Poetry competition CLOSED 26th November 2015 1:45am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora


break from rhyme and form

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

Poetry Contest

write a narrative or dialogue about something you either know a lot or nothing about. if nothing make it up. try and make it sound plausible. if you know something we dont,  tell us...try to make yourself sound smart....
here is an example from a short story "push"

 “Right, right, gravity.” he mumbled and gulped freely. “ You need questions John. You can't have answers without questions. Like why does gravity effect everything? Well, it effects everything because everything must have something in common that gravity effects. What does everything have in common, including light? Well, light is only energy so its pretty obvious the thing everything has in common is energy. So gravity is an energy that influences energy. All mass contains energy, so gravity works on all mass even the tiniest like light.” He questioned, answered and hypothesized rhetorically, like he was several people, for what seemed like a long time but I wasn't bored.
    I was actually a little worried, Bill had been making more sense and for much longer than I had thought possible with such a contrary view of such an accepted theory. He went on as we drank and had convincing arguments for how it worked like it did. He thinks we're like balls of screen in an omnidirectional, viscous fluid of energy and that the flow patterns can be explained by the fact that gravity has no effect on itself and can move freely past itself, eliminating high or low pressure zones cased by anything but the objects in the fluid themselves and that this would cause things to group together and to explain orbital tendencies in a direct relationship to their densities, or as he put it “It's all about the size of the holes in your screen John.” .

poet Anonymous

.battered Seasons. (based on a true account)

Summer began with your fist in my face.  And then you blinked.  And I blinked.  And our past flashed before our eyes.  The yelling, the swearing, the hitting tangled with the loving, the dancing, the laughing.  All fond memories crushed as weak stones within your grasp.  And molded into your rage all because I wanted the good of you from the bad of you.  Remember when we went to church in the fall and the holy water burned at your forehead because you were a bad man?  Remember the counselor we visited in winter and you laughed at her insignificance because she thought you a bad man?  Remember our friends and family in spring when we asked if they could draw pictures of you only to have those pictures presented as blank canvases because they felt you were not worth the paint because they thought you a bad man?  Yet, all along, I thought you a good man.  How was that possible?  What was it that they saw that I didn’t see?  It wasn’t until I looked in the mirror and caught reflections of you beating me had I then packed my things only to have left those things to walk out of my life with nothing but unclothed bruises.  I figured if I could heal elsewhere I could rebuild our life.  But it was too late.  Summer ended with death in her face.

