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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Whoever Does Get Elected MayThey Remember This

The president of the United States and his ink pen have a very special relationship in the eyes of the paper
It’s straight to the point as it signs off laws under the grasp of a sharp witted naysayer
His ink pen is the first to see the fine print
As black ink glides across the paper a signature of relent
America one day must repent

Sins of our forefathers lost in time
On the backs of free labor not given a nickel not even a dime

Unrest and due process cries out from the graves
The so called land of the free and the brave
Generations have died throughout history
Genocide, War, Racial Injustice unexplained mysteries
The ink pen held by its master signs important documentations
From the law to mandatory Draft to freeing the slaves from cotton field plantations
They say the pen is mightier than the sword
Clenched within the president’s hand now even more powerful than the keyboard
Witnesses stand by the president’s side as he stares down
Paper poised on his desk
The pen scrawls not even making a sound

Penned by law to hinder
Freedom somehow surrendered

Medical care dissolved does not matter to which gender
It’s now a law the ink pen just said so
Thank goodness we’re out the era of Jim Crow
I stood in a long line for the lesser evil vote
It was cold and wet, and I didn’t even wear a coat
I should have used an ink pen
But then again

It does not matter who sits on Air Force One
Humanity is decided after the president’s ink pen has won
Standing still and done

He smiles as his ink pen is now rested
Vetoes contested
The multitudes have protested
Civil unrest has crested
Handcuffed and then you’re arrested
Wait, I’m not protesting being an American citizen, it’s that sword the president holds in his hand
Signing black ink to imminent words affecting barriers across this great land

I kneel, I’m considered Unpatriotic
I stand and raise my fist in unity, I’m considered neurotic

No matter what income you have no matter what color you may be
The ink pen in the president’s hand rules our true destiny
So, when you watch television, and the president has an ink pen in his hand
Say a prayer the law isn’t intended for woman as well as for man
I do not know what the content said
Ask the ink pen before it’s put in a rectangle brown box, a velvet lined bed
The computer, cell phone, or social media have nothing in comparison to the weapon the president holds in his hand

The president’s ink pen can internationally demand
Sign off to fire on command

Sign off to pardon
Bridge gaps of peace once war torn and politically harden
Activate troops
Not the nuclear codes, whoops
Wait, the ink pen does not have an eraser
Everyone sprinting to a bomb shelter faster than a NASCAR racer
The next time you see the Oval Office and the president sitting at his desk with ink pen in hand
Hopefully he will sign for us as Americans to take a unified stand

Pray for the ink pen that it has on glasses
That the law to divide this country will never come to surpass the masses

Part Two, Was Too Long To Place With Part One

Love and Hugs, always,

Creation by A Queen's Crown Apparel


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

An Angel In My Garden

Wait a minute am I being punked out here      
You want me to what, write about you      
An Angel, and in this day and time      
Fate, why couldn’t you send me Denzel Washington      
No, you send me a talking silhouette most likely by my atheist neighbor        
To shock me      
He knows I am into Hattian Spirituality      
And I am versed on the supernatural and pagan occults of various religions      
But even this is low vibration for him to go through the length      
And here you are, startling me from kneeling in prayer        
For the universe to listen to my spiritual ascending incantations        
Wait… as an Angel can you even speak      
Being under the command of God and all    
Woo.. Shh… you will awaken my neighbors, no speech        
You will have civilization covering their ears with that deafening horn      
Well, you see I had me to cover my ears, and what dialect is that      
Let me see here, I am fluent in French, Haitian Creole, and broken Italian      
What is that language, and please use English, only if you can      
No.. no.. shh... okay.. okay, let me see here      
I believe Angels speak Enochian      
And it’s powerful and so Heavenly enounced      
And it goes back to Abrahamic religions.      
If no one ever told you, it’s very heart palpating      
Like Thunder      
I swear no more mushrooms out of my garden I planted myself      
And why am I talking to..        
My Hebrew name is Raphael      
So, you can speak my Earth lingo      
I am not speaking, the thoughts of an Angel are more marooned in your subconscious      
Are you saying Telepathic      
That divine reasoning you do not trust, buts hold its apathy with much regret      
When mankind afterthought states to the Heavens, I should have listened to my conscious      
It is in that denial when you denounce your instilled gifts from your Creator blessed to be bestowed since the creation of mankind        
And you do know it’s unlawful to be hiding in people’s private backyard      
Okay, I get it, you’re a hologram copy      
And I must say, technology did your silhouette some justice        
And your request does not take me by surprise      
Yes, everyone knows I am Ghost writer      
Why, would you like a consult to discuss my services      
And I charge five cents on the each word      
How did you even get here, what, or whoever you are      
So, you are the faceless person who been escaping into my dreams      
Whispering such divine lullabies in my ear      
Wait come back…. I’m sorry      
What just happened here      
Okay..I hope no one heard me talking      
And no more glass of wine after nine o'clock in the evening      
After all that I will just pray in my solarium      


