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Coronavirus ( Covid-19) Part II

poet Anonymous

drone said:Who can we trust? No one.
No. One.
We have to gather all data
and with our logical
common sense reasoning
make up our own minds.

That's lovely.

Meanwhile, in the United States, hospitals of filling up to maximum capacity. Beds become available when patients infected with Covid 19 die. Supplies are running low. Healthcare workers are exhausted.

Wearing a mask in public and spending less time in crowded places reduces risk of infection.

Have a nice day.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

lepperochan said:

Apologises, I posted the wrong link


I think they're both bollox  because they're both agenda driven. the people dont matter to either, what matters is politics. their politics.

my uncle is the head consultant of a hospital, I've friends who are teachers, nurses, and police. like we all have. everyone is saying different things.

nobody knows. so no one here is right about masks. science, pseudo science, is split down the middle

I wear my p.l.o scarf because I'm unsure. how could anyone be sure. so I'm being cautious

That link was even more stomach-churning because of the cherry-picked facts. And I am certainly not going to waste my time refuting them ( though believe me, I could ). We'll be hard-pressed to find professionals who aren't reporting through a filter of personal beliefs and agendas. Therefore, in regards to masks, I choose to believe those I know who are/were in the profession of wearing them ( Val included ).

No one has ever died wearing them, and there has never been mass-hype about them before now. Here's an interesting article:

The Psychology of Wearing a Face Mask

Does the emotion behind the wedding veil reveal the psychology of the face mask?

The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico recently tracked an asteroid hurtling towards Earth: Its closest approach was on April 29, but it's due for a return in 2079. Then it will pass about 3.5 times closer to Earth than it did this year; astronomers explained it was therefore vital to investigate its orbit precisely.

Practicing a form of social distancing on this approach, the asteroid, approximately 1.2 miles across in size, named 1998 OR2, seemed aware that it was nearing a pandemic, according to those observing it, as it appeared to be wearing a protective face mask.

We suffer a strong psychological tendency to see faces, and facial features, in otherwise random features around us. Our perceptual system shapes what we perceive, and often "fills in" unclear scenes, revealing something that may not actually be there.

For example, in one of the first images sent back from the 1976 Viking 1 mission to Mars, an eerily strong likeness of a human face appeared, which scientists put down to a trick of the light cast by shadows across the planet’s surface.

Pareidolia refers to this common tendency to discern, for example, meaningful shapes in clouds; but why does it seem to be faces more than any other illusion?

[ . . . ]


I was actually accused of having Pareidolia because I could see faces, particularly in the forest. So I started taking photographs to prove it wasn't imaginary, but actual Dryads and Spirits watching me. I can always feel them close. Sometimes I see them, sometimes I only feel where they are so take a photo. Sometimes they hide, sometimes they don't; they'll allow me to photograph them.

I hope to publish a book one day, but only if the spirit leads. I think some things are better as magic in the heart.

Anyway, back to masks. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

Valeriyabeyond said:https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEAgRtkUGpfV8NJOK9TEt3KIqGQgEKhAIACoHCAowyNj6CjDyiPICMJODzgY?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

It seems Marijuana may be good,  for whatever ails you.
Studies are being done to see if the anti- inflammatory properties of Marijuana  might halt or affect cytokine storms brought on by the COVID-19 Virus .

I have no doubt. And combined with a history of Boone's Farm and MD 20/20 we should be covered.

JohnnyBlaze said:

That's lovely.

Meanwhile, in the United States, hospitals of filling up to maximum capacity. Beds become available when patients infected with Covid 19 die. Supplies are running low. Healthcare workers are exhausted.

Wearing a mask in public and spending less time in crowded places reduces risk of infection.

Have a nice day.

Yep. <3

poet Anonymous

I don't recall anyone being anti mask when it came the smog problem in Beijing 3 - 4 years ago?

It was either that or breathe "polluted air" and risk damaged lungs aside from other complications due to pre-existing conditions.

And the "polluted air" was directly caused by government policies!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

JohnnyBlaze said:I don't recall anyone being anti mask when it came the smog problem in Beijing 3 - 4 years ago?

It was either that or breathe "polluted air" and risk damaged lungs aside from other complications due to pre-existing conditions.

And the "polluted air" was directly caused by government policies!

There wasn't anyone anti-mask over that issue.   Nor has there been anyone anti-mask over other issues, i.e. - toxic spills, firemen, medical personnel, and so on. And so on. Professionals and individuals have been wearing masks for their jobs for decades—no one has ever died over wearing a mask.

Those who don't wear them? Well. . .

Ohio veteran, 37, who went viral for refusing to wear a mask, died of COVID-19

An Ohio man who died due to complications from COVID-19 has drawn criticism for his staunch refusal to wear a mask earlier in the pandemic.

Richard Rose III, an Army veteran who spent nine years in the United States Army according to his obituary, died on July 4. He was 37.

Rose’s death gained notoriety on social media after expressing that he was “not buying a (expletive) mask” less than three months before his death.

“I’ve made it this far by not buying into that damn hype,” he said in a post published April 28.

The post has since garnered more than 800 comments and 19,000 shares, with many using the post to ridicule Rose for his stance on masks.

Others defended Rose.


Only 37 years old. Sad.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Only 37 years old. Sad.

Ridiculous waste of precious life others are fighting for.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

JohnnyBlaze said:

Ridiculous waste of precious life others are fighting for.

