Poetry competition CLOSED 15th February 2016 4:45am
View Profile Poems by Beautiful_Enigma
RUNNER-UP: TinaLouise

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Bipolar Roller Coaster

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Poetry Contest

Elated, Deflated Or Both

Write a poem while under the influence of a bipolar disorder episode or pretend

People with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods called "mood episodes." Each mood episode represents a drastic change from a person's usual mood and behavior. An overly joyful or overexcited state is called a manic episode, and an extremely sad or hopeless state is called a depressive episode. Sometimes, a mood episode includes symptoms of both mania and depression. This is called a mixed state. People with bipolar disorder also may be explosive and irritable during a mood episode. Extreme changes in energy, activity, sleep, and behavior go along with these changes in mood.

Minimum 3 stanzas
No maximum word cap
Name it!
No Collabs
New or old
2 poem Max

So lets really be honest here folks and tell it like it is.
Topics Can Be
or all of the above.

The Poet/Poetess who uses all emotions successfully
in their poems, will take the coveted First  Place Dup trophy!

There will be a guest judge helping me decide the win.
A most gifted and brilliant writer, Mr.Naajir...
Good  luck Everyone!

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 13th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 34

Therapist (emotional rollercoaster)

I'm sorry I don't care. These pills have me numb.
I'm sorry I'm unaware, that your feelings are undone.
I really feel like shit today..
But I also felt this yesterday.
I guess I feel this everyday.

..no wonder people stay away.

I have hate in my mind today.
I don't think I did yesterday..
Nothing will ever stay the same.
Roller coaster ride; No way I can be sane.
Doc prolly thinks I'm crazy, but I don't care; that bitch is lazy.
She sits around to hear people's problems; only to not even try to solve one!
Fuck you doc, leave me alone; fuck you bitch, I wanna go home.

No I'm not on drugs; yea so my friends are "thugs"...
So what I used to use meth? I told you before my SONS all I got left.

I may be a piece of shit, who deserves to die; but he is the ONLY apple of my eye.

He makes me feel better, he is totally perfect.
The only thing in my life that makes living worth it.

Written by kmart2013 (K)
Published 21st November 2015 6:58pm

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 13th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 34

Never ending mania that somehow ends tomorrow

Inadequate faults that carry me up on broken backs
Shadows turning into night time I'm starting to get scared.
The faults start to gain strength they're fighting, they're mad.
Oh god not again- the worse thing I've feared...
Disgusting repulsing orchestra of mania happening, alas..

I don't feel okay ..wait ... I feel fine
I'm feeling so content and lost at the same time.
Trumpets blaring of pain
Clarinets of  blame
Piano of shame
Then you can slightly hear the beautiful chime of confidence in a triangle sound..
the piano starts to play a beautiful melody forcing me forward bound.
the trombone came in ... Knocked me off my feet back onto the ground.
Not again this MANIA of a beautiful disaster coming in such glorious sounds

Doesn't make any sense until the next day-
I'm fucking crazy I'm must be INSANE

Written by kmart2013 (K)
Published 11th December 2015 9:07pm

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Excellent Jump off Kmart!  w00t w00t ")
Deep, very deep ,
Good Luck!

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 30th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 101

Love Me, From Over There...

I love your attention
You are making me gray
Come give me your sugar
No, go THAT way

Stay with me baby
You make me feel stuck
I care for you deeply
Nah, I don't give a fuck

I need you so much
My heart's at fever pitch
You irk me so bad
It makes my ass itch

Can't you just shut up
For a second or two?
Answer me, damn it
When I'm talking to you!

I can't do this anymore
I'm just sick of your shit
I love you so much
You son of a bitch

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 49

"I need you so much
My heart's at fever pitch
You irk me so bad
It makes my ass itch "

this is a roller-coaster
of emotions no doubt about

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 49

"I may be a piece of shit, who deserves to die; but he is the ONLY apple of my eye."

mood swings heavy like a pendulum..

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Deleted Double post...

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Beautiful_Enigma said:Love Me, From Over There...

