Poetry competition CLOSED 4th November 2015 5:47am
toniscales (Lost Girl)
View Profile Poems by toniscales

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.Sex Poems.

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

Chance Meeting ! extreme content !

It was her first time in this city  
There were things which were a must for her to do  
Today it was the Erotic Museum  
She had a penchant for things blue  
Not many people visiting there today  
She enjoyed this more, it gave her time  
To fully appreciate what was on display  
She could linger so words for erotic poems  
Could bubble up from inside her  
The sketches by John Lennon intrigued her  
She hadn't realised he was adept with a pencil...hmmm  
But what took her eye was a sketch of a woman reclining  
Her valley of lust staring out at her  
It was circa 1970, proudly wearing pubic hair  
She stood there smiling remembering the first time  
her partner shaved her saying 'he didn't like to eat hair'  
She smiled broadly catching  her reflection in the glass  
As if from nowhere a presence appeared beside her  
She glanced, smiled, as he furtively checked her out  
Then commented to her 'he didn't like to eat hair'  
She laughed uproariously, it broke the ice  
They finished viewing the museum together  
Walked the Red Light District, found a cafe, ordered drinks  
They had in common a love of erotica, poetry, exploring sex  
Knowing this chance meeting could not be wasted  
They found a room in a hotel nearby  
She stripped him of his clothes, she liked what she saw  
His cock was perfect, not too big, not too small, just right for her  
She apologised to him for what was about to happen  
Told him she felt she had to ravage him  
Said she'd not be letting him go  
Till she was spent and wanton in his arms  
He just grinned, said 'your wish is my command'  
He removed her clothes, caressed her breasts, her smooth mount venus  
His hand slid down, parted her vertical lips, found her vagina  
Her honey juices were dripping  
He dipped, then licked his finger...hmmmm  
She wanted to push him onto the bed to jump him  
Decided instead to count to ten, to see what his next move would be  
He surprised her, he devoured her on the floor  
She'd never been eaten like that as his fingers explored  
He held her tight while she regained some composure  
She fulfilled her promise with delight...ravaging him  
Sucking his nipples, caressing his body, moving down to his beautiful cock  
He came in each of her orifices  
A perfect sexual union had been formed  
Both wanted to explore each other more  
Spoke of their fantasies,  
Discussing how this could be done coming from different countries  
No time to waste they continued on
Experiencing heaven on earth for many hours more


Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

Dalliance.... ! extreme content !

Part One...
The tip of your cock hovers over my open mouth
I must try NOT to show delight in what I am doing  
You gave me fair warning  
I need to play the part
If I'm to be allowed to continue
Even a dalliance with you
You desire pretence, absolute pretence  
I'm to make you believe I enjoy nothing of what you force me to do
The slightest straying from this demand of yours
Will see me banned from your shores
This I could not live with, it would break my heart
I've desired someone like you for the biggest part of
My life would be over as far as I'm concerned
If I could not have you with me even on these terms

Katelyn Michelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2012
Forum Posts: 43

A Mere Flashback

Although what we took part in
Was never premeditated or planned
I could not ask for a better experience
Or a better person to share it with
You slipped your hands gently
Up my shirt, exposed my breasts
Your tongue assured me it was alright
As you unbuttoned my jeans
A hand sliding over my panties
Increasing the intense throb
Of passion from my sweet spot
You quieted me with your lips
Your untrained fingers played
As I coached you from the sidelines
The tidal wave kept swelling
Until we reached the crest
We crashed along the shoreline
I was quivering and blushed
You gently coaxed me to turn over
And my eagerness was hard to hide
Hot breath on my neck
Hands pinning my wrists down
Growing stiffness at my rear
Eyes closed, I gave in
We rocked together in unison
And through the white-hot sting
I heard your groans of climax
And I smiled to myself
I swallowed your bitter sap
Just like you had instructed
You brushed my hair from my eyes
With your soaked fingers
Secretions clung to us like static
While the lust hung like fog in the air
Heavy breathing was our soundtrack
And irrational love was all that remained

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Please Hurt Me I Like It

What rhymes with PLEASE
I am not the one to tease
As I go into my striptease
I’m the queen of all things sleaze
Take my breasts and roughly squeeze
Fuck me when I’m on my knees

What rhymes with HURT
With foreplay please be curt
When your ripping of my skirt
Talk to me like I am dirt
Jam your cock, a forced insert
Spank my ass before you spurt

What rhymes with ME
Hurt me, hurt me is my plea
Slap me harder and with glee
Take me on a violent spree
Golden shower, I’ll drink your pee

What rhymes with I
Wrists and ankles you can tie
You can even black my eye
Don’t wait for moist just fuck me dry
Strangulation gets me high
Choke me till I almost die

What rhymes with LIKE
Ride roughly like a bike
There is nothing I dislike
Punch or slap, kick or strike
Fuck me with a metal spike
I’m anything but ladylike

What rhymes with IT?
bite me harder on the tit
on your cock I’ll gladly spit
Ride me hard and never quit
Treat me like a piece of shit

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Getting Fucked
It will be $50.00 for half an hour
There will be no kissing
There will be no licking
There will be no fingering
I don’t do oral
I don’t do anal
I don’t do pain
I don’t do strangulation
I don’t do role play
I don’t do S & M
These are the rules
If you break the rules
I’ll break your fuckin jaw

