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Favourite DU Poem?

poet Anonymous

Which of your own poems is your most favourite piece?

Yes, its time to feed your ego and share the one poem of all your works that are posted on Du that you like the most.

No need to post the whole piece here, just the link will do.

And yes you can elaborate as to why etc.

poet Anonymous

This is mine...

Tango Adorno


Its my fave because I really enjoyed researching the topic, over and over again...

Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

This is one of mine..i'm not sure if I like this one more or "You Lost" but I just really like it lol.


poet Anonymous

Well Caleb, I can see why... Its so emotive and deep... I read "You Lost" aswell, I think you nailed it on "Drowning in Death"

Thanks for posting that!

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559

Extreme Content Warning : This poem contains extreme content which some readers may find disturbing. It is unsuitable for children or anyone who is easily offended.

Please . . .

poet Anonymous

Geez Abra, that is extreme content.


Good cause, BTW!

Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

i think this one must be my favorite. partly because shows me i can reach a standard i should be paying more attention to in my newer attempts.


poet Anonymous

Oh wow!

That is a High bar set for yourself.

Thanks for sharing that piece.

poet Anonymous

I tend to have a problem with most of my poems, but I don't mind this one much.


Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Thanks Alip! While I do love "You Lost" as well, I do believe "Drowning in Death" has a lot more emotion, which is most likely why I chose that one to post on here.

poet Anonymous

I don't know about favorite - they each grab me at different times. Right now I suppose I'll say this one:


poet Anonymous

Don't really know why it's my favorite.


Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

My poems are my children, I love them all. But like children, some misbehave more than others, I might have a favorite, but I'd never tell the others, and some seem to get A's in every class without having to study.
So my best is not my favorite and I have found that others who have read my poems have favorites of mine that I think should sit in the corner with no desert. I think "3 Seeds"-
-is my best poem.
My favorite poem is not one that I would give an A, but it has a special place in my heart.

poet Anonymous

OMW Cthonian...

That truly is a wonderfull piece.
I love it!

poet Anonymous

Thank you for posting your favourites...

Aish, JJ and Autumn

I'm really enjoying this, the pieces being posted are all such emotive pieces, its turning out to be some awsome reading indeed.

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