I love your attention
You are making me gray
Come give me your sugar
No, go THAT way

Stay with me baby
You make me feel stuck
I care for you deeply
Nah, I don't give a fuck

I need you so much
My heart's at fever pitch
You irk me so bad
It makes my ass itch

Can't you just shut up
For a second or two?
Answer me, damn it
When I'm talking to you!

I can't do this anymore
I'm just sick of your shit
I love you so much
You son of a bitch

Good Luck!

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

Que  Pasa?  
Let's try and get this comp moving!

I wrote this during a mixed state episode
over Halloween  Eeek@! lol

Bloody Mary   ! extreme content !
Puddle of Mudd, psycho:                                                  
You must play this song while reading or you might not get it..                                                  
Thank you...                                                  
Blood stains on her face black dress and hands.                                    
An antique record player lulls in the background,                                  
it belts out the only record she owns America,                                    
her favorite band.                        
And, despite the fucken skip in the album,                                            
it plays pretty well.                                  
Otra vez she mumbles as she walks                                    
as if  someone else were in the room                                  
then pours herself another shot...                
She doesn't care, hell there's nobody there                                    
she lives alone, and has for years...                                    
Sipping her booze she falls into a daze.                                  
Imaginary fingers reach inside her brain                                
into her subconscious,                                    
specifically pulling on her heart strings.                                    
Ventura Highway begins to play,                                  
a sad smile appears on her face.                                  
Desperately she tries to invoke  
some figments of her imagination      
to help ease the pain                                
hoping to conjure up an old friend  
or even an old flame...                              
Sorry, those memories are SOLD OUT!                                  
Out of stock! Packed up and left shop!                                    
But hey,                                  
there's still plenty of emotional baggage                                      
and pent up rage                                  
courtesy of her poor choice for a mate,                                    
a selfish brutal man she hates                                  
MERCY ! She screams from the top of her lungs                                    
then drinks another shot of rum,                                    
She grabs her knife and stabs her eyes              
then begs and pleads, she wants to die!              
Blood pours slowly from her puffy face                                  
like a busted sewage pipe full of waste                                    
it drips down across her swollen cheeks                        
and into her mouth she feels weak...                                
Madness! She's fucken lost it!                        
Lunatic binge          
it starts again          
it never stops              
it never ends....

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 13th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Let me go and…and…
Go and do what?
Sit back down
I must be losing my mind
Let me see here
Check emails…
All good
Let me make some tea…
What am I doing in the kitchen?
I came for something but what?
Oh crap! Let me go sit down I might remember
Check emails some more…
Let’s play a game on my phone
I deserve a break
But let me go pee first…

Why am I in the middle of the corridor?
I’m supposed to go somewhere to do something but what?
F&%k this!
I’m getting on my nerves F&%k!
If I stand here long enough I must remember…
Come on!! Urgghh!!!
Let me sit back down
The last thing before the other thing was make tea…
Boil kettle
Rinse cup
Drop teabag
Stare at kettle…
What am I staring at the kettle for?
Shouldn’t I be working before I fall behind?
Back to the screen
Check emails…
I’m supposed to be playing a game on  my phone
But something is missing from my desk
I’m supposed to have brought something back
F&%k S*#t MotherF&%ing!!!
What the F&%k is wrong with me
I’m losing my F&%ing mind S*#t F&%k a2@
B^$#h F^*()& A%$^&
I can’t take this
I hate myself
Kill me
Kill me
(Kettle pops at the same time that I wet my pants slightly)

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817

the_good_guy said:Let me go and…and…
Go and do what?
Sit back down
I must be losing my mind
Let me see here
Check emails…
All good
Let me make some tea…
What am I doing in the kitchen?
I came for something but what?
Oh crap! Let me go sit down I might remember
Check emails some more…
Let’s play a game on my phone
I deserve a break
But let me go pee first…