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157


So many young lives I have been a Nightingale unto, nursing wicked choices  
Trying to find that beautiful spark in the dark, somewhat opened eyes, bathed in stone hearts, give rises to maddening voices              
Changed in the matter of moments with treating the elements of a torn soul
In the cradle of time my pouring streams never cease its universal flow
It patrols on within the depths by my Creator, blessed on the current where it softly consoles
Regrets confessed from mouths, praying, hoping, humanity needing to be reassured lifespan will get better at any cost    
The passage of my Pineal Gland sees life and the skeletal appearance of failing breaths          
Psalms verse twenty-three read in the declining hours to give a weary spirit external rest            
The same messages upon the dowry of our heads, yet a different sanctuary of time              
Plagues, famine, debauchery rules churches’ mind              
There is no peace no matter where you go              
As sure as the tornado destroys, and the water floods no matter where the ravines may go          
This is God’s land, no matter the technology found by the inventive hands of man              
One breeze, torrential rains              
At that interval, you bear witness our lives are all the same              
We all have emotions to feel and compassion to lend when we feel pain              
Then if so, why isn’t color blindness the name of life’s game              
As a healer, I hear those calls when hearts are lying in wait, I can never measure, or give you the sight of death  
When the body has given its all and it now only wants to return to dust, to be reborn unto its divine home for external rest  
The word terminally ill will never fit the bill, it is more a celebration of a beautiful sunrise and sunset  
Energy infusion at best, universal recycling, tears shedding in remembrance and emotions felt          

Worshipping society's sacred temples, speaking your language, your religion is my religion, your beliefs are my reliance to fit the cause of the bill, but still              
Does the mind of others ever get fatigue in doing right              
Holding on to the last ounce of faith when devoid of human nature to give into the heathens that romances the night                      
I bow in humbleness unto you, as I am, and through me I will always feel the perpetual devotion of Him                
Given unto power to lasso the magnifications of creature comforts which will never win                    

To civilization without, sees it’s downfall without an end                    
Falsehood love in beauty, money, spiritual love tossed in the wind                        
Vanity lovers of self, money, consorting in the dark on the altar with Jinns                    
I have hurtled them all, through the beginning of time, to council the                    
mentally to make the loins of men lust and the sacred divinity of women                    
adhere to enticement to the temptation of its sin                    
The first, the last, and the fallen ones on earth, the population follows the hidden horns to deceive                    
My Ankh I shield to the powers to be                    
The truth it seeps to give credence between you and me                    
What we stand for, when we ask for more, it makes us, or it breaks us                    
When the blood of our veins in sickness only pours              
We cry out in the last hour to be spiritually forgiven              
In the perfection of health, debauchery, arrogance is the catalyst when we are immorally driven                    
No one is better than each other                  
When we look in the mirror our reflective image is the only one who hovers                    
No other face from another mother                
Vanity is the tool of the Devil's invention, making us self-lovers                  
I remain docile in my own melanin skin                    
This old world seems at times no hope, no glory, truth of the matter to self is where we all begin              
The good book of fables from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelations                    
Once out the cocoon of the womb it’s the end we are wandering sheep in guidance from the constellations                    
My own voice, my own choice                
In this day and age, no trails to follow, but my own footsteps                    
It eliminates the time when trying to measure up when no one is ever                    
considered in life to the best  
By the trials, tribulations, or by life’s tests                    
We are all one whisper from a labored breath              
Tears in remembrance of our presence thy hollow be thy name is all that's left                    
Pine boxes, cremations, our Judgment Day comes next              
Never fear the unknown                
Live your life as a melody of your own beautiful song              
Energy never dies, our spiritual vessel ascends to be atoned              
Déjà vu will welcome you to advise you your spirit once roamed free              
Those three phrases of life that is ordained for you and for me                    
Soulful healer, spiritual fighter, blessed lineage of French Moorish Queens                    
Let awoken minds speak of what blinded eyes have not yet seen                    
In the realm of spiritual evolution and the parables of the afterlife we walk in                    
Every night in the subconscious of our dreams                    
Awaken to the coldness of opened eyes never to reclaim what the intellect has seen                
Is it atheist or blasphemy once off the nourishing and enlightening nipple we are weaned                                
The afterbirth, the last sacramental rites of passage before our Creator separates His presence from thy will shall be done                    
The first cry of life to a hellish Kingdom come                    
Everyone is wrong, life is measured by the greater good, better choices, yet, overruled by wicked deeds riding on pale horses                    
We are down here in in the belly of the beast                    
By His divine oath, His word, I am rooted and blessed in my exposure to stand on my feet
Into your mind, consecrated words, will always reach, my mission is to softly teach
I listen as Mother Nature and her sources of survival, air, water, earth, fire to mankind by observation is to preach