Nervously I took off my jacket
“Money first, mister man”
“Put it in the jar on the table”
I put my $50 bill in the jar
“what? – No tip”
I put in another $20
She sat on the edge of the bed
Dressed in a purple and black lace basque
Long, long legs clad in fishnets
Large tits, heavy in the cleavage
Make up a little heavy for my liking
But still very pretty, for a whore
I was very aroused as I removed
The rest of my clothes, even my socks
She turned and looked at me unconcerned
No smile, no wink, just nothing

She put on a pair of latex gloves
And beckoned me to come over
“Dick check” she said like a sergeant major
She handled me roughly and quickly
Checked my getting harder erection
“No nicks, no cuts, no blemishes”
“Ok” she said – let’s do it
She lay back on the bed
I climbed on next to her
I put my hand on her breast
Feeling the stain and lace
She sighed a boredom sigh
“Are you gonna fuck me or what?”
“You can do it lying beside me”
I rolled over and kneeled up in front
Of her at her nylon clad feet
“Can I suck your toes” I asked
“No you fuckin can’t” she retorted
I moved in closer

I gently massaged both of her silky thighs
In slow motion her legs parted
“Condom on mister man”
I did as instructed without fumbling
I kneeled closer my cock hovering close
She looked up ate me expressionless
“Tits – out or in?”
“Out” I replied without thinking
She took them out over her basque
I squeezed and rubbed them both
I lowered my head towards them
My erection resting on her crotch
“I just want to suck your tits”
“No! – don’t even think about it”
She glared at me, I knelt back up
She laid back and looked at me
It was a look of indifference
“Come on, get on with it” she hissed

I pushed my hard cock into her hole
I pushed it in then took it out several times
She turned her head to the side
Despite my desire, she looked away
I fucked her hard and fast
I fucked her harder and faster
I felt the burn in my thighs and balls
I fucked her harder than I had fucked before
She continued looking away, motionless
Expressionless, the only movement she made
Was the movement I caused her to make
No writhing, no pushing no gyration
I came like thunder, and roared
My orgasm like the king of the jungle
And fell on top of her exhausted
She reached over to the bedside cabinet
Then handed me a baby wipe
She wiped her pussy and thighs
With her own baby wipe

I stood at the foot of the bed
I looked at her obvious beauty
I wanted to say something meaningful
I wanted her to say something caring
I started to stutter, but no words came out
She looked at me “Times up”
“Close the door on your way out”
I got quickly and nervously dressed
Tripping over my own clumsy feet
I walked down the street with pride
Sat in the café with a tall latte
And thought about my encounter
I ended up with an imponderable question
I couldn’t work out,
$70 poorer,
Who really fucked who?

poet Anonymous

Begins with a Kiss

Mouth to mouth
Face to face
No more walls
as we embrace

Skin to skin
Saliva we share
Tongue to tongue
breathe same air

Lips to lips
Nose to nose
Energy hot
Eyes are closed

Hands to ears
Passions erupt
Now my thoughts
turn corrupt

A kiss now here
could go down there
A hand explores
No underwear

In one fell swoop
Now she can see
I kiss swollen lips
on bended knee

Vibrations tingle
from a moan
Creating swelling
in my bone

Hearts are beating
loud like a drum
Both together
as if one

As I raise up
made him exposed
entering her
I stay composed

Regain our kiss
and now with rhythm
Begin our dance
with skilled precision

Our breath is loud
nostrils flared
Eyes are open
orgasm shared

The satisfaction
from all this
All ignited
with just one Kiss

poet Anonymous

This was a very tough competition for me to judge as everyone who entered had a great sex couplet to tell, and I Thank You greatly for entering them. . .But as with every competition [with the exception of collabs] there can only be one Trophy given. . .so. . .

. . .Miss toniscales. . .this TROHPY is for you. . .for your poem(s), "Hero" and "the Book of Jasmine". . .cherish those two poems, Lady, as they were very erotic, sexual and sensual; just a few ingredients that makes sex so goddamn beautiful!

~ Devlin.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Toni ... You have wonderfully haunting tales, but your writes of passion are just as exquisite ... Salud

DevlinDLC ... as with your last competition - I just had fun reading this thread.

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Thanks a lot for hosting this really hot competition, Devlin!
Toniscales, wonderful erotic and inciting poems! Loved them! Congrats!

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 14th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 71

Congratulations Toniscales, you rock!
Thank you Ms. Devlin for hosting a fun comp
and inspiring me to write something new.

Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 11th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 29

what rhymes with fuck?

you forgot of fuck
don't worry your cock I'll suck
never mind the semen, I love muck
when you are inside me 'tis your luck
I have had worse penises than a buck
Have you ever fucked a duck
Now open your zippers for  smooching tuck

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435

Thank you so very much, Devlin - this was definitely a gift that lifted my spirits and I truly didn't expect it. Thank you guys so much for your praise and support - LSP, Miss Chi, and lovely Lena, you are so encouraging. Everyone who entered had stunning, scintillating work. I wish everybody a really good weekend and thank you once again.

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