Poetry competition CLOSED 6th September 2016 4:47am
MayRayn (May Rayn)
View Profile Poems by MayRayn

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Your first poem.

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Your first poem in this site.
Copy and paste the first poem you have posted in this site. I'll check your profile and the date when your poem was posted. No adult content, so if your first poem has an EC warning, shift to the next one.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9

Too Much/Too Many
Too Much/Too Many

Too much thinking
Clogging up the brain
Too many thoughts swimming around
Time to flush it down the drain

Too many things to do
Not enough hours in the day
Too much to absorb at once
Why doesn't it just go away?

Too many people to please
Just to have a chance
Too much groveling going on
Time to take a stance

Too much distrust
For some there's no doubt
Easy for them to fool
For they have lots of clout

Too much of everything
Makes life kind of chaotic
Too much to process at once
Won't that make you neurotic?
Written by neef03
Published 19th March 2015 10:03am

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Confused in the wind of a thousand days
that carries the muezzin's prayer,
tremulous from atop a minaret standing
against the blue of nothingness,

ending with the tracer lights of ascending dusk
in the triple digits of heat
and the smell of blood and eucalyptus,

taking in the last of my breath with the
first of your kiss, you slide into me
and the white blossoms of birds rise with its scent
from off the slow current of the Euphrates.

The adrenaline rush finds a bullet puncture
meant for a nesting crane, and dissipates,
escaping into night that never goes completely
black from the brilliance of desert fringe,

while behind closed eyes comes the intense burst
of the color tangerine, and the drone of
dragonfly wings among the date palms, and an
otherworldly hush from the spillage of cascading sand.

Published 9th November 2015 5:33am

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


You purposefully estrange me
I see that, but
Sigil to my affection,
Please don’t wring my heart to bleed
I can only endure a limit of agony, at a time
Knowing the fact of losing you is already a suffering

Submissiveness of my heart, mind and soul is to you
I don’t have any power to alter their motive

What my eyes show is you
What my ears hear is you
What my senses feel is you
What my soul craves is you

It is always you
It will always be you

Oh my love,
I don’t have a power to alter my selfish desires
How can I think of changing yours?

It is
The slightest feeling,
The thin ray of light,
The joy in my heart,

It’s the hope.
An empty hope...
that fuel my desires.

It’s truly wonderful...

The waiting...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Alone, lonely, lost, and depressed.
Alone, I'm out of luck and I can't find no one else
there to hold my hand.
Alone, upset, and all alone in the dark.
Alone, lost, and nowhere to be found.
Alone, misunderstood and taken as an outcast; no
one can hear me, but me, myself, and I.
Alone, tired of being alone.
Sweet laughs end up turning into bitter tears that fall to the ground and start a rain storm. Some children may even sing the blues; fallen to your knees at the wrath of the thunder then faint at the cry of the lightning.
Alone, I have no one else, but me.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

IronFears in case you hadn't realised a competition exactly the same as this one was run in July 2016, i.e. 21/7-28/7...just saying  :-)

poet Anonymous

seekingkate said:IronFears in case you hadn't realised a competition exactly the same as this one was run in July 2016, i.e. 21/7-28/7...just saying  :-)

I remember something about your best poem not your first or am i wrong.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

It was about members' first poem published here on DUP.  I think The_Albatross got the win.  You'll see it listed on DU Glory.😊

Lost Thinker
Australia 1awards
Joined 6th June 2016
Forum Posts: 11

•Tape and string•

He held himself together
with tape and string
he tried to take away the pain
with blades that did sting.
But soon his shell was broken
and his thoughts spilled out
and the scars on his skin
became to many to count.
His mind was too dark
without a trace of light
the things that he did
could no longer stay out of sight
He was falling hard
and falling fast
and soon the black flag in his mind
was being drawn to half mast.

poet Anonymous

Jade-Pandora said:It was about members' first poem published here on DUP.  I think The_Albatross got the win.  You'll see it listed on DU Glory.😊

Yes that's right, didn't see it, well, let's keep this going on anyway :P

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

IronFears said:

Yes that's right, didn't see it, well, let's keep this going on anyway :P

I'm good with that, thanks Iron.😃

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

Razor's Edge

Razor's edge pressed to my throat
A thin line of crimson
Words bleeding onto the page.
Feelings swirled in blood
Making an abstract poem
One born of pain.
Razor slashes deep at my heart
Anger makes it gush
Bleeding out my rage.
Red takes center stage
Filling my days, my nights
With fantasies I can't control.
Part of me so evil
Wanting to let go
I stand tottering on the razor's edge.
Soon will come sweet death
I will swim in the abyss
With my lover, who knows me best.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 9th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 62

Nihilistic dreams

Perched calmly upon a towering cliff, I watched as the ants scurried in fear.
Dark clouds shadowed the earth in a blanket of impending despair.
Thunder and lightning danced inside the clouds, threatening death to those underneath.
Gale force winds were rolling in quickly.
Tectonic plates shifted violently beneath us.
Monstrous waves crashed upon the beach, promising an unfathomable grave.
Exits from the city were mobbed with the vehicles of terrified people.
Frantically trying to escape their untimely fate.

But not me. I stood my ground. I waited for my soul to be found.
Anticipated being wiped clean of my shadow self. An offering of my health.
To the powers that be. Take me. Cleanse me.
From this prison of flesh, release me.
So I may lay my claim to the divinity that was promised to me.
Take my place among the transcended and live infinitely.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

Suicide Note

Through the years I fought and fought
and for what, to be torn apart?
I wish I didn't care what the world thought,
but I do, the reason I'm feeling flawed.

Look at me, no fame or money in the bank
What would you do?
Consider yourself lucky to be alive?
Vulnerabilities on display frequently.

Mystery in abundance, drenched in secrecy,
how can you blame me for my misfortunes?
I didn't choose to be abandoned by everyone,
I chose to leave on my own terms. Lucky me.

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