Love And Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Wow.. Bidden has finally caved in to the pressure and decided not to run for re-election and will endorse Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

This is getting interesting.... politics..

Love and Hugs, always

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Spoken Thoughts Through The Eyes Of A Little Princess

Father, will you tell me all the stories that originated out the depths of the sea  
A land beforehand that defines our presence here on earth  
A place in history that was preserved for you and for the generation divine calling of me  
Will there be tales where the dragon slays the innocent with fire, the boogie man in black robes sitting on judgment seats  
Taking breaths of Hebrew liberations to be placed in a cage to no longer pilgrimage free  
I see Looming castles and exotic animals running in the wild  
Fields of greenery as I walk through the meadows when playing as a child  
When I’m bigger, will politics sale the survival of our existence, eminent domain us from sacred lands  
Segregate us by what we do not have or what we do not allow in our bodies to drift  
I want to grow up in a world, where we all are accounted for, not by the way we live    
I will one day walk the passage where my fate and destiny once thrived, our tribes, our villages once stood, we strived as we survived    

Kings, Queens, and Empresses, with welcoming arms, ancient spiritual advisers with dialects in union of guidance shall always roam  
To have mercy by the Provers of rebirth's evolutional home  
The remembrance of unchained freedom now stands tall as I whisper to the wind  
In the enlightenment of my mystique power, I will bless over the terrain, the clouds that harvest the soothing rain  
My small hands will not be limitless when reaching up for the secrets of the stars  
If you listen closely, you may hear the overtures to the universe beyond, Saturn, Uranus, and Mars  
The creation of the Most High, from his deepest imagination    
He gave to us His deepest admiration  
A world ordained to you by the baptism of rebirth celebration  
Where your dreams you can fulfill, be a beacon of inspiration on your road to salvation  
Unto the passage of your heart, your temple your meditated mantras will be bestowed upon    
Humanity needs knowledge, and the calling of wisdom in the days of carnage before the kiss of Dawn  
Your footsteps in life will be the throne of your grace, wherever your sovereign bestows, it patrols  
The dark, illuminates its path, for the sightless the gift of compassion, peace, serenity under the warmth of the Sun  
As a future Queen, unto the innovation of my spirit, will my voice uphold the nature order of its light, until thy will be done  
Will you tell me about the lineage of my roots, when the color of other hues on the rainbow does not have the grace to    
What do I tell the embodiment of ignorance, the ignorance of truth, when rubbing sticks together and throwing stones  
Never descend into the abyss of anyone’s two brain’s hemispheres  
High vibrations will always uplift any purpose’s worth as it would appear  
My path in life, is to never give credence to the seven deadly sins  
Only snakes with bitter tongues gravitates to mental discontent or animosity no matter what they slither in  
Keep your intellect pure of thoughts, your Chakras spiritually aligned  
Will this biosphere still exist as I close my eyes and sail on the rings of infinity    
A young soul who has glimpsed the depravations of technology’s epiphany  
Will the world know I am of regal, I am a future Queen  
My expectations, my visions ordained as jovial to me witnessed by eyes have seen  
I am the pictograms shrouded across the history of time, above the towering trees the echoes of my ancestral’ roar  
Prominence in it's the heritage, once I bow in respect and serenity may society open doors

Enjoy your day everyone

Love and Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Balancing The GiftS Of The Mind

