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Erotica Done Right 18+!!!

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Valeriyabeyond said:Transformation

I have always loved this image and I really love your variations.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank you Calli
Appreciate it

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122


Omfg, I did not know that about the orgasm. Well damn, I think i will take a closer look at that concept.  Thank you very much for sharing that with me. Kind of feels like somewhat of an awakening.  Damn, wow, wtf can I say. You are awesome.

I'm an exhibitionist, so posting myself is not an issue for me.  I will and it is an honor to post it.

Thank you for sharing that tidbit of information.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Kinkpoet said:

I have always loved this image and I really love your variations.

Thank you Kink
I too have loved this age for quite some time
I used the Glitch app on the first transformation the way the mirror tool created a phallus symbol with her legs riding along side is pure fractal beauty

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

elsiesan said:Sky_dancer,

Omfg, I did nit know that about the orgasm. Well damn, I think i will take a closer look at that concept.  Thank you very much for sharing that with me. Kind of feels like somewhat of an awakening.  Damn, wow, wtf can I say. You are awesome.

I'm an exhibitionist, so posting myself is not an issue for me.  I will and it us an honor to post it.

Thank you for sharing that tidbit of information.

Hello beautiful one here is a bit of info on the subject of the orgasm

Under the inner cerebrum is the colostrum,  it secrets a fluid.  Secretion and secret are the same word. The fluid goes through the pineal gland and the pituitary gland  and differentiated into an electrical force.  There are three nerves which go down the spinal column and they are the spinal cord, the pingala and the ida.  The pingala comes from the pineal gland  and it is electric and male and it goes down the spinal cord.”

“On the other side is the pituitary gland, it is feminine She sends down fluid with  a magnetic energy.  The fluid goes all the way down to the sacral chakra, the second bottom chakra, below the solar plexus.  Sacral is the word secret and the secret is in the cerebrum,  it has to go down to the sacred place where the sacred plexus is connected to the five sacral bones of the 33 vertebrae

There are 5 sections of the vertebrae.  The second most bottom section is 5 fused vertebrae called the “sacrum vertebrae”, so this is the “Sacred Secret”.  Every 29 and a half days, the moon will be in the sign that your sun was in when you were born. When the moon is there, in that fluid there is a seed born and it’s born in the solar plexus   So every month, when the moon is in your sun sign, that "germ" is placed in the solar plexus.  It’s the Virgo in the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus, the belly region.  That’s the house of bread.  Virgo is the one who has the sheath of grain in her hands.   If we drink alcohol or have sex during that time of the month, the seed is wasted, gone forever.  The male with the orgasm has just wasted the seed and he has spoiled that  secretion that came from  the colostrum,  If you don’t waste that seed, you are able to then transmute that seed as it proceeds ever upward and returns whence it came.”

“What happens eventually is this fluid comes to a place called the pons and the medulla oblongata, which is one of the four brains of the human being.  We have the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and the solar plexus.  When it arrives there, it crosses the pneumogastric nerve: pneumo menaing air, or the lungs and gastric is the stomach.  So this is the nerve that supplies the  stomach and the lungs.  If you look at it, it looks like a tree. And both of those nerves come from the pineal gland and the pituitary gland in one of the four chambers called the four ventricles in the brain.  In between those two glands is the optic thalamus when the oil rises in the thermometer…  and it passes the pneumogastric nerve,  it touches the optic thalamus, which is shaped like an egg.  The Greeks called it, “the light of the world”.    Because Aries dwells there, Aries is the right brain; Taurus is the left brain, the cerebellum.  The medulla oblongata is the 3rd brain and the bottom brain, the solar plexus, is where most of humanity is still dwelling They can’t save that seed because they have been living riotously and squandering that seed
To allow the sacred fluid to travel and complete it's cycle throughout it's entire route towards consciousness
You will gain an awareness an enlightenment and grow spiritually
If you spend the seed you will in essence do it all over again without spiritual growth at the end of the cycle

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Eroto-comatose lucidity
is a technique of sex magic known best by its formulation by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1912, but which has several variations and is used in a number of ways by different spiritual communities. A common form of the ritual uses repeated sexual stimulation (but not to physical orgasm) to place the individual in a state between full sleep and full wakefulness as well as exhaustion, allowing the practitioner to commune with their god

Some agreed that orgasm must be achieved where Crowley argued that orgasm must be avoided
Crowley went on to say that every means of arousal may be used, such as physical stimulation, genital stimulation, psychological stimulation, and devices eentually, the ritualist will tend to sink into sleep due to exhaustion.