Why am I in the middle of the corridor?
I’m supposed to go somewhere to do something but what?
F&%k this!
I’m getting on my nerves F&%k!
If I stand here long enough I must remember…
Come on!! Urgghh!!!
Let me sit back down
The last thing before the other thing was make tea…
Boil kettle
Rinse cup
Drop teabag
Stare at kettle…
What am I staring at the kettle for?
Shouldn’t I be working before I fall behind?
Back to the screen
Check emails…
I’m supposed to be playing a game on  my phone
But something is missing from my desk
I’m supposed to have brought something back
F&%k S*#t MotherF&%ing!!!
What the F&%k is wrong with me
I’m losing my F&%ing mind S*#t F&%k a2@
B^$#h F^*()& A%$^&
I can’t take this
I hate myself
Kill me
Kill me
(Kettle pops at the same time that I wet my pants slightly)


Why am I in the middle of the corridor?
I’m supposed to go somewhere to do something but what?
F&%k this!
I’m getting on my nerves F&%k!
If I stand here long enough I must remember…
Come on!! Urgghh!!!
Let me sit back down
The last thing before the other thing was make tea…
Boil kettle
Rinse cup
Drop teabag
Stare at kettle…

Holy fook! talk about Mania!!
This was funny but somehow urgent and a bit sad.
bipolar can be such a drag!

Well Done
Good Luck!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

The Cruelty of Living Dual

I live love emote and relate
In maddening roller coaster phases
My mind of extremes.. emotional haze
Great swell induced rage and irrationnelles
Smack my true nature down like a bitch
Shackle me to hateful ugly paranoia
Leave thoughts racing at suicide pitch
I wear kaleidoscopic shades
Disturbing frame of reference
Disolve correct sight....
They (shades) flip flop what should be
Make black what is quite white
Make wrong what is quite right
Turn the joy shine of day
Into a terror darkness blanket of night
The blanket never quite covers cold feet that ache and need warmth
I run and run far and fast in mind...
No matter my pull and tug and fight
Wrestle a madmans grip for a night..
I have wrestled a lifetime
It is crazy making and ď am tired
Days no sleep causes blurr of sight
An insomniacs backwards
In desperate need of the vertical
Please God give balance and sit me upright.......

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 49

You Don't Want My Love { Contaminated Penmanship}

Inconsistent incoherent
You don't want this
Unless of course you have
A penchant for emotional
I do believe in Love
And it's many manifestations.
But I..have a..conglomerate
Of issues..
No..not like baggage
Not talking about skeletons
Bangin in my closet..
More like those..
Dusty old demons
Inside my attic..
Each waiting his..or her turn
To have at you..
To fuck the shit outta you
Lick you
Slurp you..senseless..
Leave you sprawling...
Ready to twist your haughty morals
Inside out..

Pardon I..
This was not my intent..
{Somebody} just hijacked
My pen..
Just for a second..
I'm back..
In control..
Now where was I..
You see..
My issues don't involve hate
Or regret..
Don't know
Maybe they're the precursors
To my..contempt..
And it is this contempt
That's been brewing
Deep inside my belly
I've been pregnant with this thing
For 20 some odd years
Like a stone baby
I refuse to give birth to
But if you want
I can smother you with
Its afterbirth
Like crimson quicksand
Asphyxiating you..
Siphoning you..
Nahhh baby..
You don't want my love..
Cuz beneath this..calm
Misleading demeanor
Lurks something a lot meaner
That hates your hypocrisy..

Wait..hold up..
Hold the fuck up!!!
That was NOT me!!!
Who the fuck is playin
Games with my pen?!!
Fuckin asshole!!
Look baby..
I would like to finish this poem
And tell you of my
Deepest emotions..
But every time I try to dig deep
I lose myself..
Whenever I try to express
My darkest emotions
Something else latches on to them
Distorting thoughts
And my pen regurgitates
I don't know what this is!
But hey..
At least I tried...
I get some credit for that
At least ..

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

angel feces

Ahh...i feel fucking great...i can taste life....electric...the air kisses each nerve...like orgasmic fireworks...my mind cumms over and over washing me in a sea salt spray and seagulls sing a symphonic love song...just for me...and flutterbys land on my body...covering my naked flesh.....

narcissus incognito/ nigel finley....my alter ego superhero.....

....soul shattering pain like acupunture from the inside out....trying to tear the flesh from my bones...in an attempt to free myself this earthy coil...as if climbing out of an ashtray overflowing in cancer ash and vomit....death would be too sweet for me...so i suffer

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