I will attempt to elaborate on the more aggressive theories that seem to marginalize, relevant concerns that has made me ponder and see if I intricate the whys, or at least find the source of its understanding.      
I had to revisit the concept of understanding the complexities of the mind due in part.        
Mental illness seems to on the uprise, and it is affecting our youth at an alarming rate. Thus far the statistical for adults has not started for the margin.        
A slope in the statistical incline, or shift seems to be affecting the Caucasian youth, more now than ever. I have been subjugated to deem these values valid when rendering of commendable in judgment when asked of my opinions.      
Counseling to a minor who is displaying abnormal anger management related issues, predominantly children from affluent foundations; they are self-mutilating, and most have solicited several animal therapy sessions to combat several lacking cognitive skills to perform basis command of interacting on a daily basic scale of functioning outside the norm.      
It becomes evident when a parent and his/her child are in an intermediate therapy intake session and the roles are somehow reversed, pertaining to the parent being suffocated by the offspring’s behavior where the mood disorder of the child/teenager is very disrupted to the self and to the family as a whole.      
As a professional in the sector and as a French Haitian Creole lineage, I know there is disparity within my profession, and an even grave matter with trying to come into grips. Why are the European race more depressed than other nationalities?      
This is the time, where white privilege is not the structure common factor, but the lagging denominator, for the mind to survive outside the realm of society.      
The numbers are staggering when assessing the patient’s demographics, the findings are phenomenal. I thought this was just a subjectable observance until I became the counselor and I have seen firsthand and the social disorders, then diagnosed with some form of a chemical imbalance of the brain. I have to be fair; this stigma does not apply to the population who have suffered or who have succumbed to mental illness and not by designs; incest, rape, PTSD, childhood trauma, those what we call mental clauses are warranted to receive counselling and that shall come under the duress to treat and manage of any gender.    
I do not mean to cross reference from a professional standpoint to incorporate my personal opinions or to be biased in my initial evaluation.      
Mental Illness is not a race problem, it is a humanity problem, and before I joined the ranks and really glimpsed into the mind of people who need their fragile mentalities rebooted, to function accordingly I was under the impression by assumption, the African American race suffer from mental illness and requires counseling. Oh, was I incorrect in my assumptions.    
In the back of my mind, I must hold a question that forgo my integrity, but I will ask.      
Why are the European race seeking mental rehabilitation, taking mood stabilizers, prone to suicidal intention, overdosing, then other ethnic groups.        
African Americans and other minorities are more prone to detrimental social ethics that cripple the infrastructure of us thriving, unemployment within the communities is at an all-time high, the victims of denied reparations, yet we thrive, gun violence, police brutality, in the midst of it all, we cope, and we move on.      
The European race, from the cradle have been pampered by the peers of society, upper class by profession and monetary status quo, social philanthropists, and legacies of wealth, when you take those factors into consideration, the question, as to why European and its descendants are not happy.  I continue to ask the question, but the more I have asked is the more the complexities of the European race baffles me with the solicitation of mental health myths fostered by the media.      
In addition, the playing field is not leveled, subsequently, white females between the ages of 23-52 cannot deal with life in a healthy and conduit manner.        
Caucasian children from the age of 4 to the age of 16 are on some form of mood stabilizer medication, in a residential facility for mental illness, or institutionalized to receive some form of group or one-on-one therapy with a licensed Psychiatrist.        
I really hate to bear the news of my professional observation, but it is what it is, the truth.      
In regard to the younger generation. Has it always been a design plan to control the world and the masses? The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.      
The first plan was to discontinue using paddles in schools, taking the ten commandments out of school. The pledge of allegiance. Therefore, when kids misbehave, cease and exist the structure to correction (corporeal punishment is what it was deemed) Let’s not to forget, you cannot even correct your own child, that is when they came up with 411 kids, have them reporting on their own parent’s any verbal/mental abuse; the concept is allow the system to intervene, more statistics for juveniles to be incarcerated until the age of twenty-one, labeling them a menace society before their first drink of alcohol every reaches their lips.      
Therefore, the plan of action, medicate their young minds bend them to the will of the way. Now you have youngsters, and being an adult, you cannot even disciple to this day, with words or action.      
These same individuals carry so much hatred for society, until the point they are becoming dead minded, lifting weapons in the name of anxiety, bi-polar, depression, Add/Adhd, committing such heinous acts.      
Apathetic to the world with malicious plights, and we look around and ask of self, who is to blame? The system for making our hands bare to chastise, as our hearts remain heavy to watch a child become stigmatized by the injustice of the system, to do thy will of self, do we blame the parent(s), who are raising militant men from the womb to the streets. Or is it the school system’s fault who labels our future generation as aggressive, lack of concertation/focus, and advises us our child need to medicated, therefore, when their young mind have been accustomed to the chemical imbalance, of brain neurons transmitters being disarmed, and hushing it with a mood alteration drug, which falls under the classification of a narcotic, the consequences as such, is like keeping dynamite buried in a glass box, it will eventually explode; bad nightmares, mentally withdrawing from society, and with our hands tied, we can only shake our head and pray our children have adopted the caring of their parents love.      
The introduction of technology has warped the younger generation mental ability, where is the empathy most times I’ve witnessed fights, gang style, smashing and grabbing loot, filming citizens dying on streets, instead of rendering care, blind eyes seem to submit cell phones viewing and likes.      
Have we as adults lost touch with reality, or is our future generation now considered our parents. It makes one really sit back and asset the situation from all angles.      
Now that’s straight talk for your mind.      
In this life, it is our mission to self and to others, to reach or teach one      
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Be thoughtful always to mankind and always to each other.