The moment you do not respect a thing that can kill you, it will.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I live on the California North Coast , town of 40,000 people ,
with about 20,000 in woods surrounding area....

We wear masks *in* public areas...

Fourth of July , when inland people came to town , and did
not wear masks , only idiots went into town , and others
who owned stores , threatened those who tried to come
in their stores without masks...( and they were serious )

If you are in a remote area , great , don't wear a mask...

I don't , as soon as I am out of a store , or in any uncrowded
area...that is my right , as long as I am not threatening another...

Vice Versa...

We have had 6 people *die* locally , from the virus , more infected...

Do I trust that information ?

In a town like this , many know each other , and we trust our friends...

We are not stupid...foolish in our ways , generally not stupid...

Have I lived healthy , indulge in , and practice spiritual ways ?

Absolutely , yet that alone is not an answer...no guru will survive
if their devotee gives them Corona Virus 19...

Show me direct documented proof...if you believe it to be so ;

Until then , I shall be intelligent , and exercise the wisdom practiced
through the ages , to stay distant from those who have infections
or are diseased , protecting oneself if at all possible , yet *if* one
has the ability to protect oneself , or is willing to sacrifice oneself ,
then let them take the risks associated with that disease or condition !

I shall be intelligent , and though I have indulged in many things
over my many years , which many would shudder if they only knew
I will wear a mask , and perpetuate my life as long as my earthly
existence has it's purpose...for as I choose wisely , I shall find the
grace of the return...until it is my time , whether by Covid , or not...

Yet stupidity , that is a disease , only each person can cure...

That is something not anyone , even a guru can cure...

It must be one's own choice...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Sweet sister it's all meant to alter your perception
It's meant to divide society into groups
Don't let it
Believe and live what's in your heart
I have read many posts by Ahavati recently and I have to say if anything she has been either neutral on reports while posting the facts
I have seen her post recently on masks showing both sides,  to wear or not to wear , are they good or harmful, ?
I the end she came away with ???
This shit storm of a pandemic is bringing out the desire to find truth which we should all do
We don't always agree what's best because no one knows right now
Back in March I wrote a piece on how to recover from something we have no experience with
We need a handful of brilliant people to do their very best within their field of expertise
Economists, Scientists, Virologist,
Biologists, and Developers to begin to develop our new normal
Not everyone will agree
The huge downside to this idea is it would be a Government of One

Johnny I did feel a dart it hit me,  soon after it's release from the  blowgun when I read the words "lovely" I said ouch
Before Sky responded
I don't know maybe it's perceived maybe I look for it
Maybe I like the way it feels

poet Anonymous

Valeriyabeyond said:
Johnny I did feel a dart it hit me,  soon after it's release from the  blowgun when I read the words "lovely" I said ouch
Before Sky responded
I don't know maybe it's perceived maybe I look for it
Maybe I like the way it feels

My point tinged with "exasperation" was that we have crossed a line in which regardless of how people are dying, they are now dying in extraordinary numbers in the U.S - because infections are skyrocketing the more people gather within meters of each other or the same establishments without masks on. That's fact.

How the deaths are classified is pointless, unless the data exposes an  inneficiency in the treatment and recovery rate.

But if one's main concern is unsubstantiated claims of tyranny manipulating the data, well ..... copy paste away, but we already spent 25 or so pages on the subject months ago. There was plenty of both disagreement and agreement.

People actually reading the thread posts by all posters would know that.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:

My point tinged with "exasperation" was that we have crossed a line in which regardless of how people are dying, they are now dying in extraordinary numbers in the U.S - because infections are skyrocketing the more people gather within meters of each other or the same establishments without masks on. That's fact.

How the deaths are classified is pointless, unless the data exposes an  inneficiency in the treatment and recovery rate.

But if one's main concern is unsubstantiated claims of tyranny manipulating the data, well ..... copy paste away, but we already spent 25 or so pages on the subject months ago. There was plenty of both disagreement and agreement.

People actually reading the thread posts by all posters would know that.

Point respectfully taken

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

JohnnyBlaze said:

My point tinged with "exasperation" was that we have crossed a line in which regardless of how people are dying, they are now dying in extraordinary numbers in the U.S - because infections are skyrocketing the more people gather within meters of each other or the same establishments without masks on. That's fact.

How the deaths are classified is pointless, unless the data exposes an  inneficiency in the treatment and recovery rate.

Perhaps there would less exasperation if you consider why so many folks in the USA seem to be rebelling against the guidelines. If we don't assume malicious intent or ignorant arrogance, and look at the data, I think it might shed some light on why so many seem to have that attitude.

Many have died from covid, but not everywhere. This is a misconception the USA mainstream media should address, but choose to remain silent.

In some states, people are not dying in extrodinary numbers at all, regardless of cause of death. According to the CDC data , for the covid-19 period defined as starting 01-Feb-2020 to date, the number of deaths for all causes are within +/- 5% of the running average for the same period in prior years in 32 states of the USA! And some of those are showing no statistical difference from prior years at all. A few are even lower!

You can't blame people living in those regions for being skeptical of our news media reporting, when it doesn't track to the daily experience in their own communities. They don't see the effect of covid-19, except in terms on crippling government response on their freedom and livelihoods, and the CDC data I quoted above bears out why they don't.

I am surprised that refusing to wear masks is the limit of their response. If this were 1776, muskets would be blazin'!

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