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

Author Extraordinaire

    The last three chapters. I'm stuck. I don't know how to end my 33 chapter novel. About time travel. My editor wants it in a month. The first 30 chapters were a breeze. Like air through a whistle. The plot, the characters, the setting. All ingredients baking. But the ending. Agonizing over this unthinkable, unimaginable ending. I think I need to fuck. To let the sperm out in some woman, who is not a whore. Who is not a prostitute. Mouth. I need her to swallow my cum.
    I could jerk off. In the sink. But I need to feel the warmth of a reluctant vagina. I need to be denied access. And I need to bust a hot thick. Load. In her mouth. And pinch her nose. Forcing her to swallow. I need this. To clear my writer's block.
    Sorority girls would excercise. Yoga in the park. And they had bodies. Built for interracial cock. Yes. It has to be interracial. It has to be defiant. Reluctant. And afterwards. The pussy must be red and swollen from my cock. Thrashing. Crashing. Pounding her senseless. I don't love them. It's the mental reservation. That makes me hard. The fact that mentally it is not appropriate. But biologically. She can't help. The moist.
    Downward dog. I'm looking. She knows I'm looking. So she downward dogs innocently. I ask her to teach me. How to yoga. And she agreed. Because she wanted to be innocent.
"I have a boyfriend," she says.
"Where is he?"
"At work. Then he's got class. He's getting his Masters in Internet Technology and International business."
I get in her car. I don't drive. She drives a luxury BMW. I wear boots.
"What made you interested in yoga? You know you look exotic. What are you?" she asks.
"Yoga is a gift to humanity. I want to be blessed. And I'm not from here. I can't tell you
where I'm from."
She smiles. Her cheeks. Blush. She knows. She definitely knows.
We don't make it to her house. We park in a secluded parking lot. Covered by the shade of trees. Barren of people.
She gobbles my rock hard cock. She sucks like a trained experienced whore. But she's a sorority girl. From an affluent family. With an affluent boyfriend. Her life would know. No suffereing.
I pull out a condom. Her panties come off. Her ass is warm and round. It alone is enough for a man. But her pussy is beyond heaven. Pleasure on first contact. She says it's better without a condom. No condom. My cock is wrapped in her pussy chambers. Raw.
"I don't think this is a good idea. I might come," I warned her.
"Then I'll have an interracial baby. I've always wanted an interracial baby, but not with a black guy. With a different kind of guy. A guy like you."
"I don't want a baby. With nobody. I just want to fuck and go."
"Fine. Then just pull out."
She bounces on my cock. Her blonde hair blanketing my shoulders. Her nipple in my mouth. Sucking the skin off it. I am. She moans. It's an oven in the car. She won't let the window down. My dick hurts. We've been fucking too long. My dick hurts. I'm not circumsized. My tip is bigger than my foreskin. Her pussy is too tight. Her boyfriend is busy and not penetrating.
My dick is covered in pussy frosting.
"You like white pussy?" she pants and farts.
She laughs. Her belly hurts. But she grins and bear it.
"Fuck. I wanna have your baby. I came twice already. Look at that." She stares at the cream coming from her pussy. The cream that covers my cock.
"It's hot in here," I said. "Let the window down. Let the sunroof slide."
She turned the key. Pushed the window button. The driver side window slid a sliver. And I came in her pussy. I came in her pussy. Hard. She felt it and sat still on my cock.
"Oh my God, Yes," she exclaimed. "All that exotic cum in my belly. Damn, you got a lot of cum."
She got off my cock. She held the sperm in with her hand. Her pussy was shaking and quivering. She couldn't stop smiling.
"My boyfriend is not going to like this. I'll just pass it off as his baby," she connived.
My dick was still hard. Sticky with her pussy syrup. I grabbed her slut panties and wiped that shit off.
"Hey Asshole. I got tissues for that. I was going to put those on," she said.
"You can still put them on. Just put tissues on them first. Like a maxi pad."
She smiled at me. And did exactly as I suggested. Nasty slut bitch.
"Can you drop me off at the coffee shop on 5th street?" I asked.
"Okay. Shit, that was some really good sex. I liked that. My boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck like that. He's got no rhythm and no holding power. You stayed hard. And you come like a fire hose."
"I didn't mean to come in your pussy. You were on top. I had no way out. You're really aggressive."
"You wanna fuck again? How 'bout Sunday. After Church, me and my boyfriend go eat at this family restaurant with his parents. I change. Then I go running alone at City Point Park.
I won't be wearing panties."
"No. I'm busy."
"Busy doing what?"
"Finishing my novel."
She looks at me. Inconceivably. In awe. In a reluctant resentment overshadowed by indignation.
"I'm having your baby. What the fuck?! Why won't you fuck me again?"
"Bitch. I don't give a fuck."


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

The Handy Dandy Perfect Man

Hello! Thanks for coming ladies, cmon! Let's go make a perfect man!

To make your own perfect man ladies, you will need the finger nails of a nice guy.
And the pubic hairs of a bad boy..

The finger nails the nice guy dug into you, not letting go, when you wanted other men.
He held tight when alll you cared about were the things that made you, you, you, happy in life
He was there for you when you were screwing the bad boys lights out,
And crying over him. To the nice guy.
He was the one who picked you up after you had the root canal and took you to the bad boys house,
Because even though you should have been recovering, you were suspicious he was fucking someone else, and he never came home!
Didn't hear from him until the next day!
And when you were upset because he just hadn't called for days he made you feel crazy and obsessed!
And the nice guy let you cry on his shoulder.
Yes, he hung on tight with those nails and never let you go.

Grind them into a fine white powder ladies! With the Handy Dandy grinder you purchased with the ticket to this show!
Give your selves a round of applause Ladies!!!

(Round of applause.)

Now take out the pubic hairs of the bad boys!
We love those pubes don't we ladies!  
He left those in your bed,
And the bed of your best girlfriend remember ladies? Yes!
Remember her? No! Because you haven't talked to her since he got her sloppy drunk and screwed her in a Taco Bell parking lot!
And when you called and asked, he made you feel crazy for being suspicious!
But we forgave him because he cried, and we have never seen him be emotionally vulnerable before,
So that tug at our heart strings!
Remember how awesome it was to have him need you?!
And those pretty crocodile tears got his tight, cute little ass out of trouble!
And we loved his big huge cock!
We love that tight ass don't we ladies!
Let's give that tight little round adorable ass a big huge cock an enormous round of applause!!

(Round of applause.)

Now ladies, let's grind up the pubes with the Handy Dandy!
Just toss them in with the finger nails,
Yes! Good ladies!