Love and Hugs,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Ahh...Just A Moment To Inhale And Exhale

It feels so good to be away from the harsh lights, camera, action, modeling, creations, excessive blogettes, face-to-face zoom calls, stitching my creations, and my crown of glory, my skin and my hair is screaming for relief.

Have you just ever stepped back from yourself, and just appraised your worth unbiased, your strength, your weakness, or your contributions to society, how you define yourself to others, accept how others define themselves to you, it can become so tedious trying to please others, but leaving no space for mental growth for yourself.

We are all placed within the realm we are the intricate of the Creator’s unwove pattern of life, and every thread of being human existence placed upon its stiches is to bring that blanket of self-beautification into reality.

Why do we take the time to destroy each other dreams when, ours is genuinely lacking, no one in this world is perfect, yet, we must strive to better ourselves for our family and become better from or own self-esteem to give honor to the roots of our lineage, be a friend to lend an ear when someone is down, during those stolen moments finding ways within the human heart to voice and show compassion.

As of lately, what I am seeing is not unity, mainly among women, from social media, not even casted on television to blend harmonic energy. What happened to the fiber of the women’s movement, what happen to the woman being the fiber that holds together the family unit together and keep ignorance bliss from tearing down the foundation of her home or being a hindrance to crumble someone else's.

I am hearing now on social sites, among women discussion, since they are more prominent and vocal in the workplace, making their own cheddar, a man is not needed, and they are becoming loud and boisterous in their analogy, I got mine and if you do not have yours than bye, or outlandish notations, they want men with six figures, I make a nice income, however if a man is willing to bring his heart, mind, and intellect to the table what happen with you both make gifts happen.

Money cannot warm cold feet at night, not unless you pay someone to do it for you, where is the natural stability of love of relationships, do we make the internet our bed, our salvation, typing our feelings and emotions away to a screen. wow... we have come such a long way, yet we have gone nowhere.  Send me handwritten love letters and you have my heart for life

I am sorry, as a woman I need me a man, a strong intellectual Hebrew King, whereas I can honor his presence, become entangled in his scent, his aura, mm... make love to his persona.

Subsequently, I do not attempt to walk in other shoes, I do not make it my business to judge anyone miles or define their pilgrimage through life and I know no one can never walk in mine.

I love my life and I live it to the fullest without regrets, or fear, you only get one shot at this 3D dimension, and I will give it all I got unlit I exhale the last breath of my being.

I say that because we all have a history, whereas, we have survived by the scars that has been placed upon us.
Some scars rather they are mental, emotional, or physical. Yet in the eyes of the holder, it does not make us better or any less than the others who reveal theirs or allow intellects a glimpse into their pain or suffering of how they derived.

This is why you must always be in the sphere of self-redemption, recognizing your own flaws, I am sure they are as beautiful as the person who bears them. That should be the purpose to anyone who walks upon planet Earth, why must there be a tug of war between intellects, personalities, cultures, or genders.  

I feel confidence in Aquarian Queendom, and I respect others even if they do not.  We all have something to say, you must ask yourself are you hearing or just listening, no matter the use or nature of the dialect and silence is never golden in my line of Mental Health profession it only leads to developing cognitive mental disorder, suicidal indentions, self-mutilations, misunderstandings, heartaches, doubts, and mistrust.

If you have something to say, speak now or forever you will hold your own mind in captivity.

