Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2016 6:20am
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_
RUNNERS-UP: Savaja and JittrbugPrfume

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Master of your domain.  

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Funny Bone"

It's never funny when you bump your funny bone
But I'm never lonely when I pump my lonely bone
Just me, myself and I
A threesome if it pleases my third eye
Whatever pleasure we plan to conceive
When I touch myself it's all make believe
A heat stroke on a hot summer night
Leads to a volcanic eruption of lava flowing delight
A redheaded beauty my mind sculpts to create
Her hands conceal mine as we masturbate
Don't open your eyes or she'll evaporate
And you'll arrive early when she cums too late
It's all up to me, as long as I'm up
On top of her imaginary double-d cups
A mind blowing experience her lips can't fellate
Cos I'm all out of breath after I made her inflate
What to do now, I'm about to pass out
And now I'm too tired to pump up my deflated spout

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 841


Step by creaky step
ascending the attic ladder
blind to inevitable blindness
bound for hell where sight won't matter

Undeterred, defying
ecclesiastical threat
I find my turquoise beauty
prepared to aid and abet

Simply plugging her in
swells my mortal measure
flip her switch she begs
to touch the buried treasure

Wearing only a gray rubber disk
tremulously caressing the length
lovingly, playfully pressing the tip
intensifying seismic strength

Oh sweet Elysium!
ecstasy beyond reason
pulsating away every care
in this blissful dry season

What have I done!
I am in big big trouble
when lost in joyous climax
puss from my tip did bubble

After watching the film at school
back up in the attic we're cool

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Roflmfao!! Madame L!!
I love this! How frighin funny...
Love Rocky Horror this was a total fucking bawl to sing out loud...and you bet i did... And with choreography!

Oh..phew. Lol gawd.. Thanks for this big ol grin!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Lol..poetry man..
This was fun too...some great word play...

Just me, myself and I
A threesome if it pleases my third eye

A mind blowing experience her lips can't felate..
And then on to blow up doll...
I am really digging every one putting humor and a little of the pathetic..not that it really is..i flip my bud all the time..but...i am loving the all out honesty.

Great stuff..rollin this mornin!
Thank you!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I think you are the first i read with a toy.
Awesome..and i love the respect you give her...my fav toy, Betty is burried in my back yard next to my beloved dawg..
With head stone...
So i totally identify. Lol

But this was classy and pretty too...as well as fun...great write..

Oh sweet Elysium!
ecstasy beyond reason
pulsating away every care
in this blissful dry season

Love that vs..
when lost in joaous climax
puss from my tip did bubble

That gave me a giggle and was perfect..
Just a fabulous entry..

Thank you!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Frankee frankee frankee...
Ok...this was a bit hard to follow..
I think you were describing being shamed for masterbation in youth?

I was very interested....it was intriguing..i am a little cloudy doll.
Paedophile....honey im just very unclear as to what you are saying.

I hope..you are saying these people telling you it was unhealthy and wrong, spilling life,

of me masturbating in the corner
And I pump and I blah
and then bloodcurdling curdling shame
I really liked that...i pump and i blah..
Very telling word choice...
There should be no shame in it. It is your bodydid it is healthy and natural.

If im missing something...feel.free to explain in message...

You did bring me in deep with words..it was just too cryptic for me to get it chrystal.
But perhaps that was the intent..in any case, it had my mind working and my thoughts flowing
I definitely responded to it emotionally..so it was a success as poetry...

Thank you very much for your obvious heart and honesty....
It is truly appreciated....

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I think i got everyone....if i missed...holla! Was my flake...not your poetry..

Gawd! What fun!

poet Anonymous

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Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Damnit gin et...😝
You are giving me serious nostalgia...
I used to play Magenta. Started after i was cast as her in a theater production of the show. Im gonna have to break out my DVD.  .😝

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186

calamitygin said:Savaja..
This is so pretty..
You class up a finger flick lol
The structure is very cool
And resembles the form
Of inner vagina..dont know if it was intent...but had that lacey effect..

Beautiful words as well..just drips off the tongue with femininity.

I love everything about this.

Thank you!

Thank you, calamitygin, luv, very much. ;-*
As you know, I oft-times play with form within my works and may deliberately choose to echo certain structures.

I would ADORE telling you that I had done so with this piece as that would be beyond clever; however, I must confess I did NOT think to do thusly.

The structure you see was just what I felt needed to be on the page. I wish I could explain it further than that, luv, but, meh, I cannot. Tis how it needs to appear. :-p

Credit the muse - mayhap, she knows far more than she's conveying to me (imbuing me with?) ;-D

Please forgive the tardiness of my response, but I just saw yours, luv, while perusing all the utterly fascinating entries once again. (This is yet another comp of yours I am heartily glad not to be judging! How to choose, luv? How to choose?)

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Pants down
Legs spread

Prop a pillow beneath your head

Find a video
One you haven't seen
Lower the volume
Find the best scene

Biting your lip
Intensify the vibration

Talk dirty to yourself
Push a little harder

Now we're edging
Get close
Now stop

Get closer

And stop again

Feel the numbness
The sticky self-love goo

The intensity makes you want to pee

The video ends

Time to start fresh

Edging while looking for your next visual motivation

So close
You hold your breath

Feel the heat radiating from your mound
The wetness
Hear the squelch as you wiggle it faster

So wet
So sloppy

You're a bad bad girl
Oh you're almost there




Then you're faced by dear old grandmother who runs in and starts slapping around the room with a baseball bat

"It sounded like someone was in here killing you."

She laughs

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 15

A New High

I was stressed out one day
and was out of kush
so I reach down my pants
to give my friend a push
closed my eyes
and thought of the finest tush
I stroke slow and fast
because I want to make it last
It was under control
until I licked my lips
her thick thighs,had me at a new high
as she swung her hips
I thought about the arch in her back
and then I started to crack,and off it goes
the mess was made,but my stress went away

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Two more...
Okay.. 😝 Will have your comments and the results by noon!

Thank you everyone!

You are correct Savaja...this one is so durn tuff!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Yep ..purt much it!
I love this doll.  Very down to bidness.
And...my youth in my panties lol

Feel thestuess
The sticky self-love goo

The intensity makes you want to pee

Lol ..sticky self love goo...dig it..

Then you're face old grandmother who runs in and starts slapping around the room with a baseball bat

And i was just rollin here with the funniest vusual....oh lawd...

Thank you so much...awesome...

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