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Poetry competition CLOSED 18th September 2016 2:30am
View Profile Poems by Trixareforkids

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240


She is my chocolate fondue, I can't
eat anymore before impossible it gets
to separate from this fascination. How
malicious can I be to believe she
belongs to nobody but me? A look at
her angled scope and anyone can see
how impossibly it is to tame a unicorn.
I am the tamer of dreamscapes doing
whatever it takes to bring happiness
to a soul intent on pulling heartstrings
without a single care in the sphere.
Darling, you are my everlasting entity,
entirely different than all the rest of
humanity as seen from the eyes of
a crazed lunatic likely to rest his
shoulder on her never ending hips.
I am the hipster to her seriousness
against an agitated mentality tired
often of the opposite sexism treating
her like a dreamy vacation of sorts.
This world is sortable only if she
remains attached to my wondering mind
remaining glued to her fascinating face.
Only the strong remain and I payed my
dues to get close to an uncertain
tomorrow called a woman’s body.
My candy.

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186


My mouth


in anticipation of...

Give me cherry popsicles

Biting cold
Luscious slush
              Sliding down my throat
I want to put
               cherry-stained lips
                                 Pin you down

                    Now, calescent

As I swirl my tongue
                                (Ooo...I'm wet, drenched
             Torrential rains
                                salty need - as with you)

             Let me suck
                                confection you present
        I shan't relent
                         Icy sweet
                                    Cherry treat
Chased by
                         Calescent heat
                                    Salty sweet
Give me                        
               lots of
                            Cream to eat

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

She said her name was Candy
I said does that mean you enjoy a sweet
She asked me if I was feeling randy
She asked did I need a VAT receipt

She asked do you have a room
I said no I have booked a full suite
She asks if she should she wear a costume
I say no but I do have a thing for feet

She said weird shit counts as extras
And there is not much she finds offensive
She says she is multi-jointed and ambidextrous
I realise this will end up being very expensive

When she takes me up I realise my blunder
It`s becoming blurry and difficult to think
And before I pass out drunk I wonder
Did she put something in my drink?

Waking up I feel so hungover and forlorn
My body battered is just one huge bruise
Left me with my bumhole gaping and torn
She also stole my wallet and my shoes

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

As always, first things first, Thank You to all who participated in this comp … Enjoyed all the entries and the cavities I sustained while hosting this comp … but sadly the trophy can only go to one ... so Lady TRIX congrats on your win!

and todski28, congrats as Runner-up.

see you next comp

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

Well now, that's a Fun Size surprise.  Thank you Devlin.

Hope everyone had as much fun writing their pieces as I did mine.

poet Anonymous

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