I remember the olden days, when I had an impediment and could not speak English let alone write it, and I laugh now because during those two years, I was looked upon as being illiterate not by the fault of my own, French and Haitian Creole is my native dialect, and as I’ve always stated, I swear doing those times when I attended college, I felt like a child learning to speak for the first time out of picture books, Lord have mercy you ought to have seem my English tutors, the frustration so evident on their faces, in their restrained voices, of when someone is just not getting it, and they wanted to throw in the towel, or information thrown at you is not being processed quick enough, which means it went out the other ear.

Between you and I, I held my hands under the table and that was an instant defense from my grann smacking my hands so hard with a ruler because she became frustrated trying to teach me a foreign language she or I could not speak or understand.

Therefore, what I am aiming to say is, we all learn something from each other, maybe we do not know at the time, or simply we have forsaken our intellects to gain of its knowledge, Henceforth, when we read, and even for those who cannot, we must find ways to embrace the disability and not in haste come to judge.

If you work hard toward your dreams anything is possible in you fulfilling them, if your heart is receptive, anyone should be gifted to be within your presence, if you mind is divine it will always find the ways to move mountains, or methods to go around them.

I have adopted one rule in life that has kept me grounded and continuing me on my journey through life, I ever look back, it’s the past, I stand in the present, and I am thankful to inhale and exhale into the progression of my future. If you love as you live, the world simply does become your oyster, and you tend to negate negativity, I can guarantee you that is the SECRET to life.

I hope my words are received in truth as they are humbly written in merit.

I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a blessed weekend, and the days are dwindling down, meaning, ladies I hope you have checked your breasts for this mouth or making an appointment to get a mammogram if it is your required age group and earlier, if you have a family history of breast cancer, in addition, your annual Pap Smear to rule out cervical/ovarian cancer, o dysplasia that can or cannot lead to cancer.

Gentleman, please make sure you are getting screened for Prostate Cancer, and a PSA-Lab Test) for both genders if you are within the age group make sure you incorporate getting a Colorectal screening.

Please make sure you are staying hydrated and if you are the sun, please wear some form of sun protection, some parents are forgetting the aid when they are poolside, mainly with small children, or I could not stress this enough, please place protective floating devices on their children before they get into the pool in general.

Love and Hugs,

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 27th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 8

There's gold in the water, my father who resides in France, along with my aunts are rooting for the Americans who are participating in the Olympic games in regard to my adopted country,

The men swim team in the relay just walked away with a Gold Medal, beating out Australia and China.

Keep up the great memento guys... it is 4:28 am in France


Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 19th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 57

My friend gave a lovely tribute to them at the Olympic games

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 27th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 8

[quote-586611-nutbuster]My friend gave a lovely tribute to them at the Olympic games[/quoteh.

Ahh...thank you, my father and I like the aquatic part of the Simmer Olympics and I love the gymnastics segments as well and Simone Biles ...wow that woman is a force to reckon with and she is only 27... Utopia power in pure motion

