, in several sensual depictions from horror to sensuality please read and enjoy

Don't forget to smell the rose

Love and Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901


My heart serenaded to the love notes of a beguiling mania          
Feel the beating of my fragile heart          
Echoing as a soft whisper to your ear          
My kiss aches to be caressed under yours          
Entwined fervor alluring ballads, encircle me in the force of your nature        
Lose me in the view of your scent          
My footsteps know no escaping when you are near          
In your coveting arms I taste the blessing of Heaven’s anew          
A touch wished upon in the quest of slumber          
Your melting voice rattles the earth beneath my posture          
Closing my eyes, I feel destiny in the solace of your being          
I fall to the helm of your pleasure as you take me over the edge          
Catching me before I descend          
Resurrecting me, as we become a beautiful, sanctified entity          
The creation of my divinity you claim in my awakening          
Blending your soul into the depth of my sacred temple          
We speak in the dialect of Karbala the gratification of our cosmic oneness we chant          
Misallocated lust, passion, tenderly washes me          
You cleanse me in the ether        
I cling, you spin my emotions like your tsunami          
You reside in the fantasy of my bemused soul          
Reach down through the rings of infinity and touch me          
Tenderly you beckon me          
To the encircling of awaiting arms          
Young dreams of love as you step into my promise        
Hushed rewards found in my arms coveting your masculinity        
Astral plane unto a hushed dominion        
Sealed promises of our lips we pressed in the hunger of its enlightenment        
Ordained by the benediction of above to entwine our spirits once again

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1901

Queen of Sheba

ملكة سبأ (Arabic)
ንግስተ ሳባ‎ (Ge'ez)
מַלְכַּת שְׁבָא‎ (Hebrew)

As I close my eyes, the sea salt of my rebirth home      
Uprise my underworld Kingdom and take your place among Heaven’s throne      
The energy of your spirit shall carry you over the throne of Allah’s Glory      
The eighth dimension I give unto you the crest to man and women on earth to atone      
Solar Eclipse, we shall past as our worlds shall merge into one      
Honor among the universe is a sacred must from any civilization not to become undone      
The race is not to the swift but to the ones who endures to the end      
Phenomena, as we speak on wind songs only the seeing eyes and hearing ears can commend      
Uprise My Waterloo Kings and Queens      
The baptism of your beautiful souls I bow, ascend to the heights of a Spiritual Nirvana’s astral cosmic transference, only ripened in astra-spherical dreams      
Blessed upon the saturation my Holy Anoint upon your soul      
The whispers of old to have been blessed once again to see the Sun      
To the Kingdom within the tranquil of the funneling abyss      
May the breeze you feel against your cheeks as you stand and take your place at your Supreme Queen’s side      
Take your place among the evolution in the purification of your soul, in the journey, the vessel shall be rebirthed where love and eternal peace shall reside      
The stars are calling us from the circles of united pillars from the depth beyond sea level      
Codes above the treetops, mankind will never tell you      
The Anunnaki has honored this blessed rare Earth occasion, the ruins of Atlantis have bowed in this union to be      
The energy of your portal sources is very powerful, our Queen, you have broken what others cannot seem to connect with the elements in the gray matter of physics and reality      
Please give this King Solomon our sincere gratitude      
To see the Queen of Sheba make her grand entrance upon the terrain into the foothills of Jerusalem we stand in solidarity      
Our evolution will eclipse, and you will be gifted by the universal to uprise the meek, the misguided, and the wise      
Take the time to elevate your mind beyond the blindness of your eyes      
Your Kings from the deep, we ceremoniously bow to you in union to encounter your presence in this realm, we’ve have heard your Heavenly whispers      
I Queen Sheba will be entreating this King Solomon from Israel      
It has been a weary journey hopefully, this King of Israel, mind is filled with equations, or may my wishes for this Queen to instill      
His intellect, may his mind be filled with equations      
Enlightening souls seeking beautiful whispers in the dark      
Breath to breath      
Searching for the essential of his intellect      
Beautiful minds spiraling      
Cupid’s wings carrying the vessel of our being      
Encircled rhythmic pulses floating in midnight oasis      
Hidden dreams, visible hopes      
Caressing words upon the arch of life’s pedestal      
Coveting the mind      
Salvation giveth of our souls      
Netted into its alluring web      
Spun within tangled seductive tales      
Spoken, felt, the harmonic lullabies      
Melodic music to the ears, felt, worshipped      
The taste of its pure satisfaction      
The tease of its inspiration      
Blanketing my existence, my spirit, my heart
My Queen please watch your step      
I do hope you have enjoyed your rest      
Yes, just within a dream      
In my nervousness to meet this enthralling King      
What a beautiful temple he resides in    
I do hope this wit I've heard he possess surface, it is well earned from what I've heard since his reign begin    
The Sacred Queen Orator

I will be bringing the Femma Fatale beauties to my sacred scrolls, soon I wanted to bless my Wall of Divine with one spiritual Queen, who I have I have admired

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