And 1, 2, 3!!!!
(GRRRR!! Of the Handy Dandy.)
Isn't it lovely?
Like salt and pepper!!!

Now ladies, take the Salt and Pepper mix in the palm of your hand...
That's it! Ready....
Make a wish Ladies!!!

Thought Provoker
South Africa
Joined 24th Sep 2015
Forum Posts: 449

Just so you guys know I will be using a proper script format it's just how I work


Fade in:
Two men aged 80 are sitting on a bench in the Park sitting behind a Yoga Class. Walter and Manfred both look each other and then at the Yoga Class.

                                                         I love the view you got us(grinning) and here I thought the Park was a dull place
                                                         The park is filled with many great view if you know where to look...Here it comes
                                                                                                              Look now.

The whole Yoga class leans over forward trying to reach their toes
                                                                                                    Yes that's it girls...stretch

                                                                             I wonder what they call this move...The doggie or some shit
                                                                                              I call it heaven especially that pale one

                                                                              Ja, old friend you never liked the exotic ones. You always
                                                                               chose vanilla...You see that chocolate one in the middle
                                                                                                       My favourite flavor

Walter and Manfred look at each other and start laughing. One of the women eye both men suspiciously. Walter takes out a bag of bird seed and starts throwing it on the ground.

                                                                                  It looks like one of views has caught us...Pity real pity
Both men reluctantly leave the park.
Fade out:  

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Blood on the Moon

The last time I had seen a lunar eclipse I was a young girl standing in the middle of a tree-lined street with head tilted back as if to catch stardust in my hair, and arms outstretched to embrace the mother moon I had never seen in this way before. I didn't know that the blood on the moon was from sun rays passing through the earth's atmospheric veil, and I danced in the street that night in total awe of its red hue.  
Now, here I was years later and grown, supine across the hood of his car, shimmering and naked on a beach towel while the vehicle's host, sublime in his tuxedo, stood near, bemused and more interested in watching me than the night sky's celestial event. Resting against the windshield, I peered through his binoculars, saying my words to the image I spied through the lenses instead of directly at him:  
"Ancient civilizations used to think that the moon was being swallowed whole. They'd beat drums and blow whistles to drive off the beast that would devour their goddess."  
Nursing a glass of flat champagne, he approached the side of the car, admiring my form. "Yes, imagine. They took it as a sign of war and famine, and the end of their world."  
I kept my eyes trained and replied, "What was terrifying to them is for us a moment of suspended beauty, a reminder of how we are travelers in space."  
As a child I loved to lie on midsummer grass, my eyes on the wisps of clouds that passed overhead. I felt the earth rotate underneath the grass and the soil it grew from.  Lowering the binoculars and turning towards him:  
"I don't want to be in a box in the dark in the ground. Carry me on the updrafts to the clouds that rain down. Let a tree drink of me. I'll go to the tips of its branches, I'll turn sunlight into green leaves that reach for the clouds that I used to watch when I'd feel the earth turn beneath me."  
He indulged me while I reminisced and then took my hand to guide me back into the car while all around was bathed in blood as the lunar goddess was consumed.

Always, my love of astronomy since before I even had the ability to read about it.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Strangers on a Train

“How far are you going?”
“Oh, all the way!”
“All the way to where?”
“All the way to where I am going!”
“What a coincidence, so am I.”
“You can’t be, you don’t live with me.”
“No, but I am going all the way.”
“When you think about it we are all going all the way.”
“No, I have noticed some people getting off before me.”
“Weren’t they going all the way for them?”
“Well maybe but just not for me.”
“I am going to the end of the line.”
“Well so am I, but which end?”
“Well if I left at the beginning there can be but one end.”
“But how do you know you started at the beginning.”
“Because that’s where I got on.”
“But there could have been a stop before you got on.”
“No, I had to get on where I did it’s where I work.”
“Ok but you say you are going to the end of the line.”
“But I am going to the end of the line.”
“How do you know? There could be a stop after you get off
“But how would I know if I’ve already got off?”
“But what would happen if you didn’t get off?”
“I’d be late for dinner”
“Is that all?”
“Well my wife would fall out with me
We’d fight and argue we might even split up
Get divorced, have a battle over the children
Lose that custody battle, become an alcoholic
Lose my job, my season ticket for the train would be worthless,
I would get depressed, I might get suicidal, I might kill myself”
And all because I got off at the wrong stop.”
“But then you’d certainly be at the end of the line.”
“Well no, that depends.”
“But you’d be dead.”
“Yes but there’ the afterlife to consider.”

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