Goodnight my friend

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

A Queen Angel's Prayer

I am the wind beneath blowing at Hell’s feet        
When Demons come to the roundtable to greet        
My sword’s tip ingrained in the wood        
No permission granted in earthly rest until the understating of man’s devious plight is understood        
Spells I ordained, your souls blended to entertain        
Who dare deny the force of the afterlife, when it resides in me        
The spiritual prodigy born with a discerning third eye      
My heart, mind, soul manifested to obey unto man’s purgatory just to appease        
Can bridge one moment to the next glimpsed of ancient time        
Reached into history to give Roman its blueprints as the empire fell under trickery’s designs        
Can close my eyes and be right there        
Through the portal of astral traveling of the fifth dimension, just like that, through thin air        
Because you cannot see, or comprehend never disbelieve        
Some beguiling souls have locked secrets, only the Illuminati or the Freemasons will ever come to agree        
Faith on lock        
Destiny by my soul can unblock        
Karma, the Creator’s punishment to mankind when the Temple’s arrogance, refuses to stop        
Born in the reminisce of time, psyches to save, and ordained by the North star my existence is well defined      
I can taste, smell, and feel man’s earthly demise        
Hold tight on to my hand and keep your heart pure unto me as we make each our first time        
As surely, I will covet your spirit on earth as the sun in the East shall rise        
I predict        
I kiss        
I am the Magician who stars have foretold of its miraculously gift        
Shh… who dares announce such extraordinary they posses        
The snap of a finger to cry in the last breath for one’s death        
I am Haitian Creole it’s in my blood        
Have centered and learned to channel spiritual love from above        
It is exceptional, Revelations, yet Stigmatic’s painful undulation        
I surrender unto the stripes of its beautiful dismay as life moves upon its axis pace        
To inhale such Heaven my skin lashes, tortured in silent under God’s ultimate’s grace        
Hell for you never to taste the bitterness’ or its trace        
For the creation of the human race        
I am the one who has a foot in tarnation my heart in the realm of Heaven to balance out the universe        
To disavow human’s progression to submit to a diabolical curse        
No strife within my care as you reside the purity of your seven sins denounced by Heaven        
Within hope I am the one who permits you from the falling to your self-created sin, the unknown eleventh        
Your subconscious when right and wrong is not found in your mental dwellings        
Free will        
The persecutor when not upholding the universal divine oath thy should not kill or steal        
Hope, when you cannot go on        
Sounds for reassurance when your ears cannot atone        
The benediction when your mouth speaks degradation, hatred on the prowl        
Serenity, I uphold the light in the calling of midnight, hooting like a wise owl        
I tell you this to keep my Charkas spiritually aligned        
Words are mightier than the sword, as the ocean roars during turbulent times        
I wear the Tarot, Loa rites of ancestral passages, the cradle of Divinity in one hand        
Love, compassion faith, trust, the olive branch of understating to grant virgin intellects across the land        
To judge me brings shame upon your head        

No psychological balance given to foolish minds to turn and toss in detraction, immorality has been led  
Yet magistrate me, in not recognizing the stench reeking of your own bed        
When you speak of ensorcelled, the marring of the souls’ worth        
Suffrage found in your loins and wombs never to give rebirth        
If not marked with good intentions, will never come to past of this cruel world        
Hitherto, to unleash my beautiful passion, rapture, lust, ecstasy blessed as my mind softy unfurls        
I am the one the darkness bathes in Divinity’s light        
No lights, or cameras will ever be the vanity of my reflective plight        
You can never measure the gift of the rite of passage might        
Some occurrences in life are not meant to be understood        
A moment once encountered will never know the starvation of righteous and good        
I am the stalwart soul in the softness of time        
Hands of wisdom given you the Hieroglyphics can decipher like its dialect tongue was once mine  

Assalam Alaikum  


Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 19th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 57

A very enlightening spill my friend, for the ladies out to read and try

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Close Your Eyes, Inhale, Exhale And Live For Another Day

I will be revamping a story dealing with the related issues of suicide and then discussing in broader terms of how suicide it affects cultures, genders, races, and religion. Subsequently, I will be reposting an updated love story, Miss. Saigon, a favorite love story in regard to such a tragedy centered around suicide and how it affects the loved ones left being in the midst of its rebirth.

I will be very sensitive in nature due in part, I know this is an universal hidden issue that may or may not have affected many and I know during my undergraduate studies in Mental Health and my case studies I had to segregate my emotions from the causes, the whys into how intellects feel the necessity to come to the last stages of mental unreasoning to contemplate suicide there were so many variations, and rather you suffer from some form of Mental Illness, it is not for us to judge, we are here to be a safe harbor, we must come understand and not be bias, and dissociate or feelings to label the way a person is thinking during that initial and final step, always offer other ways to advise anyone of several coping mechanism skills that may be beneficial.

I will delve into some of those ritual suicides among Japan’s ancient samurai warrior class is known as seppuku. Also called hara-kiri, it involved stabbing oneself in the abdomen with a short sword, slicing open the stomach, and then turning the blade upward to ensure a fatal wound. This practice was considered an honorable way for samurai to demonstrate courage, self-control, and strong resolve.

Women of the samurai class also committed ritual suicide, known as jigai, but instead of slicing the abdomen, they slashed their throats with a short sword or dagger.