In the second part of the ritual, aides seek to come close to awakening the ritualist through sexual stimulation alone The goal is not to fully awaken her or him, but rather to bring them to the brink of wakefulness.  Not all agree that the ritualist seer will be in a state between sleep and wakefulness, instead noting that exhaustion will lead to a trance, or "sleep of lucidity Once the ritualist reaches a near-waking state, sexual stimulation must stop  The ritualist-seer is then permitted to sink back toward (but not into) sleep This step is repeated indefinitely until the ritualist reaches a state between sleep and wakefulness in which communing with a higher power may occur.Some say a goal during this time is to not become "lost" in the trance-like state, but to remain open without directing an outcome. The ritualist may also conduct spiritual work while in this state, or witness mystical events

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Nice post , Valeriya...

However , you have to know "Sacral" is not "Secret" , but pretty f**kin close :

Sacral = 321

Secret = 320

Ida = 13

Pingala = 172


Yet , I have mentioned in the Code , that one column makes the skeletal ,
or muscular system of the body , the other column adds up to the words :

"Inner Light" by number value ;


Ida + Pingala = 185


Psychic = 198

Energy = 289


Sacral = 321

= 993

One number away from our two columns value ,
yet we have a symbol that means :

Charge = 1

So there is how the Code shows and explains it...

Any questions further on that , or Kundalini ?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

By the Way :

994 = Pineal  And Pituitary + Axis / Pillars

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122

You have just enlightened and lite up my innards and my brain with this information. I will have to study it.  I dont think I'm too old for it. I do have a book of which i have somewhat studied, along the lines of which you speak but all seemed so far out of reach. I will pull it out and look at it again.  

Thank you. Been awhile since we connected. Thank you. My birthday February 19, 1949.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Blackwolf said:Nice post , Valeriya...

However , you have to know "Sacral" is not "Secret" , but pretty f**kin close :

Sacral = 321

Secret = 320

Ida = 13

Pingala = 172


Yet , I have mentioned in the Code , that one column makes the skeletal ,
or muscular system of the body , the other column adds up to the words :

"Inner Light" by number value ;


Ida + Pingala = 185


Psychic = 198

Energy = 289


Sacral = 321

= 993

One number away from our two columns value ,
yet we have a symbol that means :

Charge = 1

So there is how the Code shows and explains it...

Any questions further on that , or Kundalini ?

Fantastic BW
Yes speak to me of Khudalini and of Edging
Tell me of the Cake of Light
And the Ordu Templi Orientis practice of the

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122

Oh yes, please, we do want to hear more.  This is all beyond my scope of understanding.  I can probably intuitively get the concept if I read it enough. In this context of dup this forum and with limited space, time etc. is difficult to comprehend though. Thank you for all the information and input.

I was extremely reluctant to put my 'stuff' out there, but am glad that I did.  This is a forum on erotica, so I hope it has been ok. Thank you all.

I am beginning to realize and understand that dup is more than about poetry, erotica or otherwise.  I tend to be very much alone, not always necessarily by choice, but circumstances as well.  

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122

"make me want you"

Make me want you    
Tease me mercilessly
Glide featherlight
Fingertips across my skin  
Let me experience  
Your warmth as you breathe  
Bout my neck and shoulders    
Each exhalation filled  
With offerings of another day  
You drink me in  
Passion churning  
In my bowel  
I want you here, there and everywhere  
Fingertips stroking my curves  
Down small of my back  
Your strength I sense  
In the way your fingers  
Press on my skin  
Your obsession to explore    
Every part of me  
You are breathing hard now    
"I want you,"  
You whisper onto my skin  
Your breathing consumes me  
Mister is erect you    
Guide him to the cradle  
Between my butt cheeks  
No hand to guide him to me  
And as i squeeze the    
Stillness in your hard cock  
I hear you exhale deeply    
As you thrust Mister    
Deep into my pussy  
As I moan, you bury yourself  
Inside me pushing deeper  
I gasp in pleasure  
Waves of ecstasy  
Sweeping over both of us  
We meet together  
In the center  
Of our universe  
We rise in pleasure    
And fall together  
Peaceful and breathless    
Hearts pounding  
We drift off  
For momentary relief  
Into a truly unique world  
Of our very own making

Written by elsiesan
Published 6th Jun 2020 | Edited 11th Jun 2020

Author's Note
Dedicated to that which I cannot have. I love this poem, but it is really a sad commentary on what I cannot be and probably will never be for me.
Life is cruel and often cannot produce desired results, even though efforts are consistently maintained. So as i iive within the confines of daily living, i must continue in my, more often than not, hopeless quest for the one, the mythical knight of my desires who will reside with me.

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