And in conjunction, teenage suicide pacts and crimes of passion suicidal pacts

Suicide’s Plight

Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride        
Should I just keep walking by        
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide        
There are so many people out there        
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare        
Not having remorse to no longer care        
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck        
Not having a penny let alone a buck        
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair        
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air        
A silent battle of the brain within        
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin        
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin        
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again        
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should        
Starting first with memories of your childhood        
During those times things were never misunderstood        
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood        
Trying to figure it all out        
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt        
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart        
Mental breakdowns from the initial start        
Unspoken anger now for the most part        
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness        
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless        
We all have walked a mile in tight shoes        
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse        
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse        
However, who gives you that sole right to choose        
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose        
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away        
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway        
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind        
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down        
Stomach pumped, oh no        
I really really never intended to go        
Save me please        
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees        
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help        
The third time it worked, yelp        
As I lay still        
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill        
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still        
There was always a tomorrow        
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow        
I’m on my ascending pathway        
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day        
There will be no more words from you to say        
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call        
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol        
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings        
Sent back here to say or do some strange things        
All for a great cause        
Under God’s universal laws        
However, I will never know where you come from        
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some        
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in        
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins        
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now        
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow        
Trust me you shall reap what you sow upon its disavowal        
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought        
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout        
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be        
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see        
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious        
You can’t        
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant        
No one wants to come back here        
And still adhere        
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape        
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape        
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate        
At any rate        
You never get those moments in time to backdate        
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through        
I know this has been tried and true        
Just please keep this angle of view in mind        
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind        
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind        
Once you close your eyes        
No more second chances to understand, the what, when, or the whys        

If anyone is experiencing any suicidal intentions, please seek professional help or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.  The number is 1-800-273-8255, or call 911, or I think there is another number from what I can remember from college 988.

Enjoy your day and always check on others,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Just stopping through on a Friday to wish everyone a blessed day and it is August, wow.. summer is almost over; can you believe it that kids will be heading back to school some parent(s) will be ushering their child/children to collage for the first time. It makes me think back to when I arrived here in the states, and that suitcase, that held books and mementoes from my gran's Midwife practicing office, given as a form of best wishes, that woman was determined her granddaughter entered the medical field one way or another I changed my course on time and with deepest regret, I should have been an attorney for some affluent corporation I have an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice I had to pay tuition out of my own pocket and half out of my grann's pocket and I never got to utilize it, this brings me to my segment, lost dreams.

Whoever said age is nothing but a number, or it does not matter must had been old and times may have caught up with him/her. You are never too old to fill the wishes of a dream or inspire someone else to reach their potential.

I understand most of you may have become parents, your kids are your priority, which they should be, but what happens to your life once they become of age to be self-reliant, self-sufficient what becomes of your dreams, your aspirations that you had to set aside in the name of sacrificing for your family's wellbeing.

I am here to tell you to restart those projects that time has somehow neglected, instill some spark in all that you can be, the secret to life is to live it to the fullest, trust me, that rocking chair, the nursing home, or unfortunately, a hospital bed are not going anywhere, it is up to you to slow the progression of your footsteps to arrive there, and why you are at it, make your life your priority, our Creator has equipped the human body to endure, the human mind to overcome so many obstacles, and the heart to love even in the winter of our discontent.

I try to smell my roses, and I say that with truth, when I go into a grocery store and it has a florist, yes, I pretend I am purchasing a bouquet and I take the most complimentary inhale, its better you smell the roses now then have some draped upon a pin box later, where you cannot, see, touch, or inhale them at leisure. I challenge anyone to one day just go to a store and mosey on over to the florist if it is within, bend your head down, and smell the roses, it gives you a sense of conquering, and a shroud of peace.

You are the embodiment of who you are, what you do, and the reflection of the people you may surround your person with.  

I am a female French Hattian Creole Entrepeneur, and I take spiritual praise in all my accomplishment and why should I not, hard work, and dedication does pay off, yet it comes with isolation, yet I travel so much to fill that zest, with that being said, I have one foot in my brownstone and the other foot stepping in first class, there will be a time when I must settle down but I will allow Father Time to make that determination, therefore, live your life as you dreamed when you were growing up prior to having children, grandchildren, yes,  they are a blessing, but they are not the end of your journey and for the ones who do not have children,  find your interest (s) and capitalize on it, make this the year to do so before it dwindles into the future , do something bodacious with your time, hold a book discussion class, take an online class, try a yoga class, or a paint and wine session, just get out there and love yourself to enjoy yourself, push yourself to the limits, whereas, your time is not being siphoned  by the tick-of-the-tock.

I am asking you ladies for the month of August to check your breasts, those self-breast exams, are helpful and recommended by the Cancer Society.

And men please make sure you are getting yearly exams by your physician or a Urologist to get checked for prostate cancer with a PSA blood test.

Continue to enjoy your Summer, please stay hydrated, and please use the sunscreen.

Love and Hugs, always,


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